February 20, 2023 at 08:12AM

I often receive requests to show the “Back-Side (Wrong Side)” of our Sashiko. I wonder if you realized the photo I had shared in the previous photo is the “Back-Side” of the Furoshiki Wrapping Fabric. Well, I also share the “Back-Side” whenever I share a video of me stitching Sashiko.

Many Sashiko Stitchers get surprised when they learn that we stitch from the Back-Side most of the time. We make stitches by looking at the “Wrong Side” of the fabric. There is nothing wrong with stitching while looking at the “Front Side (Good Side / Showing Side)”. I just want “them” to know that our Sashiko stitches from the Back Side – and there are so many reasons & stories for that.

I use the word “Wrong Side” to explain – however, in principle, we do not want to distinguish “Wrong Side” or “Right Side (Showing Side)”. They stitched Sashiko because they couldn’t replace the fabric so easily… which means they wouldn’t have the luxury to cover the “Wrong Side” of the fabric. So… they developed the skill & wisdom to make both sides as “Finished Side”. Therefore, we do not make knots. Therefore, we stitch from the backside.

It is true that they can have knots in Sashiko. That’s perfectly fine. However, when they teach, I hope they “can” stitch from the backside as well. Otherwise, these stories will be ignored, and worse “Lost” (if we weren’t speaking up). Some may wonder… how can they even make stitches if they are not looking at the “Showing Side”. They may say: “Well, it is because they have a good amount of practice”. Practice is important, but for this, the “mindset” is more important. Sashiko is more than just a technique to make even stitches – and I share the mindset & skill as a package in my workshop/Online Class.



#Sashiko #刺し子


February 18, 2023 at 10:08PM

I would like to keep this account as “Sashiko Story”, where you can read & watch the Sashiko we practice instead of a “Sashiko Business” Account. Therefore, I prefer to write a story rather than an announcement. Well… at the same time, thinking about “Business” is important to keep it sustainable. Periodically, please let me share our Business Account @Upcyclestitches for the latest update (which I don’t write so often… I focus on sharing stories here).

I will be out of the office starting 2/21 to 2/25 next week. If you would like to receive an order by next weekend or so, please place the order by 2/20. After that, I will process it after I come back from QuiltCon. I appreciate your understanding – I do all of the shipping process with my own hands.

It may be too “spiritual” for some, but I strongly believe in the “invisible” power – like energy, Qi, Reiki… you name it. I often get a suggestion to “outsource” the shipping & packing process. However, I would like to keep it the way I pack the orders with my own hands – while wishing that the customer would enjoy it. It is my sign of appreciation – and I hope that some may feel the same by me doing so.

For the Japanese, this “invisible energy” was something ordinary. In Japanese, when translating “treat the wound”, we say “手当てする (Teate)” – which can mean “Put Hands On” by following the Kanji Character. I am always inspired by hand-work – so I try my best to apply “hand” to many of my “ordinary” activities. Sashiko can be powerful because of this – all hand-made, with something invisible (for many, but may be visible for some).



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


February 16, 2023 at 09:45AM

In Today’s post, [Japanese Comes First].

20代から講演の機会はちらほら頂いていたのですが、カンファレンスホールで刺し子についての講演を英語でするという未来は見えていませんでした。講演の題材は「刺し子の今と、文化としての持続可能性」と言う、まぁ言葉だけでも面倒な感じのものです。もちろん、これを面白く伝えていくのが私の役目です。「文化はどう続くのか」と言う話をする為に、刺し子の今と昔を比較する必要が出てきて、悩みに悩んで勇気を出して、本も出版されていらっしゃる @sashikonami さんに写真の提供をお願いできないか尋ねたところ、とても丁寧に了承下さいました。んでもって投稿のシェアまで!とてもありがたい話です。




As I talk about “Cultural Sustainability in/with Sashiko”, I want to share the “flow” of Sashiko. I rarely share someone’s work here, but it doesn’t mean that I do not like others’ work. There are so many Japanese Sashiko Artists/Artisans whom I respect & wish to meet one day. @sashikonami kindly allowed me to use her photos in the upcoming lecture. As you can tell, her Sashiko & our Sashiko aren’t so similar, yet both are very important parts of this culture. Unfortunately, Dualism (in West Culture) is changing the culture more than necessary. I am here to share (to include), not to exclude. Therefore, I think it is fair to ask a Sashiko Teacher to be able to speak Japanese (to communicate with many more Sashiko Artisans in Japan). Sashiko is more than what is introduced/translated in English, and I am here to share “what” is missing.

#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


February 15, 2023 at 09:57AM

I often receive an Interview Request regarding Mending & Sashiko. Nowadays, the interviewer studies my message about Sashiko prior to the first contact, and they ask me the question with the understanding of me saying “Sashiko is NOT the word for Mending itself”.

Mending is a very important part of the Sashiko – but the word Sashiko itself is NOT about mending. In fact, the principal exists in the opposite direction. [They Stitched Sashiko so that They would Avoid Mending]. Sashiko existed to avoid mending – which is completely opposite of celebrating the Mending.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy Mending for myself, both Visible & Invisible Mending. I understand that many associate Sashiko to their Mending – and some may teach it or publish a book about it. Is it Cultural Appropriation? No, it is just a lack of both “learning (from non-Japanese)” and “sharing (from Japanese)”. It is quite alright when they try to keep learning it – using the word itself isn’t going to cause the pain – ignoring the voice when a person from that culture speak-up is the issue. I really appreciate those who follow this account while telling/calling/teaching/publishing about Sashiko. My message can be quite uncomfortable – but they listen to it. Unfortunately, the trend sometimes/often ignores the voices – and I am just trying to be a stone in the big trend of “Cerebration with Ignorance”.

「刺し子 x デニム」。まだ私が刺し子の職人さんと一緒に仕事をしていた頃に、小言を言われながらも固いデニムに針を通すようになりました。サステナビリティの流行からか、今では刺し子とデニムの組み合わせを探すと、穴の空いたデニムの補修だったり、はたまたツギハギだらけの衣類を作ったりと、様々な解釈がみてとれます。なかなか見つけられないのが、既存の衣類に「穴が開かないようにする為の刺し子」です。弱くなった&破れたから針を持つのではなく、「補修は恥ずかしいから」と針を持つこともあった当時の刺し子をした方々の気持ちも置いてけぼりにはしたくないのです。刺し子をどれだけしても、どう頑張っても布は弱くなるし破れます。今のサステナビリティ信仰では「補修を喜ぶ(楽しむ)」ことが主軸になっていて、もちろんそれが正しいと思うのですが、同時に「補修しか方法が無かった(から補修しないように刺し子をした)」日本人にも思いをはせて欲しいなと思うのです。

#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoDenim #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


February 13, 2023 at 08:45PM

In this account, I am sharing “stories” so that I can somewhat illustrate what Sashiko is. In Workshop & Online Class, I teach the “Core & Essence (the most important element)” in Sashiko. 5 years of experience with positive reviews encouraged me to be confident that anyone can reach the “Sashiko we practice” by practicing with a specific form.

In #Quiltcon 2023, I have an honor to offer a lecture. Unlike just Sharing, or Teaching, I believe the purpose of the lecture is “Delivering the Message”. The title is “Japanese Sashiko Today as Cultural Sustainability” – but I do not plan to talk about only the concerns – I would like to deliver “something” for those who registered to be there. “Acknowledgement” to the stories? “No such a thing as Right and Wrong in Sashiko” as a New Rule? I am spending a good amount of time reflecting on what I am doing by sharing Sashiko.

[I want you(them) to know “The Unknown”]. This is probably the message I would like to deliver. The Sashiko today is built on the lives of so many “Unknown” Artisans – or just ordinary Japanese who happened to stitch. I do not want to ignore them even if they prefer to be anonymous. Not all artists have a chance to speak to the world (via their Art), yet I say I am not the Artist… It is because of these so many “Unknown Craftsmen” who made the foundation of what I am sharing today. “Unknown” doesn’t mean “Non-Existence”, and it is my job now to introduce “Unknown” as indeed Existence hidden in the trend. If you are gonna be in Quiltcon, please come to see how I deliver the message.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子


February 12, 2023 at 02:22PM

A Close-Up Photo of the previous Sashiko Jacket. 9 geometric patterns that Keiko chose in 2021 to “recreate (trace)” what a Japanese would have enjoyed in their ordinary life. This photo probably can clarify it is all “hand-stitched”. Yes, it is a lot of hand-stitching to reach there, as some very occasionally share their impression of “intimidating” (which I hope you do not feel they are intimidating because it is NOT our intention at all).

After teaching Sashiko for 5~6 years in English, I am so glad that there are more stitchers who think this amount of Sashiko is “Doable” – or even “not so difficult”. It takes months to complete one jacket for us. If a person stitches “one-by-one”, it may take years to complete. I often receive a compliment/distancing saying [Wow. You are so talented]. After so many good experiences here, I am confident to say out loud that anyone can reach here with reasonable amount of practice.

When one learns the “form”, it doesn’t require decades to be a “master” – not a self-proclaimed master, but actually the master with actual stitching results (who often tend to not to consider themselves masters…) There is nothing wrong with stitching “one-by-one”, and that’s the start for everyone. Please enjoy Sashiko the way you like – and then, please keep learning more. Sashiko is more than just making one beautiful stitch. It becomes a cultural issue when they “decide” to ignore the “more” part of Sashiko as they think they cannot reach there. Anyone can do this when they learn the form, and I am here to share for the “inclusion”.


#Sashiko #刺し子 #JapaneseSashiko #日本人の刺し子 #運針 #Unshin #SashikoClass


February 11, 2023 at 07:56AM

Recently (in the last few years), our Sashiko works have been picked up for exhibitions and some events (like Live Performance). We will have our first exhibition in April. It is an honor that they would like to have our items for their events & interest from you & others. We will keep making Sashiko, and I hope you will find an opportunity to see, feel, and touch our Sashiko Jackets & items.

As our profile states, we are a “mother & son duo” of Sashiko practitioners. Keiko has more than 40 years of experience, and I was born in the Sashiko family… so I probably saw Sashiko before I saw my father’s face. However, our work as SashiCo or Upcycle Stitches just recently came above the surface. Our Sashiko wasn’t available before 2013 online (at least, I wasn’t teaching & sharing stories this intensively). There are many reasons for this, but a rough summary is that we “restarted” in 2014 after some tragedy. It indicates that it took about 5~10 years to rebuild what we were proud of, passionate about, and simply part of our lives.

There is nothing wrong with using “Sashiko Machines” (& I don’t dislike it at all although I won’t promote it here). It can be called “Sashiko”. However, I believe, the core experience of Sashiko exists in “Hand-Stitching”. No matter how fast we stitch, it takes time, and that’s the value there is in a society where we expect as “quick” and “short” information/practice as possible. My goal is to build the foundation of Cultural Sustainability of Sashiko by sharing stories rather than creating the Temporary Trend – and I appreciate you being here to help our foundation.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


February 08, 2023 at 01:24PM

February 8th. If you follow this account long enough, this is a kind reminder. If you are new, please remember (learn) today as Koto-Youka (事八日), the day for Hari Kuyou (針供養) in which a shrine/temple offer a ritual (ceremony) to farewell broken, unusable, or bent needles.

In Hari-Kuyou, we say good-by to the hard-worked needles while letting them rest in something soft like Tofu. Japanese believe(d) in a type of Animism, and each item, such as a needle, has its own spirit in it. To properly appreciate the spirit, they had a ceremony on Feb.8th to “pray” for the next stage for the spirit while resting our own hands by not-stitching (so I won’t do Sashiko today).

Why Feb.8th? How do we do it? Where do we do it? I have several articles including my friend visiting a shrine for their own Hari-Kuyou on Patreon (https://ift.tt/RJbEvr4). I made those specific articles public for a limited time, so please search for them.

Kuyou (供養). We use this word for a deceased person as well – in my own elaborated translation (not by dictionary), Kuyou means “Sustain Our Care To” in our ordinary. Do I expect everyone to believe there is a spirit in a needle? No, but “caring for needles” for a day would be a great way to take care of what we do, and also ourselves as who we are & what we look for. We are all here thanks to something/someone. We all have preference, so like or dislike, agree & disagree are okay – but “care” as opposite of ignorance will better define who we are. Our Sashiko doesn’t exist without (specific) needles, and our Sashiko won’t be “alive” if you aren’t here. It isn’t really difficult to “sustain our care to”. We just need a fixed day to remember it – like an anniversary. Feb.8th is a day for the needle from stitchers.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


February 06, 2023 at 01:35PM

Thank YOU for mentioning this account here and there. If you are new & here, please read what I write instead of what you think I write. I sometimes bring up the topic of “Cultural Appropriation” – but it is NOT my intention to limit your creativity & fun. I want anyone to call their stitching Sashiko (if they want to), and therefore, I ask them to learn what Sashiko is instead of following the ignorance in trend, or worse, indifference for someone’s profit.

I teach Sashiko Class both Online & In-person. I believe I am offering some kind of “Paradigm Shift” there – not only (but of course) the technique and design, but also philosophy & how Japanese approach(ed) to Sashiko. That being said, my goal is to pass down our Sashiko – so I share pretty much everything on here, Youtube, Patreon… everywhere I can think of & work on. I even encourage them to share/copy/imitate, or even teach what I do/say. Only thing I ask is to identify the sources (=upstream) – where they get “it” from.

We “share” things to make a living. Analogy. I share my wisdom as I would share “a river” in front of me. I may use it for cleaning dishes while letting children play in the water – or we may catch fishes together for a day. There are millions of ways to use (appreciate) the river, yet I must tell children where this river comes from. When we ignore (neglect to acknowledge) where “it” comes from, then we may not have the same “it” tomorrow. The same thing goes to a culture – as there are millions of rivers in this world, there are numbers of Sashiko in Japan. But, well therefore, please learn the Sashiko which identify & respect where it comes from. Speaking of our Sashiko, you just need to mention this account as I will be responsible for sharing the stories of “upstream” of our Sashiko. But, your “sharing” will be the biggest help to sustain this culture. Thank You! (thanks @geri_in_stitches & @exhaustedoctopus for tag me!)


#Sashiko #刺し子


February 05, 2023 at 12:02PM

Today’s Story is a bit personal – I remember a very powerful statement one teacher told me in my school: [If we have a moment (1%) of laughter with warm food, we can go through the 99% of miserable moments]. My Philosophy and principles are based on this phrase. Therefore, the first thing I did when I visited Otsuchi (for the Sashiko Recovery Project after Earthquake & Tsunami) was to cook a warm meal to the staff.

I don’t have much to offer to my wife (she is the breadwinner in a household), but I make a rule to make her laugh at least once a day – not 100% success rate, but I try. The same rules apply when I offer Sashiko Workshop. I try my best to make it “funny”. Sometimes, I receive a review focusing on my joke rather than Sashiko… which is, well, very appreciated. Naturally, my personal “dream” is to stand on the stage as a “comedian” – which I am scared of, and not happening as it is “dream” yet. Regardless, I like people laughing a lot, and I believe it is how we can go through difficulties.

On SNS, I try to be as “difficult” as possible so that I can achieve the goal of passing down the Sashiko as a part of Japanese culture – rather than just a technique or design. It is a part of Cultural Sustainability, and if you do not receive any reply from me, please search for the answer. It is usually there, very easy to find, as I usually answer when I receive a question for asking answers with the necessity of explanation. I am not here to offer “Instant Gratification/Satisfaction” – I want you to laugh, smile, and enjoy Sashiko together with us. I intend to keep this style although I understand it is much easier to adjust Sashiko to Western Culture (like others do). However, to have a good 1% moment of laughter & warm food for everyone in Sashiko, I will keep sharing what I can do.


#Sashiko #刺し子