June 19, 2024 at 06:12PM

I have 2 Workshop Opportunities planned for this summer. One with @textilecentermn next weekend & Another with @loopoftheloom on August 3rd and 4th (Saturday & Sunday). The one in MN is sold out at this point. However, I will be available to greet & show some samples from 12pm to 1 pm on Friday & Saturday (July 28th and 29th), while the participants are taking Lunch Break. This is my first time visiting the Midwest as a Sashiko Artisan – I am looking forward to it!

The workshop in Brooklyn Dumbo is either [Core & Essence (C/E)] 1-Day Class or 2 Days weekend Class. I believe there are several spots left. Please be advised that the 2nd day [Application & Practice (A/P)] has a prerequisite of [C/E].

Some people misunderstand that [A/P] is an advanced version of my workshop. It isn’t really so. A good analogy would be: [C/E] is an experience to learn how to ride a bicycle which you haven’t tried before. [A/P] is me taking them to the Bike Park to enjoy more attractions. Without [C/E], the fun part of [A/P] may be lost completely – so no matter how many years of experience they have, I ask them to take [C/E]. [C/E] is available as my Online Sashiko Class, which I will personally meet you on Zoom to check your learning. So if you want to take [A/P], but not available for [C/E], please consider Online Class (which I have many positive reviews of). Please note that Domestika Course isn’t equivalent to [C/E].

Thursday is Sashiko Streaming Day! I am happy to elaborate what I teach in my Classes. I will keep sharing the stories based on what I share here while showing no-edit & no-hiding stitching of me. Hope to see you there tomorrow.



#Sashiko #刺し子


June 15, 2024 at 10:26AM

Well. Such a Joyful 1st half of June. Although I would add more stitching & fabric, and then clean out the basting threads, to call it “completed”, I would need to reorganize my priority for the 2nd half of June. I mean I gotta do something for Income as I am self-employed after all.

I wouldn’t consider these Sashiko (yet), but it is fine if you do so. In fact, these types of “patchworking” are now considered Sashiko in English. All I ask is the acknowledgement that there are some Japanese Artisans who consider this non-Sashiko practice, and there are stories behind their saying.

Putting Cultural Perspective aside, I enjoy this type of Mending. For now, I gotta stop doing so for other works I do for actual “economic sustainability”, and material reasons that Denims I received as donations are all stitched. Then, one asked if I were to do so as a commission saying it would clear 2 reasons I gotta stop doing so: more plain denim to stitch with economic sustainability.

I can, of course, consider a Commission Work – but I want to do this to someone I care/like. Money is important, but I wouldn’t do so for someone who just asks “How much?”. If I were to offer, would you wear these types of Denim? Would you even pay for it? (Please be reminded that my first hope is for you to learn the Sashiko we practice by taking my class, and do it by yourself for yourself).




#Sashiko #刺し子


June 14, 2024 at 10:36AM

I was rewatching last night’s Sashiko Live, and I realized I made some misleading statements while answering the reply. Here is a clarification. I do NOT consider all teaching Sashiko in English to be “nefarious (which is the new word to me)”. In fact, I have been encouraging many English speakers to teach Sashiko if they wish. To share the further clarification, please remember the “2 types of teaching” I often specify.

One type of teaching is like “being a navigator”, like a school teacher who is knowledgeable about many things & who introduces opportunities to students. When one teaches Sashiko in this style, my intention here is to encourage & support. Therefore, I share so much content. The Second type of teaching is “being an expert”, like a professor in College with publications. This teaching comes with great responsibility. They need specific skills to pursue the topic. If a math prof says he cannot do Calculus, then no one will consider them as a teacher.

The “teaching” I find problematic is, of course, the 2nd one. The difference? The Navigator will introduce “other resources” to learn more as they specify themselves that they are only teaching a part of it. The Expert will say that what they teach is “The Answer”, and more marketing suitability, “This Teaching is all you need to learn”.

There are quite many “innocent (unknown)” who do not categorize themselves as either (1) Navigator or (2) Expert. They “can” be the issue as they will follow the answer innocently, whether it is true or not. My voice is for them in-between. It is okay to teach Sashiko in English – but specify what is their “role” in this. When they false-advertise their teaching to increase their profit, then it is a big problem… isn’t it?

You may consider me (2), yet my approach is still (1) as I don’t consider myself as “the expert”, yet someone who just learned Sashiko last year became the expert teaching “One Stop for All”. Sashiko is more than just technique & cannot be summarized to “One Stop”.


#Sashiko #刺し子


June 12, 2024 at 07:43PM

I am glad that the previous analogy of Tourism (being a Guest) clarifies my message well. Being a Guest doesn’t question one’s ability. It is just a “status” of one’s commitment. I really want you to enjoy Sashiko – and the most delicious part of Sashiko is missing now in English.

You may wonder, though. Are there really “Visitors (Guests)” who pretend they are “Local (Hosts)”? Is it that easy to maneuver someone to one specific direction? Unfortunately, in this context, anyone with English proficiency can do so. That’s how I define English as Power, or even Privilege.

In Sashiko (and many other Local & small categories of crafting), there are NOT many Experienced Artisans or Experts who are proficient in English. There are many Japanese who are proficient in English, yet the Sashiko Artisan who learn English after them being experienced in Sashiko is extremely rare. As a result, among many “Locals” who may guide Visitors well, there are no actual guides who can speak the local language enough to fully communicate the culture. For that, I may be the first one doing so in Sashiko (although I do not think I am qualified to be a guide), and therefore I feel somewhat responsible for addressing the issues. I feel quite alone in Sashiko & English, but I know I am NOT alone in the similar issues.

Once again, if you consider yourself a guest in Sashiko, Enjoy! Free your creativity, and all I ask is the acknowledgement of the Local. I am sure not everyone is happy with this analogy. I will be available for discussions on Live. There is nothing I need to hide unlike other “Pretending Guides” blocking this account. Everyone is welcome to the Live – all I want is to address the issues & protect “our Local” from Shady who takes advantage of the language imbalance.


#Sashiko #刺し子


Sashiko In-Person Workshop Schedule 2025 R

Sashiko In-Person Workshop Schedule 2025

We really appreciate your willingness to learn Sashiko from/with us. It is our sincere pleasure to continue offering In-Person Workshop in 2025 as well. Please find the detail information about Sashiko In-Person Workshop Schedule 2025.

This blog post smmarize the schedule of Atsushi offering the Sashiko Workshop in 2025. We continue restricting the numbers of workshops we offer throughout the year to make sure that we can offer sufficient – in fact, more than sufficient – experience to the participant. Depends on the location & time, the workshop gets filled pretty quickly. In most cases, unfortuately, I will not be able to control the participants list once the workshop is filled. If you find an opening, please consider to register it at your earliest convenience.

If you have any questions about the registration & admin process, please contact to the organization & studio hosting me so that you will have good image on what you can expect

*For those who wish to learn “TODAY” rather than waiting for the In-Person Workshop, please consider taking the Sashiko Online Class (2024~2025). I am receiving many positive reviews that this Online Class can offer the same outcome of learning What Sashiko really is. Some prefer Online Class as they could proceed their learning with their own speed. I will be always over the screen to support your learning of Sashiko

*Please check this article for the Sashiko Workshop in 2024. Thank you!

Sashiko In-Person Workshop Schedule 2025

(Last Update: June 1st, 2024)

To share the Sashiko we have been practicing.

QuiltCon 2025 (Phoenix, AZ) – Feb 20th & 21th, 2025

It is another pleasure to be a faculty in QuiltCon again. This year, I will be offering Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence], a short Version titled [Apply Hitomezashi to your Ordinary] (In-Person Version similar to Domestika Course), and a Lecture about [Why we stitch (Sashiko)].

Please check the detail below for the possible participation to Quitcon 2025 & Sashiko Workshops & lecture. (Waiting for Registration Opens).

Aya Fiber Studio (Stuart, FL) – March 7th to 9th, 2025

3-Days In-Person Workshop has become my Standard & Best Style of Teaching the Sashiko we practice, starting with [Core & Essence] and following [Application & Practice]. This 3-Days Workshop will offer fun, educational, and intensive 18 ~ 21 hours of stitching together. Plan your time in beautiful beach in FL with Sashiko.

Sashiko introduced in English often focused on “Outcomes” too much without acknowledging the Japanese mindset behind Sashiko Practice. In order to fully appreciate the culture, one needs to learn the “new muscle memory” that is quite unique to many western style stitchers. This 3 Days workshop will keep encouraging you to learn something new from both technical & mindset perspective. With receiving many positive feedbacks, we are confident that this will be an eye opening experience for you.

Madeline Island School of the Arts (La Pointe, WI) – July 2025

This is my first time to offer 5-Days Workshop. In a beautiful Campus of MISA with an appreciation to the Spiritual feeling, we will invite you to fully enjoy Sashiko. I decided to call it Sashiko Retreat.

It is quite interesting to see Sashiko being famous as a word to express “Visible Mending”. It is true that Mending is a big part of Sashiko – however, they stitched to make fabric stronger so that they can avoid the mending until the last moment. For that, Sashiko is a word for “Invisible Mending”, yet “stitching/mending” itself can heal us regardless of the result.

Sashiko is NOT similar to Zen at all, although Stitching can bring us Zen-like outcome. While explaining the difference between Zen and Sashiko, I would like to offer the realization of outside of Dualism & Western Value System.

*The contents are very similar to In-Person 3 Days Workshop, starting with [Core & Essence] and following to [Application & Practice]. You are always welcome to join even after the In-Person 3 Days Workshop & a few participants have participated the workshop as a repeater & found themselves in learning more. Please be reminded, though, that the 5-Days Workshop is composed based on [Core & Essence] and [Application & Practice].

No Workshops near your place? Invite Atsushi to Your Place

Please consider bringing Atsushi to your Group (or even to you as a private course) if you do not find a ideal location & time for you to join Sashiko In-Person Workshop Schedule 2025. Depends on the size of your group & location, this may be the best arrangement for you. Please take a look at the article below & contact Atsushi for the availability.

In most cases, when you have me for an individual group, it will be a Day workshop. I will do my best to make the day memorable & something special. Sashiko is a stitching in Ordinary, but I am confident that I can make the day extraordinary with sharing our ordinary.

Are you an organizer for a Studio/Museum?

If you are an organizer wishing to offer Sashiko Workshop with Atsushi to add Sashiko Workshops to your program, please check the “Pricing Benchmark” PDF from the link Above.

In last 7 years of experience, we have never experienced the case of “Cancellation” due to the lower numbers of participations (below the minimum enrollment). In fact, the workshop will sell out pretty quickly especially when it is the first time for the organizer to have me.

In the “New Normal” after the pandemic, many things move to “Online”. In this trend, I have strong respect for those who maintain the physical locations as Studios and Museum to offer In-Person workshops. It is my intention to contribute to your place with the best Workshop Experience.

Sashiko Online Class (24~25)

Sashiko Online Class is available for those who would like to start learning Sashiko “Right Now” from your own house/room. After offering Sashiko Workshops over the Internet for a while during the Covid-19, I am confident that I can deliver the same message & learning experience via Sashiko Online Class. I “restock” Sashiko Online Class each month, based on the numbers of participants who signed up for the specific period. If you find it available, there is no need to fulfill the waiting list.

I am looking forward to meeting you online!

More to Come for Sashiko In-Person Workshop Schedule 2026

I hope that I can keep offering the workshop in the year of 2026. For the latest information, Please follow Instagram, Business for @UpcycleStitches and Sashiko Stories for @SashikoStory for the latest update!

June 11, 2024 at 08:32PM

As much as I share my concerns about “Sashiko introduced in English”, I Never say (and feel) it is painful to see people enjoying Sashiko. I really do want them, and of course you, to enjoy it. What is the difference between those whom I encourage to enjoy Sashiko & whom I identify as issues? An analogy of “Tourism” may explain it better.

I consider anyone joining Sashiko recently as a “guest” of this practice. No need to be fluent in Japanese. No pressure to understand Japanese culture. The goal is for them to have a good time with Sashiko. One day, if they decide to “be localized”, then they would be able to speak basic Japanese as it is required along with experience of “Living” there. So, everyone is a “guest” first – then, some serious commitment is required to be “a part of” it.

Now, in Sashiko (and many other cultural practices), many people become experts without spending a good amount of time. Extreme analogy, it is like me visiting “your country” for a week, and at the end of the week I start saying that I am a professional tour guide to those who come from Japan. This “instant” tour guide can “guide” other guests & change their understanding of your country.

I believe the importance of drawing a clear line between “guest (visitor)” and “host (local)”. There are so many visitors defining what Sashiko is based on what other visitors have a biased opinion. In this analogy, wouldn’t you find the line between “Fun” and “Issue”?




#Sashiko #刺し子


June 09, 2024 at 08:14PM

I enjoyed this project. It is one stop of “completion”, but another starting station of bringing it to our ordinary (using & mending). Would I keep doing the same on the other leg of this denim? Or… one leg is just enough?

I wouldn’t consider this Sashiko. At the same time, it is okay to see someone defining this project Sashiko when they acknowledge the Stories why I do not consider this Sashiko or Boro. It “can” be Sashiko or Boro, but at this point, it is just a fun project without names.

In 2024, I see a kind of “maturity” of Sashiko’s Popularity. Unfortunately, Sashiko introduced in English is simplified too much, and missing the most important part of its practice, yet too romanticized ignoring the culture (people & stories) behind. I offer a Live Streaming where I talk about Sashiko while stitching – please listen to what I need to say. Otherwise, something very important in Sashiko will be completely lost – as some non-Japanese Sashiko “masters” are intentionally erasing the cultural elements. Your willingness to acknowledge Sashiko is the only way to preserve (or even “revive”) Sashiko in English.




#Sashiko #刺し子 #SashikoDenim


June 05, 2024 at 05:35PM

You may like this project I just started more than our usual Sashiko. Probably surprising to some of you, who recently encountered Sashiko, I wouldn’t consider this Sashiko much. I don’t mind someone calling this type of denim “Sashiko” when they try to acknowledge Stories behind Sashiko… but, I wouldn’t call it. It isn’t definitely Sashiko that I grew up with. What would I call this then? Umm… do we need a name for every single practice we do?

The denim itself doesn’t need mending. In this denim, the focus is on the fabric scraps. It is a beautiful way to appreciate the beautiful fabrics, and I enjoy the stitching very much. Some may call it Boro. Others may think it is Sashiko. Their sayings aren’t wrong, but missing the voice of actual Artisans who have been stitching. The byproduct of “being in trend”, and we gotta be careful with “who” is leading the trend. As for Sashiko, Japanese Sashiko Artisans who actually stitch aren’t the ones who is creating the trend.

When you want to learn the true figure of Sashiko, the Live Streaming I offer on Thursday night (8 pm EST) is a good place to ask questions. Sashiko introduced in English (mainly by non-Japanese) isn’t wrong, but very much simplified & romanticized. I am willing to spend all of my life to share the “buried aspect (intentionally ignored side)” of Sashiko.




#Sashiko #刺し子


June 04, 2024 at 04:09PM

Sashiko was born out of choices. Some of course enjoyed Sashiko, and the others had to do Sashiko regardless. It is disrespectful to rewrite Sashiko based on the value we have, as the one who lives today with so many choices that they wished to have. Unfortunately, the Sashiko introduced in English is focusing on “how it looks” too much and ignoring the Story. As some ignorance may come from “Not-Knowing”, I am here to share the story. As other ignorance seems to be intentional based on their profit & convenience, I am here to speak up.

I was born in Japan as a Japanese person – so my life has been full of “Choices”. To experience how they would feel out of choices in stitching, I decided to stop purchasing new clothes in 2016. Ever since, I stitch (mainly first to strengthen the fabric), and then keep mending. The fabric can last long. It won’t last long for a lifetime, or even generations, but my issue is staying fit rather than having tattered clothes. That is the wisdom we appreciate now. How it looks is important as an artistic & creative activity. I enjoy it, too. However, please keep learning & listening to the stories to respect the original practice (upstream).

Well… you, who are here reading this, are those already listening & keep learning. I appreciate your interest & willingness. My challenge is to deliver the message to those who do not want to listen to it (because it may change their comfortness more than they wish). So, I will keep repeating the same words so that it may be delivered to them at some point. Sashiko is NOT a word for mending like this. These before & after photos aren’t the core of our Sashiko (although I enjoy it). Please do not twist the fact.




#Sashiko #刺し子 #Mending #SashikoDenim


June 02, 2024 at 10:57PM

Mending Sunday. (Stitching) Speed isn’t really the priority for me. However, it is nice that it would take only 3~4 hours to enjoy minor mending for tomorrow’s denim. There are so many approaches to Mending & Sashiko… among those, with learning the “Form”, when I accept the possibility of a lousy result, I skip the process of basting. (Please do NOT skip basting. It is extremely important. If you skip, do it at your own risk, please).

As the word “Visible Mending” became a trend, I can see many celebrating the mending & showing how they mend it. It is a great trend to appreciate the fabric, but the whole purpose of mending exists in “Keep Using It”. The Japanese originally practiced Sashiko to make fabric stronger so that they can delay future mending. When they needed mending, what they thought of was how they could use it longer & how they can add/repeat mending when it is required again. Once we mend, it is the beginning of a never ending story of stitching. Therefore, I say, Sashiko is a way to add stories to your favorite items – which you would keep using.

I wouldn’t need this mending if my legs were a bit longer… I guess mending is more realistic than making my legs longer… so I will enjoy the future mending when it comes to the point again.



#Sashiko #刺し子