March 24, 2024 at 08:11AM

If you are a long-time follower, you may have seen this Jacket. The “Unshinkai Jacket” is one of the biggest achievements of my teaching Sashiko. It isn’t my work. Keiko is a designer/producer of this Jacket, but Sashiko itself isn’t done by Keiko. The Jacket is composed of 18 Japanese Sashiko Artisans who learned Sashiko via our teaching (named “Unshinkai”, equivalent to [Core & Essence] in English).

It is my pleasure to announce that this Jacket is now exhibited in @morrisgallery (William Morris Gallery) in London as a part of their exhibition: Mingei – Art Without Heroes. It is an honor that our Sashiko Jacket is acknowledged as one contemporary interpretation/inheritance of the deep & rich philosophy of Mingei. This Jacket is indeed a piece without Specific Heroes. It is another reason I (we) do not consider Sashiko as the “Art”. Well. In order to explain Mingei, I need more time & space to write.

I am very impressed with the title of this exhibition: “Art Without Heroes”. This explains a lot of my messages in Sashiko. There are so many self-titled Heroes in Sashiko (in English) without acknowledging the Heroes who have been preserving Sashiko. “Mingei” itself has a lot of philosophical wisdom to enrich our life today. It is quite interesting to see the William Morris Gallery focused on Mingei in English. I am so excited to learn how Mingei is interpreted in English via their exhibition. Their acknowledgement to “Unknown Heroes” will help us to preserve the Sashiko we practice.

運針をお伝えする中で、私の夢を形にし続けてくれている「運針会プロジェクト」。運針をお伝えして現在も刺し子を続けている有志の方々と一緒に刺し子作品を作り上げる、私の刺し子への信念が詰まった作品です。18人の方と一緒に作ったこの運針会ジャケットが、イギリスのウイリアムモリスギャラリーにて、「民藝 – 主人公なき芸術」の展示会の一作品として展示頂いております。本当に光栄なことです。



#Sashiko #刺し子 #Unshinkai


Sashiko Dialogues

Sashiko Dialogues with Ty & Atsushi

Last year, I started a new challenge named “Sashiko Dialogue” with a big help from Ty (@tyxdiaz). The goal of the Sashiko Dialogues is to “deliver” the message. As the trend of Sashiko is so fast, as many are misled to “someone’s definition of Sashiko” so easily, I realize that “Sharing Stories” itself won’t be enough. It is sad that some do not care for the stories from origin when they use their “foreign word/culture”, yet it is probably what it is in today’s society. To preserve the culture, the one in the original culture has to do the labor to deliver the message.

It is my privilege that I have so many friends from my workshop. They were (were) my students once, but now I sincerely appreciate the friendship we have. Ty is one of the young friends I have – and I occasionally & casually asked his opinion while we stitching. A series of small talks encouraged us to start the series of “Sashiko Dialogue”.

I am well aware that what I am sharing is very difficult to “comfortably understand”. It is natural as I am sharing something outside of “Western’s Value”. As one left a comment here, “To understand your story, I have to realize that I won’t be understanding it by just reading it once or twice. I need to think & re-think while knowing I may not understand it at all.” Sashiko Dialogue is one example of the process of “Think & Re-Think” to understand what I share here (for you), and to see how I can deliver the message (for me).

All work credit goes to Ty. Without his help, I wouldn’t be doing this. As we were a bit busy in the beginning of 2024, I thought we may need to pause it for a while. Well, I was wrong. We will restart this Dialogue, and I am happy to share this dialogue with good confidence.



#Sashiko #刺し子


March 21, 2024 at 08:25PM

I started seeing so many photos of Sashiko with Unshin – from those who learned Sashiko in our Workshop. You may wonder how I can tell the difference between Sashiko with or without our teaching. It is interesting that the stitches themselves start communicating once they learn how to ride on the rhythm. Sashiko introduced today is so focused on the “result” and how it looks – as the results, some teach Sashiko with ridiculous “correct answers” or tell students to embrace the imperfection. It is perfectly fine to embrace the imperfection – yet when a teacher/author teaches the students to celebrate their lack of skill, then they aren’t teaching Sashiko itself. I do not want Sashiko to be used as an excuse to not to work hard with respect to the ancestor. I want everyone to enjoy Sashiko with proper understanding & skills, too.

I question myself how I can preserve the Sashiko we practice. The trend over someone’s profit is so strong & fast that the “definition” itself starts having its form. I don’t know the answer, yet, but I know what I can do – to keep sharing & teaching the Sashiko we practice. It isn’t the majority, yet people find us, try to learn from us, and help us to preserve it by enjoying Sashiko.

I am feeling a bit better, so I try to be on Youtube for Live Streaming. I have nothing to hide. Please learn Sashiko from someone who actually likes stitching.




#Sashiko #刺し子


March 20, 2024 at 07:04PM

“Relax”. “Get Over It.” “Stop OverReacting”… Some try to sooth me when they see the word “Cultural Appropriation”. I am not angry at those who use the word Sashiko so much. My anger goes to those who “minimize” a voice based on their value (what they think it is spoken here instead of what is actually spoken).

One of the biggest pains in life is “Not being understood”. I have been there. I have done that. Therefore, I try my best to NOT minimize someone’s voice. I may not help them directly – but I try to listen to what they say, instead of what I think they are saying.

I see so many “giving up”. They define “Agner” as a bad emotion, and they minimize others who speak up. The anger has to be managed & used for the correct direction, yet I am never going to “Get Over It” when someone is “changing” the culture I find my identity within. So many Stories & Wisdom are ignored by those who think they know better – or worse, to simplify the culture to maximize their profit.

One example. The Sashiko Needles we use have very small eyes in contrast to the thickness/twist of our thread. Some easily say that Sashiko Needles require “big eyes” ignoring their lack of skill & experience. I wonder if they have thought of stories why the manufacturer made the eye so small when the goal is to “sell” it and the customers prefer to go the easy way? It is because there are reasons to keep it the way it is. I respect those manufactures & I never give up in speaking up to something so big that our voices are so easily minimized. My voice may be so quiet yet, but I am no longer silent.


では「理解されること」とはどういうことかも考えなきゃです。それは「ありのままを尊重すること」なのかもしれません。英語圏での刺し子は、先人の声を「Minimize – 最小に見積もること」をしています。キツイ言い方に帰ると、「みくびる」、あるいは「軽視する」。日本語ができないのに、日本の文化を、日本人が当たり前にしてきた文化を「それはちっぽけなことだよ」なんて言うことが、私の英語圏での孤独に繋がります。あぁ理解されてないんだろうなと。あるいは、理解するつもりもないんだろうなと。


#Sashiko #刺し子


March 19, 2024 at 03:29PM

I often talk about the “Past” and “Future” of Sashiko. I hope that “Present” will function as a bridge, and “how to bridge Past to Future” is to acknowledge. 13 years ago, I found the reason for the Sashiko I received. Thanks to it, I am here to share the Sashiko which wasn’t introduced in non-Japanese languages for decades. Some of you may know this “turning point of me” via Webinar/Patreon, and I hope I will have another opportunity to share – anyhow, the reason I am here still exist, and keep evolving as a “Possibility of Sashiko”.

I introduced the brand “KUON”. Some asked me how they are different from other “Sashiko Inspired” brands from my eyes. I will explain that somewhere, too – but the biggest point is the involvement of “Past” to bridge the “Future”. Another project starting in Japan, #sashikogals . I hope you can read their mission statement… It is another start of a great project to make “it” Sashiko.




過去を(一定レベルで)守る為には私のような保守的なスタンスは大切なのだろうと思うのですが、同時に「刺し子の(未来の)可能性を広げる」為には、振れ幅が足りません。「なんでもします」という仕事の中に未来があったりするのは家業での経験の中でも承知していて、その過去と未来を繋げるバランスの中で文化は存在します。そして今回、その「(過去を尊重しながら未来の)刺し子の可能性を広げる」というプロジェクトが始動しました。@sashiko_gals です。

私達の刺し子を好きでいて下さる方からすると、「ん?これが刺し子?」となるかもしれません。でも、間違いなく、刺し子の未来の一つです。中途半端に展開される英語圏の「SASHIKO」よりもよっぽど刺し子で、この新規ブランドが世界の刺し子への意識を刺激してくれたらと思っています。何を以て刺し子かは各々で違ってくると思いますが、大槌の方々と時間を共有させて頂く中で、大槌の刺し子をされていらっしゃる方は間違いなく刺し子の真髄を受け継がれている方々だと思っています。というか、私が偉そうに今こうして物語を伝えているのも、大槌の方々が私に刺し子の本質を思い出させてくださったから他ありません。人様を巻き込んで、はたまた雇用すら巻き込んで「可能性を広げる」とはとんでもない覚悟です。過去への敬意と未来へ覚悟を持つ刺し子プロジェクト。刺し子をする一人として応援します。是非、ここに集まって下さっている刺し子好きの方も、#サシコギャルズ にご注目頂ければ、そしてアカウントの先にある「想い」を一読頂ければ幸いです。

#Sashiko #刺し子


March 18, 2024 at 09:52AM

I apologize for canceling the previous Live Streaming on 3/14 without any prior notice. I found myself in a very sick condition on Thursday morning and I had been in bed for a while. I couldn’t get up to write the announcement… Sorry for that. I hope I can restart the Live concert this coming Thursday.

Sashiko is getting more popular day by day. It is a good thing that Sashiko has more opportunity to be seen, yet it has been a lot of work to “explain” what Sashiko is. The language is a power – and because of the power English has, Sashiko has become something very different from what I practice. You can find so many comfort & positive comments saying [Whatever is fine]. It is true that there are no rules – however, their comfort level simplifies, minimizes, and neglects the culture. I (need to) write a story to protect it. Well. I am happy to share the story – it is so stressful to deliver the message to those who I actually really need to deliver it to. There is another world outside of this account where people use the word “Sashiko” for their own convenience. It is one way to ignore them, yet I do not want to ignore the ignorance any longer. Well. I have no choice. I cannot let someone define what my (our) life is all about.





#Sashiko #刺し子


March 12, 2024 at 11:44AM

I never refuse the Change in Sashiko. All I ask for is “acknowledgement”. Some call their stitching Sashiko with no understanding of what Sashiko is. Some may do so simply because of how “Sashiko” looks. Some even think that a pattern itself is called Sashiko… Well. To avoid the “Change with Ignorance”, I keep sharing the Stories. I just say “Don’t (Intentionally) Ignore”… I hope it isn’t too much to ask.

KUON (@kuon_tokyo_official) is a brand that has been bridging Past & Future in Sashiko. I met the founder of Kuon when I was in Otsuchi town after the 3/11 earthquake. It has been more than 12 years since… and he is now launching the new project to “expand the possibility of Sashiko”. There are so many “Sashiko Artists and Designers” now. Some of them make something very “traditional look” or good looking imitation. However, there aren’t so many Fashion brands who sincerely care for the origin of its practice. I hope that this society will support not only the past but also the future of precious practices such as Sashiko as we stitch every day for the future while appreciating the past.

I will write about his new project more in the next post.


では「過去を無視しない変化」とはどういうものか。過去をどれだけ認識するかは、未来に向けての覚悟の量と比例してくるとは思うのですが(趣味で今を楽しみたいだけの人はそれほど過去を学ぶ必要はないけれど、未来を作ろうとする気概のある人は過去を学ぶ必要がある)、刺し子を商業ベースに乗っけてファッションとして昇華させながらも、しっかりと過去も尊重して下さっているブランドが存在します。それが、KUON (@kuon_tokyo_official) であり、デザイナーの石橋さん (@shinichiro_ishibashi_ ) です。お洒落とは真逆に位置している私ですが、カッコいいものはカッコいい。私達の刺し子の可能性の一つとして、本当に嬉しく、そして頼もしく思っています。


#Sashiko #刺し子


March 10, 2024 at 08:29AM

While re-watching Sashiko Live Streaming on 3/7, I found a great analogy spoken by mouth. It is about “Simplification of Sashiko”, and I believe it is happening to many other Cultural Practices.

Imagine that a Whole Story of Sashiko is like a big circle. When it was introduced to “Western (Non-Japanese) Culture”, people there had their own mold of how stitching should be – which was complete square. Instead of trying to accept the “Circle” as is, in order to feel comfortable (or comfortably spreading), they decided to change the “Circle” to “Square” by putting Circle into the mold. It may have been done nicely or violently, gently or forcefully. Cutting Off the 4 edges of Circle to make Square would be the easiest way to fit the square mold. So they did & their “Comfortable Sashiko” happens in their own understanding of how Sashiko should be. The cut of parts is something defined as “unnecessary” or “uncomfortable”.

Some cultures may have more complex shapes. The more irregular the shape is, the more parts would be cut off to make the complete square. I am NOT saying it is bad to mold it to their comfortable shape. I am saying it is NOT fair to define the “Cut-Off” part as “unnecessary” part of the culture, or even worse, ignore them & hide them by putting them into the trash bin. Sashiko introduced in English may be comfortable for those who wish to have the answer right away – but it is molded by someone who does not belong to the original culture. We can avoid this by being mindful & acknowledge – then we will not follow/support those who appropriate the culture.


#Sashiko #刺し子


February 28, 2024 at 08:40PM

I periodically come across the “Masterful Sashiko Advice” saying, “It is impossible to make Sashiko have both Front & Back side looks the same”. Well… how about this? Stitched last month in 2 weeks by @satokiyo828 – The advice completely excluded her beautiful Sashiko Work. This is the simplification I identify as issues here.

It is okay to have one side look differently. It is also Sashiko. However, “Spreading the Advice from so-called experienced ones” is ignorant & disrespectful. When they do this simplification for profit (money), then it is a form of Cultural Appropriation, which I rarely identify in Sashiko.

Again, it is okay if one cannot do it. Practice makes it better. The issue happens because they are changing culture itself because they “Cannot” do it. There is a huge gap between “Can’t” and “Don’t”, and culture should always be changed by “Don’t (Choose Not To)”, not “Can’t”. Please do not follow these simplifications. You know better now. I don’t need to even defend ourselves as we have a handful of Sashiko Artisans who can make both sides look the same.




これだけの技術と「らしさ」をもった刺し子が、主流とは言わないまでも、紹介される世界であって欲しいと思っています。これほどまでに「刺し子らしい刺し子」を排除した刺し子って、もうやっぱり刺し子じゃないじゃんよ…となるのですよ。@satokiyo828 さんの作品です。

#Sashiko #刺し子


February 25, 2024 at 08:50PM

Believe it or not, I am an introvert. I am too shy to talk to someone whom I don’t know well… so I apologize for “just eye-contact & smile” when you found me in QuiltCon. It is true me on the stage for lectures or right next students in the workshop… but, from “natural standing point”, I still prefer stitching over going out for drinks with many people (unless they are okay with me bringing the stitching materials there).

Although I am not a dedicated quilter, QuiltCon has been like a home to me. Thanks to many Quilt Heros (in my mind), I got many chances to introduce myself. If you came to this Instagram Account recently, and you aren’t sure about what Sashiko is, please consider taking the “Introduction to Japanese Sashiko Stitching” Course on Domestika. Link is this:

Unfortunately, Sashiko introduced in English is simplified & romanticized. Therefore, I didn’t have any “recommendation” until this Domestika Course. Yes, the course is also somewhat “simplified”, yet it is a good “start” to understand what I am trying to do. Then, when they need further assistance, please consider taking the In-Person or [Core & Essence] Online Class. What I teach in QuiltCon & on Domestika do not really overlap. The QR code is on the 2nd photo, and the link is also available on the Story & Highlight.

Photo (c) Domestika



#Sashiko #刺し子