July 25, 2024 at 01:17PM

Another analogy of the pain/frustration I feel for the current trend of Sashiko. It may resonate with you. Or, I also understand that this may be a rare case. Therefore, I want to share the analogy for the possible imagination.

He was born in a family of the chief in a small village. He didn’t like the village life. Outdated, Lame, Boring… He found the ordinary there suck. As he grew, he tried to find something more than his ordinary. After decades of trying to be someone, he realized the beauty of the small village he was born in. Soon after he decided to “preserve” the ordinary in the village, some people found his village to be a good resort – the ordinary became someone’s vacation & entertainment (extraordinary). Capitalism brought many “attractions” to his village, and started building something “profitable” and “comfortable” for the potential guests over the outdated & old houses. The Resorts didn’t care for the cultures (houses & people) there much.

He doesn’t have the power to stop the “Resort”. So, his plan is to keep sharing the “Stories” for the guests who may be interested in the village on top of the Resort Experience. Unfortunately, some of the capitalists find him annoying (as he is “outdated”), and decide to ignore him & lead others to not to look at him. He sees his ordinary (village) being scraped and rebuilded – one by one – as he sees it everyday, while he still tries to preserve what he can (his house)… although the guests find his house an attraction sooner or later.

I am “He” in this extreme analogy. I feel something important for me (and for Japanese) are destroyed & rebuilt by someone who only cares for their profit & convenience. I am lucky that I have you who care to learn – but unfortunately, the repainting is an ongoing matter, and therefore, it is quite painful.

I talk about Sashiko in Live Streaming on Thursday night at 9 pm EST.


#Sashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


QuiltCon 2025 Sashiko Workshops & Lecture Blog Article Cover

QuiltCon 2025 Sashiko Workshops & Lecture Details

It is my sincere pleasure to re-join the QuiltCon 2025 as a Faculty. This page is for those who plan to attend QuiltCon 2025 Sashiko Workshops & Lecture, “Core & Essence”Apply Hitomezashi to our Ordinary” and “Aesthetics of Stitching from a Sashiko Artisan – Why Do We Stitch“. Please find the details below to see what you can expect in QuiltCon 2025 Sashiko Workshops & Lecture.

For those who have the registration confirmation, I will prepare the support page below.

*The Support Page will be available later when it gets close to QuiltCon

*If you do not have a registration confirmation to join the QuiltCon 2025 Sashiko Workshops & Lecture, please contact MQG for the possible waiting list. In the previous QuiltCon, there were a few last minutes cancellation, and there may be a chance for you to join this year. Also, I offer Online Sashiko Class as well as a few In-person Workshops (for 2024 & 2025). Please check each articles for the details. Thank you.

*I have a feeling that QuiltCon 2025 will be the last QuiltCon I teach Sashiko [Core & Essence]. This is my 5th year to teach the exact same workshop, and I find it quite rare to repeat the same contents. The Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence] is the fundamental of pretty much all of my teaching in Sashiko – like teaching how to use a specific Japanese knife & cutting board before sharing some recipe for Japanese cooking. It would be difficult to create another contents for those without completing the [Core & Essence]. I am happy to consider re-applying to QuiltCon 2026 when I have a list of interest. I respect the QuiltCon’s philosophy, goals and policy – and I understand that it isn’t the best match to keep offering something same repeatedly. If you couldn’t register yourself for QuiltCon 2025, and yet wish to take the [Core & Essence] in the future QuiltCon, please fill out the Google Form below so that I will consider the possibility. Thank you.

*The Support Page will be password protected after the QuiltCon, and I will send the Password for those who attended the workshop. The offer available on the Support Page are only available to those who sign up & purchased the Special Supply Package. Misuse of any offers are subject to the actual price adjustment. Thank you for your understanding!

QuiltCon 2025 Sashiko Workshops & Lecture

In QuiltCon 2025, I offer 2 kinds of Sashiko Workshops & Lecture. One Workshop is my signature workshop [Core & Essence] and Another Workshop is my new challenge [Sashiko: Apply Hitomezashi to our Ordinary], which doesn’t have any prerequisite to join. The Sashiko Lecture is about “Aesthetics of Stitching from a Sashiko Artisan – Why Do We Stitch.”. In this page, I explain what you can expect in each Workshop & Lecture, which includes information about preparation may be required.

QuiltCon 2025 Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence]

In our tradition, Sashiko is NOT about making perfect (or Inperfect) stitches. It is all about moving (trusting) a needle comfortably while communicating the fabric. Unfortunately, the current trend of Sashiko is missing one important aspect of Sashiko. In this “Core & Essence” workshop, I will teach you the core technique of our Sashiko so that you can start focusing on communication rather than judging each stitches you make.

It is extremely important to take this workshop before jumping in to any of other workshops we offer. There are a few Japanese terms that the participants need to memorize (not so many & no exams or whatsoever, but knowing them is important).

On Instagram and Facebook, I often say: Sashiko is NOT ◯◯. This workshop “Core & Essence” will give you the answer what Sashiko is for you while you learning new techniques.

*This workshop is not a type of “Let’s Enjoy Sashiko Togeher” workshop. It is one-direction learning experience for you. The participants are required to stitch a lot. They may have to go through some “uncomfortable” stitching experience (due to new muscles they use). Sometimes, it may require some mindfulness in an eye-opening experience. Please do not be scared or worried, however. I will do everything to help you to “experience” and “start enjoying” the Sashiko we practice today.

*There is NO prerequisite for this workshop. No experience in Sashiko is necessary. If you have never touched the hand-stitching needle, please try to learn how to “thread” the needle, or how to use the threader (videos are available on my Youtube). On the other hands, if you think you already know about Sashiko, please try to be as open-mind as possible. What I teach in this workshop is probably different from what you already know. There is no such a thing as “Right and Wrong” in Sashiko: and I will add another perspective of Sashiko in this workshop.

Please purchase the special package for QuiltCon Sashiko: Core & Essence.

It is extremely important that everyone has the exact same materials & tools to pass down the Core & Essence within 6 hours. Please purchase the special package below before the QuiltCon 2025.

What to bring to Sashiko: Core & Essence.

The Special Package above is all you need to enjoy the Sashiko: Core & Essence. If you choose to receive it to your home, please bring all of the contents inside.

The following list is something maybe helpful for you to bring & prepare:

  • Masking Tape or Bandage to protect the nail from scratching by needles.
  • It may a good idea to cut the nail on the dominant hand (the hand with the needle). One can learn Sashiko with long nails, but it may be an obstacles in the first trial.

Sashiko Workshop: Apply Hitomezashi to our Ordinary


Sashiko Lecture: Why Do We Stitch?

Preparing – Aesthetics of Stitching from a Sashiko Artisan – Why Do We Stitch

About Recommended Tools for our Sashiko

The Special Supply Package for the [Core & Essence] Workshop includes everything the participants need in the workshop. There is no need to prepare thread, needle, thimble or fabric for learning Sashiko in this workshop. In order to avoid unfortunate misunderstanding, I require everyone to use the exact same tools & supply.

That being said, there are a few recommended tools for Sashiko, which is NOT necessary yet very useful when you wish to continue Sashiko stitching. You can find another article here for Recommended Tools.

  • Thread Clipper
    • In the Sashiko we practiece, we try to make both side of the fabric as the “finished Side.” To make it easy to cut the thread left over, this thread clipper is a good idea to have.
  • Bobbin Paper for Threads
    • Our Sashiko Thread is quite easy to get tangled when it is not properly handled. This Bobbin Paper is designed to keep the Sashiko Thread in a good shape for a travel or heavy usage.
  • Mylar Paper
    • In a process of preparing the pattern, this thick plastic paper can protect the costly carbon paper below.
  • Carbon Paper
    • It is important to learn how to prepare the pattern by ourselves as Sashiko Practitioenrs. One way to prepare the fabric is to “transfer”. This paper will help us to do better.

Recommended Items are available as a Set Deal for Quiltcon 2025

with the purchase of the Special Supply Package.

General Information for the Recommended Tools & Supplies for Sashiko Stitching

I am here to Support

After receiving the participation confirmation, if you have any questions about QuiltCon 2025 Sashiko Workshop “Core & Essence”, please contact Atsushi. I am happy to answer any questions or worries prior to the workshop. 

Your question may be someone’s question, and I will share the question and answers here on this website (of course, annonymously).

I am looking forward to meeting you in the QuiltCon.

QuiltCon 2025 Sashiko Workshops & Lecture

Q&A for the QuilCon 2025 Sashiko

Q: (Sample) What is Sashiko?

A: (Sample) You will find out in the workshop!

July 23, 2024 at 10:27AM

When you read my Stories, please keep one thing in mind. I welcome anyone who is interested in Sashiko. I accept any “Changes” in Sashiko. I enjoy seeing many interpretation & modification & application of Sashiko into their own field of creativity. Some mislead my stories as I act like a “gatekeeper” of Traditional Sashiko – or even I deny all of the changes in Sashiko. I do NOT deny it. I even encourage them to “change” it.

All the reason I speak up with caution to the world is about “How & Who makes the change”. The change itself isn’t a matter of good or bad. The “Tradition” without change & adaptation isn’t really Culture. Unfortunately, right now, “How & Who makes changes in Sashiko” are those who do not belong to either Japanese Culture or who do not stitch as much.

The issue itself isn’t the lack of experience of belongings. It is the lack of acknowledgement, and misleading the majority in a form of trend to maximize their profit. It is a Change with ignoring the origin, and focusing on their profit. We may call it “Cherry Picking”… I find it disgusting when they intentionally change someone’s culture for their own comfort. Well… it is probably a history of humanity – but then, I am protecting Sashiko for “the majority” from “those”.




#Sashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


July 17, 2024 at 08:16PM

I liked the previous “Shiawase (meeting with 4 lines) Furoshiki”. This is the following project with “free hands concepts” with several rules like the color of threads. Well… as I put a bit of “my ego” into this and tried to be more “design focused”, and it is turning… umm, something I don’t know how to feel about. To be honest, I may not like it at this point much. I am sharing the in-progress photo just to push my back to complete the project – and once again, to question myself, “Is Sashiko Art?”

Sashiko “can be” the Art. However, at this moment, I do not consider Sashiko as Art. Therefore, although someone may consider this piece as Art, I am not 100% happy with the Sashiko I practice with this fabric. I believe it is okay to not to like something – as “Like” exist thanks to “Dislike”. Not all of the Sashiko are supposed to be “beautiful” – and not asking for the admiration in forms of “Likes”

Well. The “Authentic Sashiko” exists on the road of one’s stitching with Joy. When one enjoys Sashiko, they will reach the “Authentic Sashiko” at some point. What I teach is how to ride a bike so that one may reach there faster than just walking. When one reaches the point, I am happy to call Sashiko as Art with pointing out their Sashiko. The day will come soon.




#Sashiko #刺し子


July 16, 2024 at 10:19AM

Well. Latest “Upcycled” Denim reached its competition (for now). Comparing it to other Denims I have worked on so far, I realize the smaller pieces of vintage fabrics would make this project more attractive. It is a miracle process of finding a “gem” at the right place & right timing.

We can find so many profound & wise sayings to enrich our lives – and there are moments to realize the sayings are actually linked to our reality. “Finding a Place Where You Can Bloom” is the saying underlie these Denims. One small piece of fabric is so trivial for almost all the people. For many of them, it is nothing more than trash. However, for me when I work on this specific project, the piece of trash becomes the gem – the one it has to be there for the specific purpose.

I DO NOT recommend the mindset of “Everything (even trash) has Value” as it can lead us to other bigger issues. However, I also want to remind you that everything has its “Potential” to be valuable when the time, situation & conditions change. Similarly, everyone has their potential to shine. If one feels so disregarded, it may be just a matter of not being in the right place at the right timing. Interestingly, when we talk about humans’ lives, this is where “Luck” kicks in.

In order to find the right place to bloom, “Luck” plays a big role as there are so many uncontrollable factors to find the place & to be there. I agree some say that the Luck is the key element of success. For that, I am extremely lucky. To receive “Luck”, there is one condition one has to be persistent – it is “To Be There”. Continuous effort is great, but not everyone can continue working hard. So… all I suggest is “to be there (believing in what you do)”. There are so many things I learned from Sashiko in my childhood – and I am finally putting the wisdom into the words.



#Sashiko #刺し子


July 15, 2024 at 07:32PM

I still enjoy this “patching” on Denim. I appreciate many support for the previous post. I will maximize my opportunities & potential – and I will do my best. At the same time, I will still secure the time of stitching. I believe I will lose the credential when I stop stitching. My teaching, Sashiko Stories, and Cultural Sustainability by offering Japanese Sashiko Supplies & Tools are so valid as I am an active Sashiko Artisan. Therefore, I sometimes wonder if they are actually stitching while teaching. I don’t stitch for the sake of money to achieve another goal I have. Money will help me to keep stitching & hopefully help other Artisans to be the future of Sashiko.

I share the “Past”. You are observing my stitching as “Present” – & I hope those who appreciate the Past & Present will be the main part of the “Future”.






#Sashiko #刺し子


July 14, 2024 at 11:49AM

The year of 2024 has been turbulent to me. After all, it is good to see my family smiling. We made several big decisions to prioritize the value in our life. I enjoy the weekend mornings, sharing small talks with her over the coffee, waiting for my daughter to come out.

I am facing a few changes based on the decisions we made. Long Story Short, I would need to “earn” more to make ends meet. It is quite simple in terms of what I do – it is my turn to chip in more to the family finance. However, it isn’t so simple to make it happen as my activities exist in the dilemma of creators. I will not change what I say/share here, but I may ask for the opportunity for me to teach more, offer lectures, and/or advise to improve the business activities.

On top of that, I now share some of my “collections” that I wasn’t planning to put on the price tag. The process is quite slow & I am being extra careful on what I can accept to offer. It is again the issue of “balance”. All of the items I list on the website as “items from my personal collection” will be introduced on the business account, @UpcycleStitches –

I plan to waive the “Maximum” numbers of workshops I offer in a year. Please kindly introduce me to studios, museums, and organizations/groups who may be interested in having me as the “Sashiko Teacher”. I believe it will be beneficial to both participants & who organize the workshop for/with me by offering the authentic experience. I appreciate your attention here to make the Sashiko we practice “Sustainable”!!




#Sashiko #刺し子


July 12, 2024 at 08:13PM

When I was in Japan, I often heard my mother Keiko talking to the fabric while she was stitching. It took while to understand her saying underlie the Sashiko she practice. She says, “I will bring you back to the main stage once again”, especially when she works with Kofu (Vintage Fabrics). Her saying is another form of “Upcycling”, not only from a materialistic perspective, but also from “spiritual (how we live & value what we do)” perspective.

This saying applies to her life itself. She probably wanted to bring herself up on the stage once again. This saying may be an encouragement to me who failed many times. Also, I believe, this saying is one principle of Sashiko’s Philosophy – and I want to say this to you. We all have “value”, yet we are “categorized” as success or failure, special or mediocre. However, when “it (something great – or Luck – or even fate)” tries to “upcycle” who we are, the value we felt yesterday can be redefined today. The value is very “fragile”, and you/we are valuable when it add one “stitch”, although the majority consider us as mediocre.

Core of Sashiko exists in the ordinary. The trend “forcefully” made it special. It is great that I get so much attention, yet the value system can be completely different when the “force” changes its mind. It isn’t sustainable if the practice is destroyed when the trend is over. Unfortunately, the Sashiko introduced in English by so called “teachers” are not mentioning the core part of Sashiko – they just focus on the “how it looks” and “How to stitch”. Outcome is important, but there are people behind the practice, like Keiko, me and many other unknown & nameless, ordinary heroes who passed down the Sashiko we practice today. I am here to share “it”.



#Sashiko #刺し子


July 10, 2024 at 11:52AM

When it comes to understanding the culture, the first important step is to realize it is almost impossible to understand other cultures fully. The only way to understand it “fully” is to be a part of culture (to live in the culture), yet it will require many (decades) of years of experience. Interestingly, for those who live in the other culture very rarely say that they do understand it. I have met many non-Japanese who have a very good understanding of Sashiko – yet, they always tell me how little they know about it. I wouldn’t trust non-Japanese who say they know all about Sashiko – especially when they do not live in Japan, or worse do not communicate in Japanese. How do they completely understand the culture without language?

When one says they fully understand Sashiko in their small group, or within leisure, I can smile. I have met many who say they know about Japan by saying “Sushi, Ninja, Harakiri…” It can be a joke, and it can even “facilitate” cross cultural communication. When it comes to “teaching”, though, it is a different story. When they teach on How Japanese is by just knowing only 3 words… Who would believe what they understand is sufficient? Interestingly, in Sashiko, we can find many “Sashiko Masters/Teachers” who claim they know about Sashiko with only limited “effort” to learn the culture. This is the trend that I cannot smile at, and the reason I try to be as difficult as possible on the Internet.

I offer opportunities to deepen the understanding such as Sashiko Classes. One is “Live Streaming” where anyone can join for free of charge. What they need is just a willingness to learn, but they do not admit the fact they don’t know. The Live is on (almost) every Thursday at 9 pm EST. I do not answer any “technical” questions, but any Cultural Questions are welcome. Now, it is a matter of “willingness to learn”, not “lack of opportunity”.


#Sashiko #刺し子


Consulting Work for Sashiko Project Cover

Consulting Work for Sashiko Project

As the word “Sashiko” gets so popular, we can find many articles, publications, Art Pieces, and any form of projects using the word “Sashiko”. Many of them follow the idea of Sashiko within their capacity. Unfortunately, some are completely ignoring the Cultural Understanding of Sashiko. It is true that there are not much information available in English regarding Sashiko. By simply following the information from the Online Sources, the project can mislead the audience even if it isn’t the intention of the authors or organizers. To avoid further misleading the culture, I decided to start offering the Consulting Work for Sashiko Project.

The lack of information regarding Sashiko (and other Japanese culture) is caused by many factors. One of my favorite saying is, “Westerns (Developed Cultures) Ignorance, and Japanese’s Laziness”. It is true that Japanese people neglected to explain their Cultural Significance for many decades. For Sashiko, as I am somewhat proficient in both Japanese & English, I will try my best to get out of the “Laziness” of explaining the cultural part of Sashiko.

Service of Consulting Work for Sashiko Project

The Service itself is quite specific as all I can offer is the consultation from the perspective as a Sashiko Artisan. However, because of this speciality, I believe the consulting Work for Sashiko Project will be very valuable.

What I can offer is:

  • Providing the Voice(s) from Japanese Sashiko Artisan(s). I have a group of Sashiko Artisans stitching actively together. It won’t be just my own personal imagination.
  • Translation with adding as many “annotation” from Cultural Perspective. As my translation itself isn’t so professional level, it would be very efficient to combine a translator & me as a contents proof reader like below.
  • Proof Reading to check if the writing is Culturally Inappropriate.
  • Advise to Apply Sashiko Philosophy to your Project
  • Advise to Publication, Articles, Films, and any other materials toward the general public

Potential Clientele I am hoping to work with

It is my pleasure to work with anyone & any organizations who are interested in what I would say. That being said, the Clienteles that I am imagining to work with are following:

  • An Organization which try to apply Sashiko’s Philosophy to their project
  • A Media potentially writing/filming about Sashiko Stitching & related philosophy
  • An Author/Publisher who are planning to write an article/book about Sashiko
  • Any Organization/Individuals who consider using the word “Sashiko” for commertial purpose without anyone Japanese in the process.

How much does it cost?

At this point, I do not know how much I “should” charge for the Consulting Work. In fact, it depends on the type of request. If you interested in having me, please reach out to me from the contact form below.

*To make it sustainable & considering that I would work with organizers/companies, please expect $100.00 hour rate or so. It will, of course, change on based on the request. I am setting the line to avoid the unfortunate misunderstanding. I will not reply to the request without this base understanding.

Sample Consulting Work for Sashiko Project

I haven’t announced this Consulting Service in the past. However, several organizations & publishers were very considerate on their projects. They invited me to their project & ask for the voice to make the project & writing more Culturally aligned to the history.

Here are several sample works I have worked with.

2023 – Longwood Garden, Illumination with Sashiko’s Philosophy


2022 – Voice for the Video

2021 – Longwood Garden, Illumination with Sashiko’s Philosophy


Personal Work for your own leisure

You may be wondering if you would need Consulting Service to your own personal Sashiko Work. As much as I would love to offer my feedback to your Sashiko, I do not think it is necessary to have me as your consultant. Instead, please consider joining to my teaching opportunities from below. If you want to see how my teaching is like, please start with Domestika Course. Then, when you wish to learn Sashiko more seriously, please consider taking the [Core & Essence] Class (Online or In-Person)

It would be very much appreciated if you could support me on Patreon Platform where I continue sharing the Sashiko Story. With the monthly support of as less as $5.00, I am happy to offer my advise on your Sashiko Project when it is done for your own leisure.

*Please consider hiring me if your Sashiko is for commertial purpose like mentioned above as “Potential Clientele I am hoping to work with”.

Please involve Japanese who knows what they are talking about

When I see a group of people are discussing on a topic “What is Sashiko/Boro” without anyone who aren’t really a part of Japanese culture, I feel very strange. They define what Sashiko/Boro is without even asking/talking to the Japanese people.

It is okay when the discussion is done as a part of hobby or leisure, I guess. However, when it is done as a part of Cultural Contents of the Company or Media, I believe it is important to have someone who knows what they are talking about. Even more seriously, when it is in a “teaching Setting” such as Workshop or Class, as the students/participants will naturally believe what the teachers say, the contents need to be throughly examined to avoid the misunderstanding.

Unfortunately, this offer may be too late as I see quite many misunderstanding & teaching with misleading information. However, it doesn’t mean that I can give up my own cultural practice. I hope that this service will help them to realize it is more than what is introduced in English. The Sashiko introduced in English is very simplified, yet romanticized, for the entertaiment & profit purpuse.