May 06, 2021 at 12:05PM

Thank you for many comments on the previous post. I read every comment & I apologize that I do not have time to reply to all of the comments. Thank you.

I appreciate the feedback as the “masterpiece”. I agree. However, it is our ordinary as well. We can make the similar one if a client is willing to wait for a year or so. Sashiko isn’t the past yet. Please do not make Sashiko a “past” yet. Keiko played with the classic pattern, so I hope we can enjoy not only the Art but as a “playful mind” in fabric. 

The jacket is completed, but the journey of the Jacket has just begun. Hand Dyed thread with Indigo & Kakishibu on good cotton fabric. The more one wears the jacket, the color & texture of Jacket will become something “unique”. It is a jacket an owner will raise, and the care we can add together is one suggestion we can make to the sustainability. 


#Sashiko #SashikoJacket #KeikoFutatsuya #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


May 05, 2021 at 01:56PM

Another great Jacket by Keiko. We have been in love with the pattern for the past 10~20 years. The results always surprise use. I will bring it to FL and hopefully take some photos there.

(I am in a challenge of managing my time more than usual. The caption of the post may be short).



#Sashiko #SashikoJacket #KeikoFutatsuya #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


May 04, 2021 at 02:18PM

“Why do you do Sashiko?”. How would you answer this question? To relax? To enjoy beautiful stitches? To recycle the waste? To contribute to slow-fashion & sustainability? To protect the environment? To slow-down? To be mindful? 

All of them are true & good reasons for why you do Sashiko. However, please be advised that the answer with these purposes is already filtered by “western mindset”. I am not talking about good or bad. I just want you to know the difference.

“Why do(did) you do Sashiko” has been a question I always held, yet barely could ask in my childhood. I had to be careful in asking because many artisans including my mother looked at me as if I lost my mind. It is difficult to translate, but “just because” would be the non-verbal answer I received. Later, when I had a bit more “control”, I asked some to be more logical. Their answer, which is my answer today, is “I don’t know”.

The purpose is important to be efficient. However, some of the purpose happened to be just one of the results of just stitching. I barely do Sashiko for relaxation. I happened to feel relaxed when I get in a good rhythm in Sashiko. We pay great attention for the “Cause and effect – Inga (因果)”. I hope you enjoy being mindful without any purpose as well (It requires a LOT of unlearning, though).


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoStitching #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


May 03, 2021 at 02:05PM

The photo is a close-up of the Sashiko Jackets I shared in the interview with @textiletapes. Sashiko isn’t only in books or archives. As much as we learn from history, some of Sashiko aren’t history yet – it is still a series of stories by the people who practice Sashiko today toward the future. However, it is true that Sashiko is a “declining” practice from the “traditional” perspective. Therefore, your choice directly becomes the support for the tradition. When you are interested, please learn from the Japanese who practice the Japanese Sashiko – not only the “Sashiko” filtered by non-Japanese for their convenience.

I am NOT saying non-Japanese never should teach Sashiko. If a teacher thinks that they are qualified to teach, no one can/should stop that. It is after all “Our Choice” of who we learn from. One thing I can say is that there is a significant difference in level of “qualification” between Japanese & non-Japanese in teaching. Please do not feel you learned “everything” by learning someone non-Japanese. Your choice will make the future of Sashiko (or any culture for that matter), so please be mindful who you are learning from.

History is a series of stories “(mainly) chosen” by dominating people. Before the Internet, my voice wouldn’t be heard. However, the Internet enables minorities to be a part of history. I was raised by many unknown teachers who wished NOT to teach – because “teaching” in Japanese seems to be different from “teaching” in western culture. My mission is to share those stories so that YOU can be a part of the future of Sashiko. Sashiko isn’t history yet. 



#Sashiko #LearnSashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子


May 02, 2021 at 10:50AM

I hope it is not too much to ask, “Keep learning” when we are interested in something foreign to us regardless of where we are from. I said Sashiko is “primitive”, but (therefore), it isn’t shallow at all. One “defining” what Sashiko is without understanding the language & culture, and telling oneself (others) to “look no further”. Their interpretation becomes the cultural filtration. I feel disgusted when one makes “profit” out of this Simplification, Filtration, and then C/A. Here, I can only talk about Sashiko. However, it happens in many forms in many cultures. I even feel pity for those because they will lose “trust” when the depth is introduced.  n this Internet society where mindful people can reach to the origin, the “fake” will be eventually uncovered. 

Sashiko is relaxing,  is slow stitching. Sashiko is beautiful,  fun, it is (visible/invisible) mending. Sashiko may be a solution of sustainable fashion… all are true statements. However, when one doesn’t understand the Japanese (language & culture), & when they learn it from non-Japanese, these statements can be a result of simplification. Therefore, I say, “they are not wrong but insufficient”. No one needs to “master” the language to enjoy Sashiko. All I am asking is to “keep learning” – by listening to the voice from the people of the culture. Is it too much to ask? Instead of being “satisfied” with a simple & easy definition done by someone for their convenience, I want them to enjoy “the Sashiko” to enrich their practice & learning.




#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SlowStitching #SashikoMending #MeditativeStitching #CulturalAppropriation #刺し子


May 01, 2021 at 12:49PM

Some connect Sashiko to Sustainability. Yes, it is indeed linked. However, I don’t think Sashiko itself can offer the solution to a variety of issues we face today. Sashiko is too “primitive” for that matter. Before romanticizing the (foreign) culture, the proper understanding is very important. 

To be honest, Sashiko itself is not so sophisticated for offering the “innovation” to make the world better. What you may see Sashiko as a solution is one result of people reading what they want to read. However, at the same time, by us (Japanese) continuously sharing what Sashiko really is, I believe we can contribute to “the one” in future who will come up with the solution. 

At this point, all I can do is to support someone I care about. My mother (Keiko), my family in the US, and many Sashiko friends I have met throughout Sashiko Class & Gathering. The most primitive concept in Sashiko is to make your family/friends “alive”. In order to keep “it” sustainable, I would like to make people who I care about happy first. “Happiness” isn’t easy as we say, but I want to be the last one who would feel the pain from Cultural Appropriation in Sashiko – regardless if my family/friends may receive Sashiko as their path. Learn what it is first before romanticizing it. Thank you.



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #Sustainability #SashikoStitching #刺し子


April 27, 2021 at 01:42PM

I was born in a Sashiko family in 1983. In 2008, I started facing Sashiko as “work/business”. Ever since, with many ups and downs, I have been thinking how we can “continue (make it sustainable)” the Sashiko. Recently, I developed the phrase –  “I would like to pass down Sashiko”.

A decade ago, Sashiko described in English made me happy. It was my goal to make Sashiko as a “trend”. Although I wasn’t allowed to “teach” Sashiko officially, I met many good people from all over the world in our store. I even thought – “it is such a fortunate thing that western people introduce Sashiko” after receiving several comments that some western people deserve the respect for translating the culture from Japanese to English. Please don’t get me wrong. I sincerely respect some of them. However, I just cannot keep silent in “filtering” the culture.

It isn’t very Japanese thing to do by saying something straight forward, but here it is. “Sashiko requires a thimble”. Some Sashiko in Japan don’t use thimble, but when one talks about the “general” Sashiko in English, they need to share/teach the use of thimble in order to avoid the filtering. A thimble isn’t optional. It is a must. 

If you aren’t sure about the thimble, please learn from us. Many of our students think the thimble is the must to have in enjoying Sashiko. It is a life-time skill, and that’s how we can pass down the culture of Sashiko. 


#Sashiko #Thimble #SashikoThimble #CulturalAppropriation #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoStitching #刺し子 #指ぬき


April 26, 2021 at 03:06PM

I want you to listen to my/our voice. At the same time, I do not want you to immerse yourself only in my stories. It is always important to keep balance. Defining my word – “There is no such a thing as Right or Wrong in Sashiko” – as the “right description” is already in the weir of dualism. Please listen to & read other Japanese people’s voices. A lecture by Wada-Sensei (@yoshiko_wada_) yesterday was such a great opportunity to learn (It was good to hear that she doesn’t agree with the Sashiko’s “definition” as “Little Stabs”). I believe the series of her lectures is available in archives. Please visit @longhousereserve for the details.

I want you to learn from me. However, I am not so full of myself that what I say/write is the “answer”. Because of the (cultural) difference, even in talking about a fact, we may end up looking at it from a different angle. It is my challenge to learn the culture in which I am sharing “to”. It is my responsibility to learn since I am writing it in English. Therefore, the “Sashiko Talk (Live Streaming)” is a wonderful opportunity to learn & observe me objectively in talking to our Sashiko friends. The Sashiko Live Streaming is all archived on our Youtube Channel. It will probably answer many of your questions. Sashiko is… more than just making beautiful patterns in stitching.



#Sashiko #SashikoStory #SashikoTalk #SashikoLive #SashikoStitching #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子


April 25, 2021 at 01:07PM

While the definition of “authentic” is not so clear (to me), it is difficult to prove the authenticity. To be honest, I do not even feel the need to prove it. All I do is to share the stories – the stories I have been receiving & experiencing. 

The more I share the stories, the less I can stitch. The more I stitch, the less I can share the stories. As of now, I prioritize the story-telling because the Sashiko I know is becoming (or has become) something filtered & twisted. I would like to protect what my mother (Keiko as a genius Sashiko artisan) does. I would like to rebuild the future of many Sashiko friends I have. 

Anyone can be anything on this Internet. It is us who needs to distinguish the authentic and fake. It is scary because the fake looks more authentic by their marketing & advertisement. How it looks is more important than what it is. Therefore… I keep sharing my “unedit” version of stitching. It is “Sashiko Talk (Sashiko LiveStreaming)”. I am a real person who stitches in front of the camera without any “edit”. I offer it every 2 weeks on Sunday night. It is tonight at 9 pm EDT. Please join us & enjoy Sashiko stitching. 




#Sashiko #SashikoTalk #SashikoLiveStreaming #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoStitching #刺し子


April 24, 2021 at 02:43PM

If you enjoy Shibori in English, you would know her name for sure. I have been learning from Wada-sensei (@yoshiko_wada_) a lot about not only Japanese textile but also Sashiko & Boro from her approach. She is offering a special Talk tomorrow on April 25th (Sunday) @longhousereserve with the theme of #NuiProject & Sashiko. It is another great opportunity to learn from a Japanese who are well educated in the topic. 

I want you to listen to my voice. However, it is “my” voice. It is very important to listen to the other Japanese who practice Sashiko, and be knowledgeable for Boro & Textile. Information about Sashiko & Boro in English is still insufficient. The Japanese do not deliver their voice in English so often. In order to communicate in English, the understanding of English as both language & culture is quite important. Wada-Sensei is well experienced in all of the categories. I will be watching her talk & will learn something new tomorrow as well. For the ticket, please check the Long-House account above and check their link.

英語圏で「Shibori」をされていて 、きっと和田先生の名前を知らない方はいないはず……という程の著名な方と、最近お付き合いをさせて頂いております。本当に有り難いことです。明日、英語ではありますが、その和田先生がZoomで講演会をされる予定です。僕も拝聴する予定です。楽しみ。


#Sashiko #yoshikowada #slowfiberstudios #SashikoStitching #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子