November 03, 2021 at 10:29AM

(From yesterday’s Reel). If you would like to get skill in Sashiko stitching, please consider taking Atsushi’s Sashiko Class/Workshop to learn the core & essence of Sashiko. By learning with the specific materials & tutorials, anyone can learn how to stitch like we do (Not with this 4x speed, but as fast as you see on our Live Streaming).

There are a few seats left for the Online Sashiko Class 2022 (The link from the profile). One “In-person Workshop” with a massive amount of materials/topics to go through in 3 days in Florida has also a few seats left (@aya_fiber_studio: Other In-person workshops are fully booked at this point. Some may be available for the waiting list. After teaching Sashiko to 500+ people in English, I am confident that I can deliver some eye-opening experience for you. Not only “how to stitch” but also “what/why you stitch”.

When I show my stitching, some say, “Sashiko is about Slow-Stitching. I care for each stitch to be precise, and I do not need to stitch faster”. I am happy for them to enjoy slowness, but the core of Sashiko isn’t there. For me, the true “mindfulness” does not exist in slow-motion. Minding each stitch can be interpreted as judging each stitch. I don’t teach the techniques to make stitches even. I teach mindset & posture & movement so that the stitches will be precise without paying attention to each. For me, true mindfulness resides in the repetitive movement with the rhythm. Trust me. Anyone can learn when they want to & try to. It just requires a bit of boost, and I offer the boost in my Class/Workshop.


#Sashiko #SashikoStitching #JapaneseSashiko #Unshin #刺し子 #運針


November 01, 2021 at 11:43AM

Hours of stitching. I am not talking about hundreds of hours of stitching. Life-length of stitching, 10 thousands, 20 thousands or even more. Some, who have “choices”, criticize it as a waste of time. Even to my face, one commented on Youtube that I should get a real “job”. We have different values, and the values from our own justice. When one believes in justice, they can be extremely cruel as if they are “the answer” for the world.

Let’s say, 2 hours per day. Every day. For 60 years. That’s 40K+ hours. I was surrounded by those who had been stitching more than 50K hours of stitching in their lives. I did NOT want to be like them. For me, stitching looked boring. So, I read books to “evacuate”. I tried to study hard so I could get out of the “boring” routine. I was the one who disrespected my own roots by labeling “not so important”. Some of the Sashiko stitchers, it wasn’t a choice. It wasn’t a matter of liking it or disliked it. They did it to make ends meet: and that’s how the “ordinary” work.

I respect individual values. However, when it comes to Sashiko, which may be a foreign culture for some, I want them to start learning it by putting their value aside. They can combine their value & the Sashiko they learn later, yet without learning the foreign value to them, the true learning won’t happen. If one decides to “ignore” the foreign value to them due to the inconvenience, then the Cultural Issues happen.

Value defines who we are. What we do is based on who we are from the “culture”. By violating the culture, it could end up suppressing “who we are” as if a country colonized another country and force them to follow the new standards. We aren’t barbaric any longer, yet believing one is “right” in foreign culture can bring the similar result of colonization. What can be prevented is just our “care”: to try to learn/acknowledge.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子


October 30, 2021 at 11:00AM

I advocate the importance of “acknowledgement” for the Stories behind the word, Sashiko. I am saying that the Sashiko introduced in English is insufficient (not Wrong, though). However, unlike the other information sources, I do believe that there is no such a thing as “Right and Wrong” in Sashiko. Everyone has a different stitching, and everyone’s Sashiko is all good. “All Different, All Good”.

It doesn’t mean that “whatever is good”, though. “No rule” is more challenging than “following someone’s rule”. We have to think by ourselves. We have to face what we can & who we are. Therefore, I share the importance of “learning Sashiko” instead of “following something for instant gratification”. The rule you know about Sashiko isn’t wrong, but not the whole picture. It is the rule someone made for them to control the market/practice easier.

For some reasons, it is much easier to communicate this, “All Different, All Good” in Japanese. Probably, in the western culture, it is quite important to “define the correct answer in dualism”. I hope I am communicating this “Japaneseness in Sashiko” over this account and Youtube Videos. In my Online Sashiko Class, one learns how to stitch like we do from the technical perspective. After they learn the core, they will reach the essence of Sashiko: There is no such a thing as Right and Wrong. When there is no right and wrong, one can learn how to stop being judgmental to themselves. We do NOT embrace imperfection as an excuse to not to get better. We just accept who we are so we can get closer to being more “perfect”.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #Asanoha #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


October 29, 2021 at 08:36AM

On the post @upcyclestitches, we have received a heartwarming comment, “Your work belongs in the @metmuseum”. I always appreciate the admiration as much as I do not consider us the “artist” yet (I know I am quite stubborn). We are trying our best to preserve it. The word Sashiko/Boro became popular all over the world, and there are many artists/craftsmen/teachers who enjoy the word/concept of Sashiko. I am happy about it. At the same time, we are counting how many Jackets we can make within the time frame we have left. There aren’t many Sashiko artisans who can make this kind of Sashiko Jackets & share the half centuries of stories. After that? I don’t know how Sashiko becomes. Therefore, I keep sharing the stories.

I am not stitching as much as I want because I feel fear of “losing Sashiko” in English. I don’t focus on writing a book proposal because it is too “slow” to resist this strong whirlpool of “Sashiko/Boro trend”. I have a favor. If you think our Sashiko is the Art, please help us to be the Artists. We don’t have a studio. Keiko used to work part-time before 2018 to pay the bill (Now, she focuses on thanks to Patreon Support). Please make us artists by sharing our stories. I don’t beg anyone to follow us because “being an influencer” isn’t the goal. However, your support to tell someone who you care about us can help us. (Therefore, I felt so warm when I received a comment about sharing what I write within their family.)

Thanks to those who had to stitch for their survival, we live in a society with many “choices”. Our choice will make the future. Your choice will make the Sashiko’s future. We will do our best to keep making what we can: and your support in any form is very much appreciated. Some accuse me of being “negative”. No, I don’t think so. I am more positive than anyone since I believe in us. I am just trying to be honest rather than “comfortable” to them. Thank you for your continuous support.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #Hitomezashi #刺し子


October 28, 2021 at 07:14AM

From Yesterdays’ (extreme) analogy about Sashiko in English & Pizza. I learned that there are authentic italian pizza without tomato sauce. It is called “Pizza Bianca (White Pizza)”. There is also a pizza without cheese, like “Pizza Alla Marinara”. Thank you for educating me. The input makes my analogy even better.

My point is that the situation with Sashiko/Boro in English is that: Calling either one (Pizza Bianca or Pizza Alla Marinara) as “the whole pizza (in Italy)”. Or, in this analogy in another direction, I am teaching/believing the whole authentic pizza without knowing Pizza Bianca and Pizza Alla Marinara. I believe the pizza in Italy is all true with authentic ingredients and appropriate mindset: for that, no “Right and Wrong” in pizza when they follow “something”. By someone defining “One Pizza as a whole”, the other pizza is about to be over-painted by foreigners. That’s what is going on with Sashiko: Sashiko that you know may be very limited: NOT the whole picture of Sashiko.

I didn’t mean to disrespect the Italian & Pizza culture. I don’t know enough about pizza to teach/share, and I often use Pizza as the American’s (& my) favorite food to explain (as an extreme analogy). I apologize if I hurt you. I used it as an analogy: never intending to repaint the culture.

“For me”, because I don’t know the authentic pizza in Italy, Tomato Sauce or cheese is the most delicious part of pizza. I feel similar when someone enjoys Sashiko without learning the stories behind it: as if they are missing the most delicious part of what they are doing. Of course, it is my dream to visit Italy and taste the pizza there: as many kinds as possible. The Sashiko/Boro available now is like the analogy I shared with pizza: insufficient due to “not knowing”. Why do I speak up? Because many know about the difference in Pizza. Sashiko is at risk now. ☆
*If you don’t get it, read my stories & what videos on Youtube on what is Sashiko & Boro for us.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子


October 27, 2021 at 09:21PM

I sometimes say, “I feel pain (when I face ignorance/indifference)”. To be honest, I haven’t figured out how to define/explain this “pain” well. It hurts, so it is painful, but it doesn’t make me angry so much… more like sad… or even “sorry (for them)”. The actual pain comes from disappointment, because, I guess, I have faith. Let’s use an extreme analogy, as my favorite one with Pizza.

The on-going Sashiko/Boro trend with them enjoying it & ignoring the stories are like eating pizza without cheese, or eating pizza with just cheese (without tomato sauce). One of the major compartments of the whole picture of Sashiko is missing, and the missing part is the most delicious part of the pizza. Pizza without cheese is a bread stick, and Pizza without tomato sauce is cheese bread. Both bread sticks & cheese breads are very tasty as they are & I would never call it wrong… but it isn’t exactly “Pizza”. I understand that it is difficult to get cheese or Tomato sauce based on the locations/conditions, yet they shouldn’t “define” what they are comfortable with as the “Pizza”. It won’t happen in Pizza because we all know it… but in Sashiko/Boro, it can happen. I have been enjoying “full Pizza” since my childhood, and I do not want to change it so that I can pass it down to the next generation. I am not overreacting: I am just acting my best to leave our voice. Then… next, we have to talk if “Pineapple” is a good topping for the pizza or not.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


October 26, 2021 at 10:06PM

A new follower may think, “I thought this is an account for Sashiko, but he talks nothing about Sashiko. Nonsense.” Well, all of the stories I share are the key to understanding Sashiko, especially if you are not Japanese.

My mother, Keiko, has been a “giver” in all of my memories. Before I learn the word “Pay it Forward” in 2000’s, she was doing the similar action, with Japanese name, “Ongaeshi (特別な個人ではなく社会への恩返し)”. Naturally, in my youth, I disrespected her for being such a bad business person. Now, after going through a lot, I am in full appreciation for what she has shared with me.

Since my own mother was like this, I have a strong faith in Us (Human Beings). We are decent. Yes, we sometimes go through pains and sorrows, but I believe we can be “decent”. If I don’t believe in this, then I shouldn’t (cannot) really share the Sashiko because “Sashiko is one manifestation of our caring to others”. I don’t know if Sashiko makes us decent, or a decent person continues Sashiko… regardless, I know that there aren’t evil people in long-run of Sashiko (someone who continues stitching for decades). Well… not an evil person, but definitely interesting (unique) people there, though, and it is my biggest compliment. I haven’t given up yet, and therefore I keep sharing.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


October 25, 2021 at 08:58PM

Extreme Skills. Traditional Techniques. Sustainable Art. Accurate Stitching. Being Right in contrast to being Wrong. Cultural Appropriation. Upcycle the fabric. Slow Fashion. Visible (invisible mending) and Meditative Life-Style. They are all important in Sashiko/Boro, but these are NOT the first thing I advocate. If you are a long follower here, you know what I push to the world: a bit of extra time to be mindful to care for others, just a moment to acknowledge someone who may be behind the “(extra) ordinary”.

The “someone” is often the one who you care about. “Care” here is not equal to being “nice” or “comfortable”. We can dislike someone & care simultaneously. The opposite of “Caring” is not “hating”: it is “ignoring”. 

I hope this post also adds some sense to why I keep saying “Sashiko in English is insufficient yet”. I know we live on busy days with a small family unit. However, if you can, as I received a heartwarming comment yesterday, please talk to your “roots” as much as you can. “Respect to eldery” is not just a form of courtesy. It is what defines us. We don’t have to like them (of course, it’s great if you like them), just don’t ignore (indifference) them even if they are uncomfortable. You can run away if they have problems, but keep them in your mind (with love/hatred, either way). One day, the fabric communicates “it” to you throughout stitching, either theirs or yours. “It” happened to me, and therefore I can share so many stories about Sashiko & Boro. We weren’t made from nothing: Someone was there for us, and we were all covered with some fabrics.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子


October 24, 2021 at 09:23PM

For some reason, I look back to the past in October. Keiko and I restarted Sashiko, after so many years of stitching, with making several “Sashiko” Jackets. We had been through a lot around that time. It is surprising that she smiled in the photo, yet it is not the smile I can see today (or the smile you know if you have met her before).

I write a lot of stories: sometimes uncomfortable for you. However, my motivation is simple. I would like to protect her smile like the one on the 10/15 post. And, I now strongly believe, by sharing stories, I can protect many smiles like hers, in Japan & in Japanese heritage. I live in the past, and relying on you to create a decent future. 



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


October 23, 2021 at 01:10PM

I know some do not really understand what I am trying to do, especially if their value is based on capitalism. I was once so ambitious with blood-cold eyes because all I cared about was “money”. Don’t get me wrong. Money is extremely important, and I need it. I like it. The difference within myself is that money became just a “vehicle” to reach my destination instead of “the destination (in superior)”. But again, over and over again, if the goal is just to make a lot of money, Sashiko is a stupid idea: a bad sense of business… If a person has a passion for Sashiko, or has a different destination, then I am their ally. 

All I “teach” is the gateway of Sashiko (Core & Basic) so you can enjoy the park (without borders). All I “share” is a map that I have visited in the park where I had visited. There are millions of parks, so is Sashiko. I want you to find your own park/Sashiko you like. Try as many kinds of Sashiko as you can. Read/watch as many resources as you find. I just do not want you to limit yourself to the fact that the park you have in your state is “only” park anyone can enjoy. Of course, if their goal is to make money by bringing people into “their park”, stating “this is the only park!” is a great marketing strategy. However, then let me raise a question, who is limiting Sashiko? Me (who does not define Sashiko so easily) or Them (who defines Sashiko without proper understanding)? I am NOT the answer. I want YOU to find your own Answer. 


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子