I occasionally receive a quesiton whether we have a place (store-front) offering our Sashiko Supplies in Japan from those who are traveling to Japan. This Blog Article explain how we can arrange a Shopping of our Sashiko Supplies in Japan.
We do not have a StoreFront & We do not do wholesale
As we do not have a storefront where anyone can access, it requires a bit of preparation when you would like to purchase some supplies from us. Unfortunately, due to a very limited production, we do not do wholesale business at this point. As a result, there are no craft stores carrying our Sashiko Thread, needles, thimble, and ever fabrics.
Arrange a Special Package for you
The realistic way to purchase our Sashiko Supplies in Japan would be by arranging a package from my mother so that you can receive the items while you are staying in Japan. If you are interested in this way, we are happy to offer up to 35% Off from the listing price of the items on our webstore.
Please contact Atsushi first to get this discount. The actual amount of the discount will be determined what you plan to order, where the package to be shipped, and when does it need to be delivered. Once I confirm the availability with Keiko, I will generate the One-Time Coupon for you so that you can get a package of our Sashiko Supplies in Japan.
For the items listed, please click the store above.
Please include the information below when you contact us. Without information, I may consider the inquiry as a spam, and you may not receive the reply. It is safe to write [I am interested in the order arrangement in Japan] or something like that when you send the Contact Form.
Your name & what you would like to purchase form the Webstore above.
The name of the Hotel or a shipping address of the house/room you are staying
Your preference when it to be delivered.
If you do not hear from me within 3 days or so, please contact me via SNS like Instagram.
Keiko’s House & Sashiko Supplies in Japan
Keiko Futatsuya lives in Takayama, Gifu Prefecture. She carries some of her threads & her pieces. If it is your strong preference to actually see the supply & purchase, visiting her house for the purchase is one option. However, to reduce a risk, we have some restriction to who can visit to Keiko’s house.
If you are a graduate of Atsushi’s Workshop (Core & Essence), you are always welcome to visit Keiko. Please simply email me with the email address you registered the workshop. I will follow-up with arrangement with Keiko.
If you are new to our Sashiko, please read the article below to arrange the appointment. Please be advised that the appointment is not guranteed as Keiko can be quite busy. It is safe to arrange the appointment at least a few month in advance. If the visit is within a few days, the appointment will not be available in many cases. To start the arrangment, please contact Atsushi after reading the article below very carefully.
Other Recommendation about Sashiko Supplies in Japan
I also receive a numbers of inquiry asking for my recommendation about Sashiko Supplies in Japan. My recommendation is what we sell, and unfortunately, there are no storefront where you can get. There are many kinds of good Sashiko Supplies in Japan, and they are available in many stories – yet they are’t my recommendation.
I understand that it is a bit troublesome process to get the Sashiko Supplies. Once we regain the structure of supply production, we may be able to restart the wholesale business. In that case, a visitor to Japan can enjoy the Sashiko Suppiles that we recommend fully.
Our Sashiko Store is located in the United States, and we make a shipment to many countries internationally. If you are interested, please check what we have… and more importantly, “Why” we keep offering these specific threads, needle, thimble and fabric.
In this blog entry, I would like to explain the difference in Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence] and [Application & Practice] that I offer as of 2024.
Thanks to many interest in learning Sashiko from a group of Japanese Sashiko Artisans, we have been offering Sashiko Workshops for several years. The style & contents of Workshop slightly alternate overtime. As the result, the concentrated version of all the experience I received is now so called [Core & Essence], and everyone who wants to learn Sashiko from us are required to take this class. We offer both In-Person & Online for [Core & Essence]. I no longer offer the workshop focusing on (To be) Boro or (In)visible Mending. Instead, I combined many popular contents into one workshop – which is [Application & Practice].
*On top of these 2 Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence] and [Application & Practice], I offer introductory Online Course with much lower pricing for affordability. Please check Domestika for more information.
*Please check this similar article to learn all courses I offer if you are interested in the Sashiko we practice.
Sashiko introduced in English mainly teach about the “patterns” and “How to stitch” from technical perspective. Some may teach “how to make even stitches”. I occaisionally find a style of teaching “Embrace the Imperfection”. It is indeed true that we can embrace the imperfection. However, when a teacher start teaching how to be okay to be clumsy, that’s the end of “wisdom”. So, in Western way of learning, Sashiko is categorized mainly in 2 big groups: (1) to increase the participants skill to control the needle & (2) to focus on “freedom” in stitching.
Unfortunately, neither (1) nor (2) are the core of Sashiko Stitching. Because the teachers in English do not go through the proper experience in Japan, they can only interpret Sashiko from their own perspective. Their teaching isn’t wrong. However, it is missing the most important element in Sashiko for us (as a group of Japanese Sashiko Artisans).
In the minimum of 6 hours of Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence], a participant will learn the “FORM (KATA)” of Sashiko, which lead them to learn Unshin – the movement of needle. It isn’t a style of Workshop saying “Let’s enjoy Sashiko Together“. It is an intensive learning experience that some may have to go through very uncomfortable process to learn something new. We all have a muscle memory based on our experience, and some needs to go over the “habit” to have another muscle memory. After learning it, one can use the both (and more) muscle memory – but until then, it can be quite challenging time.
Therefore, I have a minimum of 6 hours for this workshop. Most of the participants find its form within 6 hours of the workshop. Rest of the participants would find their own rhythm & form after the workshop when they continue trying. It is extremely important to have this fundamental understanding of “Form & Rhythm” in our Sashiko. Therefore, [Core & Essence] is the prerequisite for Sashiko Workshop [Application & Practice], and Sashiko Japan Tour.
Analogy of [Core & Essence]
Please imagine that the Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence] is a training for you to be able to ride a bycicle within a limited time frame with better efficiency (with less scratch & bruses). Anyone can learn how to ride a bike when they keep trying. Some may be able to do so by just watching others riding a bycicle. Others may need some expert help to get it easier. Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence] is the expert advise for you to learn how to ride a bicycle (How to get the rhythm in Sashiko).
What is Sashiko Workshop [Application & Practice]?
Once you learn the “Form & Rhythm” in Sashiko, you are ready to explore the unlimited possibility of Sashiko. Sashiko Workshop [Application & Practice] will encourage a participant to apply the Sashiko we practice to their ordinary by covering some popular concepts such as Visible Mending (and Invisible Mending), Boro (and To Be Boro), and Designs for Sashiko. It also introduce other types of Sashiko such as Hitomezashi as an addition to the Sashiko they can practice with a lot of fun.
Analogy of [Application & Practice]
Let me explain what Sashiko Workshop [Application & Practice] is like with the Analogy I used above. When the [Core & Essence] is an opportunity to learn how to ride a bicycle, [Application & Practice] is a field trip where I take the participant to a Bike Park where we can enjoy many types of attractions for riding a bicycle. I will try to introduce as many “attractions” as possible, and the participant will have a choice of following the instructor throughout, or focus on one attraction more. So, it will be fun time when everyone have the basic understanding of how to ride a bicycle.
2 Major Category of [Application & Practice]
In the Sashiko Workshop [Application & Practice], we have 2 major Category of expanding the experiencing in Sashiko. One is “How to apply Sashiko to our ordinary days”, which includes following:
How to prepare the Pattern on the Fabric
How to complete different patterns
Learning of different materials for Sashiko
Another Category is “Hitomezashi“, which is completely another genre in Sashiko. For more information about the actual contents of [Application & Practice], please scroll down this article & find the detail description on what to expect from each workshops.
What is not included in our Sashiko Workshops?
As much as I have so many Sashiko that I would like to share, I know what I can do & cannot do (and what I am good at & not good at). In fact, the majority of things are something I “shouldn’t” teach. Please find some example of what I do not teach as I am not well qualified.
Category of Sashiko that I do not teach are: Koginzashi, Hishizashi, Colorful Hitomezashi on Fukin, Kugurizashi and many other new emerging Sashiko. Unfortunately, I do not have a good resource to learn these Sashiko in English. The teachers for these types of Sashiko do not speak English and/or not willing to have teaching itself. I am working on having them to offer some teaching opportunity in English with my assistance. Also, please consider joining “Sashiko Japan Tour” where I will take the participants to experience these different styles of Sashiko.
I also do not teach how to use sew up the Jackets and/or bags although we have some items available for sale from our collections. I can use a sewing machine, but very much an amature level. Please find other teachers for this purpose as there are so many better learning resources available in English.
What is the difference between 1-Day, 3-Days and 5 Days In-Person Workshop?
Depends on a Studio, Museums and Organizations, I offer different length of Workshop. When it is listed as 1-Day Sashiko Workshop, it is most likely the Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence]. Very occasionally, I offer the Sashiko Workshop [Application & Practice] as 1 Day Workshop as the 2nd workshop the graduates of [Core & Essence]. The 1-Day Sashiko Workshop [Application & Practice] have the prerequisite of [Core & Essence], and it is clearly listed on the description. For the 1-Day [Application & Practice], the 1st part of the workshop will be “How to Apply the Sashiko to your Ordinary”, and 1nd part of the workshop will be on “Hitomezashi”.
3-Days Sashiko Workshops is one popular Workshop Style I offer. The 1st day will be [Core & Essence], then following on 2nd & 3rd day, we will move to the [Application & Practice] – usually the “How to Apply the Sashiko to ordinary” on the 2nd day and Hitomezashi on the 3rd day. Some spend 2nd & 3rd days to practice [Core & Essence] from the 1st Day, and I believe it is one good usage of this 3 days Sashiko Workshop. Once they master the [Core & Essence], the possibility of the Sashiko is infinate. 3-Days Sashiko Workshop offer the comprehensive experience of what I offer as “Japanese Sashiko we practice”.
Starting 2024 & 2025, with receiving some request, I am creating the 5-Days Sashiko Workshop. Well, it is more like “Sashiko Retreat” as the contents of these 5-Days are very similar to 3-Days Workshop from [Core & Essence] to [Application & Practice].
Amang many positive reviews for 3-Days Sashiko Workshops I receive, I find some participants prefer to spend more time in each “attractions” in the analogy above. For example, some want to focus on Invisible Mending & complete their work as much as possible in the Workshop Time Frame. 5-Days of focused stitching will have a variety of chances to be fully immersed into the Sashiko we practice. In addition to “more time to stitch together with Atsushi”, I am planning to expand the teaching focusin on Japanese Spirituality & our Ordinary (which can be an extra-ordinary practice in Western Value). So, summarizing what I am planning now, the 5-Days Sashiko Workshop will be the “Retreat” with Sashiko – to learn Sashiko & Japanese way of treating yourself better.
In Summary…
1-Day Sashiko Workshop offer the very essential time for you to learn the [Core & Essence] of our Sashiko. Ocassionally, for those who previously graduatd [Core & Essence], you may find a 1-Day compact version of [Application & Practice].
3-Days Sashiko Workshop is one comprehensive opportunity to learn the whole picture of the Sashiko we practice. With many topics to go over with Sashiko, one can have a comprehensive understanding of the Sashiko I share.
5-Days Sashiko Workshop/Retreat (In Planning) offer something more than “learning” of Sashiko. I will update more information as it gets to closer to the actual 5-Days Workshop.
I appreciate your time & interest to learn what I offer as “Workshop – Teaching Opportunity”. As I write, I feel as if what I teach is the answer to Japanese Sashiko. Please be advised that what I teach is only one part of a big picture of Sashiko as a Japanese Culture. I can share the “whole picture” of Sashiko that I have been practicing throughout [Core & Essence] and [Application & Practice]. However, it doesn’t mean that I am teaching the whole picture of Japanese Sashiko.
So, after learning [Core & Essence] of Sashiko, I want everyone to learn other styles of Sashiko – and moreover, the essence of how Japanese think, behave, and stitch. I hope that my teaching will be a great gateway to the Sashiko which in Not introduced in English yet.
Also, it sounds like that “everyone” has to take the workshop I offer to reach to [Core & Essence] of the Sashiko We practice. It isn’t true. One can reach to the realization by just watching others to stitch, like Youtube Videos I periodically offer. So, I wouldn’t say that one cannot reach to the [Core & Essence] of Sashiko wihtout taking this workshop – however, this workshop will make your understanding of Sashiko more comprehensive & deeper.
Also, your decision & commitment to learn [Core & Essence] from us directly support the sustainability of the Sashiko we practice. There are so many types & styles of Sashiko that got “wiped away” by history. Unfortunately, the Sashiko we practice is no longer the main stream of the Sashiko practice (even in Japan). In order to protect the upstream of this beautiful culture, your commitment is very much appreciated. I am pretty confident that I can offer the “Eye-Opening” experience for you.
More Details of Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence] and [Application & Practice]
Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence]
The workshop is an intensive learning opportunity rather than “let’s enjoy Sashiko together”. The participants will learn the important “Form” and “Mindset” of the Sashiko we have been practicing. This workshop will be the fundamentals of any following Sashiko Workshops.
Learn the basic of the Sashiko we practice
Rhythmical Running Stitching – Unshin – as the Core & Essence.
The appropriate posture of Sashiko stitching.
How to use the thimble & needle appropriately.
How to make even stitches
Hands-on Stitching Time with stitching the Asanoha pattern.
Sashiko Workshop [Application & Practice]
– and yes, we will extend it to Boro.
We will apply the Sashiko I shared on the [Core & Essence] on to the actual project such as some ordinary cloth you wear. The participants will learn the following.
How to prepare the fabric (Transfer the fabric / pre-stitching).
How to mend the garment with Sashiko mindset & ideas.
How to make Boro (What is Boro after all)
– then, move to Hitomezashi
The [Core & Essence] focus on students to find their own rhythm in stitching. Some styles of Sashiko require a bit of more “control” besides their own rhythm. In [Application & Practice], we will introduce a different style of Sashiko with the same form, ideas, and techniques we cover on the previous learnings.
Understanding Hitomezashi with Grid.
The Hitomezashi & Its Rhythm.
How to proceed with Hitomezashi.
How to apply Hitomezashi to future projects.
[Core & Essence] will be a very strict form of teaching as every participant are required to follow the direction of Atsushi. [Application & Practice] will be a bit more easy-going like an independent study while using the technique & understanding of Sashiko of [Core & Essence].
Thank you for finding us & your interest in Learning Sashiko. Please find the detail information about Sashiko In-Person Workshop Schedule 2024. It is a summary article of when and where Atsushi will be offering the Sashiko Workshop in 2024. As you may know, I do not offer many In-Person workshops throughout the year – probably maximum of 6 workshops to prepare each workshops as well as spend some time in my own creation. I hope that you can find one to join one of the Sashiko In-Person Workshop Schedule 2024.
*For those who wish to learn “Now”, please consider taking the Sashiko Online Class (2024). I am receiving many positive reviews that this Online Class can offer the same outcome of learning What Sashiko really is. Some prefer Online Class as they could proceed their learning with their own speed. I will be always over the screen to support your learning of Sashiko
Sashiko Workshop Schedule 2024
(Last Update: March 16th, 2024)
The Way to Enjoy Sashiko More.
Textile Center (Minneapolis, MN) – June, 2024
This is my first time to offer In-Person Sashiko Workshop in Mid-West United States.
3-Days Sashiko Workshop is a comprehensive experience in Learning the Sashiko we have been practicing, starting from [Core & Essence] then to [Application & Practice]. We will have very fun, educational, and intensive 18 ~ 21 hours of stitching together.
One-Day (6-hours) workshop to learn the most important element of our Sashiko [Core & Essence]. It isn’t the workshop of “Let’s enjoy Sashiko together”. It is an intensive learning experience to go through the core essence of Sashiko to start your own journey in Sashiko.
*[Application & Practice] has a prerequisite of [Core & Essence]
We had great time in the In-Person SashikoWorkshop below!
Aya Fiber Studio (Stuart, FL) – January 26t to 27th, 2024
Another Great opportunity to spend 3-full days with Sashiko we practice, from Core & Essence to many ways to apply to your own project. In Stuart, FL, we will have very fun, educational, and intensive 18 ~ 21 hours of stitching together. Plan your time in beautiful beach in FL with Sashiko!
*As of 2023 & 2024, this is the full package of what I teach, both [Core & Essence] and [Application & Practice].
QuiltCon 2024 (Raleigh, NC) – Feb 22th to 25th, 2024
It is an honor to teach Sashiko in QuiltCon again. This year, I will be offering Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence], and a Lecture about [What is the difference between Quilting and Sashiko]. Please check the detail below for the possible participation to Quiltcon 2023 & Sashiko Workshop [Core & Essence].
Robert Frost Stone House Museum at Bennington College – April 13th
One-Day (6-hours) workshop to learn the most important element of our Sashiko [Core & Essence]. It isn’t the workshop of “Let’s enjoy Sashiko together”. It is an intensive learning experience to go through the core essence of Sashiko to start your own journey in Sashiko.
**The Sashiko Core and Essence Workshop is usually priced for more than $360, but thanks to generous support from both Visual Arts and Usdan Gallery at Bennington College we have been able to drastically reduce the price of the workshop. I will look for this type of grant & support from the community.
Bring Atsushi to Your Group
Please consider bringing Atsushi to your group (or even to you as a private course) if you do not find a ideal location & time for you to join Sashiko In-Person Workshop Schedule 2024. Depends on the numbers of your group & location, this may be the best arrangement for you. Please take a look at the article below & contact Atsushi for the availability. If you are an organizer wishing to offer Sashiko Workshop with Atsushi, please check the “Pricing Benchmark” PDF from the link below.
Sashiko Online Class is available for those who would like to start learning Sashiko right now from your place. After sharing Sashiko over the Internet for a while during the Covid-19, I am confident that I can deliver the same message & learning experience via Sashiko Online Class. I “restock” Sashiko Online Class each month, based on the numbers of participants who signed up for the specific period. If you find it available, there is no need to fulfill the waiting list.
I am looking forward to meeting you online!
More to Come for Sashiko In-Person Workshop Schedule 2025
I have several workshops pending for 2025, and hoping that I can offer a few more workshops somewhere in 2024. Please follow Instagram, Business for @UpcycleStitches and Sashiko Stories for @SashikoStory for the latest update!
It has been 6 years since I started “teaching” Sashiko as my action to react to many requests. For me, Sashiko wasn’t something to “teach” so systematically. In the beginning of my teaching, I didn’t even know what to teach as I thought everyone knew what I call now as “Core & Essence”. While learning what I can offer, it has been my pleasure to share the Sashiko we practice. Over time, we established several kinds of Sashiko Workshops/Classes. This article is an explanation for Different Sashiko Classes we offer.
*I often receive a question about my recommendation for resources to learn Sashiko. Unfortunately, there are no books written in English that I can recommend to learn the Sashiko we practice. Because I don’t have any recommendation in books, I share so many Stories & information on the Internet. If you are new to Sashiko, please check them as it is quite rich content after years of accumurating. I summarized the list of links at the end of this page.
Different Sashiko Classes We offer
(As of September 2023)
As of 2023, I offer 4 different Sashiko Classes as I listed below. I used to offer other kinds of Sashiko Workshops such as “Invisible Mending”, “To-Be-Boro Making” and “Hitomezashi”. However, after 2020, I summarized those workshops into [Application & Practice]. Please take the 3~5 Days In-Person Workshop for the [Application & Practice] class. The [Core & Essence] Sashiko Workshop is prerequisite to join [Application & Practice].
*I am eager to make the [Application & Practice] online version. It will also have a prerequisite of [Application & Practice]. I appreciate your Understanding & Support!
Difference Between Domestika Course & [Core & Essence]
One of the frequesnt question I receive is about the difference between the [Introductory Japanese Sashiko] Couse on Domestika and Online Sashiko Class [Core & Essence]. Although there are a few contents over-rapping, the biggest difference between 2 classes are the “Goal” that I expect students to achieve.
I agreed to Domestika’s Course as I have the same “dream” in teaching. Regardless of where to live, what to have, and who they are, I would like them to learn the Sashiko We practice. Therefore, the pricing on the Domestika’s Course are very reasonable. When one decided to skip 2~3 Starbucks Coffee, they can take the Course – the easy access for as many people as possible was the Goal of this Introductory Class. As the result, unfortunately, I do not spend a lot of time in the [Core & Essence] of Sashiko that I want to pass down – it is Form of stitching & Understanding of Unshin. One can learn this [Core & Essence] by just watching me stitching on my Sashiko Live Streaming. However, to make sure that I pass down the Sashiko we practice, it is very important for me to know the students, their hands, their philosophy, thier approach to Sashiko & most importantly “Their Rhythm” in Stitching.
I strongly recommend taking the [Core & Essence] Class (either In-Person or Online) if your goal is to start stitching like us, with similar philosophy, similar technique, and toward the similar understanding. Try the Domestika Course. If you like what I offer there, then if you find it difficult to stitch like we do, please consider taking the [Core & Essence].
Why Do I create the Domestika Course if it doesn’t teach Core?
Ever since I started teacing Sashiko, I have been receiving the same questions very frequently. It is: [What is your recommendation for the resource of Learning Sashiko?] and [Where do I start learning Sashiko]? Until 2023, sadly, I had to answer those questions saying [There are no recommendation in books & resources. Please take my Workshop to start learning Sashiko]. However, for those who just discover Sashiko, taking the [Core & Essence] class would be a big commitment to make.
Sashiko introduced in English is quite simplified. It isn’t wrong, but missing great part of Sashiko. Therefore, I keep sharing Sashiko Stories on SNS – yet I wanted & needed to have a place where I can recommend anyone to. The Domestika Team understood my dream, and with agreeing to achieve their goal, I decided to make the Course, Introduction to Japanese Sashiko on Domestika.
In order to explain the Different Sashiko Classes I offer, I would like to use an analogy with “riding bycicle”. Let’s say you have not seen the type of bycicle some Japanese ride. You want to learn how to ride neatly and safely.
[Introduction to Japanese Sashiko] is a course that you can learn about the bycicle. How it is different from your knowledge of riding a bycicle. Why it is so different from what you know. What kind of items you need to enjoy bike riding. Where to get them with as many samples as possible. Unfortunately, this introduction course doesn’t include the support on actual “How to Ride the bicycle”. Some may be able to ride it without support with their own style, or the other may experience the difficulty to ride the bycicle like they see on videos and photos.
[Core & Essence] is the actual workshop/class to teach you “How to Ride a Bike (in Sashioko, How to stitch with Unshin while learning the proper Form)”. Explaining each step carefully, asking them to strickly stitck with the form & approach I offer no matter how uncomforatble it is to them, I am confident that everyone can learn how to ride a bycicle like we do (how to stitch like we make Sashiko). As everyone has different hands & condition, some may need extra help & adjustment. Also, there may be (is) some philosophical understanding we have to be on the same page in learning. To help you fully to accomplish the Goal, I share “Live Session” for the Online Sashiko Class, and one-on-one time over In-person Sashiko Workshop.
The Goal & Contents of [Core & Essence] classes are the same both Online & In-Person. Each style has different advantages, and you may have your preference as well. Some strongly prefer to In-Person workshop as I will “force” you & you can get direct support on site. Others prefer Online as they can proceed learning with their own pace. Either way, I will do my best to support your learning.
*One of the advantage of In-Person workshop is to see, touch, and feel the Sashiko we make directly. Over online, it is difficult (impossible) to do so. Therefore, when I have a workshop nearby you, when the organizer allows, the Online Class Students are welcome to visit me & touch the Sashiko We make. At the same time, one of the advantage of Online is that you can start learning “Right away”. As what I teach is the startline of the Sashiko We practice (equivelant to how to ride a new bycicle), it is a good idea to start learning before installing other “habit”, especially when your goal is to learn the Sashiko we practice.
[Application & Practice] is, in the same analogy, the workshop I take you to the bike park to enjoy many kinds of attractions such as Time-Attack, Climing Hills, Jumps, and such. [Application & Practice] is an opportunity for you to learn how to apply “the Sashiko we have been practicing”. It would be sad & difficult for one to enjoy Bike Park if they do not know how to ride a bycicle. With the same logic, therefore, I set the [Core & Essence] as the prerequisite. Some of the information I share are over-rapped with Domestika Course. However, we will actually do it together in the [Application & Practice] workshop.
3~5 Days Sashiko Workshop
Thanks to many Art studios & Museums all over the world, I occasionally offer the 3~5 days Sashiko Workshop (In-Person). This is a combination of [Core & Esence] and [Application & practice]. On the 1st day, we cover how to ride a bike. On the 2nd to 3rd/5th day, we jump into many possible application of the Sashiko we practice. The difference between 3-Days to 5 days are the page & depth of the contents. 3-Days (2 Days of Application & Practrice) would be enough to cover the contents I can offer. However, I receive feedback that they would appreciate more time to engage in each process. It is very much up to the budget & goal of the Art Studios & Museums.
As I am trying to reduce the frequecy of In-Person Workshop for 2023~2024 in order to focus on my own Sashiko, I would recommend booking it when you find the availability.
[Application & Practice] Online
I am eager to create the [Application & Practice] Online Class as a follow-up Online Class for the [Core & Essence]. Your feedback from the Google Form below would be very much appreciated.
Platform Links to Support our Different Sashiko Classes
My goal is to share as many Sashiko Stories (information, knowledge, wisdom & techniques) as possible. In order to achieve the goal, as well as the form of follow-up of the Sashiko Classes we offer, we keep sharing Sashiko Stories on different platform. Please find the major account we offer.
Unlike other Sashiko Groups on Facebook, this group has very strict rules to preserve the “Japanese Sashiko”. Anyone can join & posts. However, please read the Group Guideline Carefully before joining the Group
It is important to share unedit & unmodified version of me stitching for the next generation. For that, I share it every week as Sashiko Live Streaming. Also, I upload many Tutorials & Webinar regarding the Sashiko We practice.
I try to be as honest as possible on SNS – however, I learn the risk of being so volnourable where anyone can read & react. To keep my safety & sanity, I share more honest stories on Supporter Only Page – here Patreon Page.
It is my pleasure to re-join the QuiltCon 2024 as a Faculty. This page is for those who plan to attend QuiltCon 2024 Sashiko Workshop, “Core & Essence”. Please find the details below to see what you can expect in QuiltCon 2024 Sashiko Workshop. If you have the registration confirmation, I prepared the support page below.
*If you do not have a registration confirmation to join the QuiltCon 2024 Sashiko Workshop (Core & Essence), please contact MQG for the possible waiting list. In the previous QuiltCon, there were a few last minutes cancellation, and there may be a chance for you to join this year. Also, I offer Online Sashiko Class as well as a few In-person Workshops (for 2024). Please check each articles for the details. Thank you.
*The Support Page will be password protected after the QuiltCon 2024, and I will send the Password for those who attended the workshop. The offer available on the Support Page are only available to those who sign up & purchased the Special Supply Package. Misuse of any offers are subject to the actual price adjustment. Thank you for your understanding!
In QuiltCon 2024, I offer Sashiko Workshop “Core & Essence” (on Thursday & Friday) and a Sashiko Lecture about “How Sashiko is different from Quilting“. In this page, I explain what you can expect to join the Core & Essence Sashiko Workshop in QuiltCon. There aren’t many preparation request. However, please read this article carefully to maximize your experience there.
QuiltCon 2024 Sashiko Workshop: Core & Essence
In our tradition, Sashiko is NOT about making perfect (or Inperfect) stitches. It is all about moving (trusting) a needle comfortably while communicating the fabric. Unfortunately, the current trend of Sashiko is missing one important aspect of Sashiko. In this “Core & Essence” workshop, I will teach you the core technique of our Sashiko so that you can start focusing on communication rather than judging each stitches you make.
It is extremely important to take this workshop before jumping in to any of other workshops we offer. There are a few Japanese terms that the participants need to memorize (not so many & no exams or whatsoever, but knowing them is important).
On Instagram and Facebook, I often say: Sashiko is NOT ◯◯. This workshop “Core & Essence” will give you the answer what Sashiko is for you while you learning new techniques.
*This workshop is not a type of “Let’s Enjoy Sashiko Togeher” workshop. It is one-direction learning experience for you. The participants are required to stitch a lot. They may have to go through some “uncomfortable” stitching experience (due to new muscles they use). Sometimes, it may require some mindfulness in an eye-opening experience. Please do not be scared or worried, however. I will do everything to help you to “experience” and “start enjoying” the Sashiko we practice today.
*There is NO prerequisite for this workshop. No experience in Sashiko is necessary. If you have never touched the hand-stitching needle, please try to learn how to “thread” the needle, or how to use the threader (videos are available on my Youtube). On the other hands, if you think you already know about Sashiko, please try to be as open-mind as possible. What I teach in this workshop is probably different from what you already know. There is no such a thing as “Right and Wrong” in Sashiko: and I will add another perspective of Sashiko in this workshop.
Please purchase the special package for QuiltCon Sashiko: Core & Essence below.
It is extremely important that everyone has the exact same materials & tools to pass down the Core & Essence within 6 hours. Please purchase the special package below before the QuiltCon 2024.
What to bring to Sashiko: Core & Essence.
The Special Package above is all you need to enjoy the Sashiko: Core & Essence. If you choose to receive it to your home, please bring all of the contents inside.
The following list is something maybe helpful for you to bring & prepare:
Masking Tape or Bandage to protect the nail from scratching by needles.
It may a good idea to cut the nail on the dominant hand (the hand with the needle). One can learn Sashiko with long nails, but it may be an obstacles in the first trial.
About Recommended Tools for our Sashiko
The Special Supply Package for the [Core & Essence] Workshop includes everything the participants need in the workshop. There is no need to prepare thread, needle, thimble or fabric for learning Sashiko in this workshop. In order to avoid unfortunate misunderstanding, I require everyone to use the exact same tools & supply.
That being said, there are a few recommended tools for Sashiko, which is NOT necessary yet very useful when you wish to continue Sashiko stitching. You can find another article here for Recommended Tools.
In the Sashiko we practiece, we try to make both side of the fabric as the “finished Side.” To make it easy to cut the thread left over, this thread clipper is a good idea to have.
Our Sashiko Thread is quite easy to get tangled when it is not properly handled. This Bobbin Paper is designed to keep the Sashiko Thread in a good shape for a travel or heavy usage.
It is important to learn how to prepare the pattern by ourselves as Sashiko Practitioenrs. One way to prepare the fabric is to “transfer”. This paper will help us to do better.
Recommended Items are available as a Set Deal for Quiltcon 2024 with the purchase of the Special Supply Package.
General Information for the Recommended Tools & Supplies for Sashiko Stitching
I am here to Support
After receiving the participation confirmation, if you have any questions about QuiltCon 2024 Sashiko Workshop “Core & Essence”, please contact Atsushi. I am happy to answer any questions or worries prior to the workshop.
Your question may be someone’s question, and I will share the question and answers here on this website (of course, annonymously).
I am looking forward to meeting you in the QuiltCon.
In order to appreciate & respect the original purpose of Sashiko, we use specific threads & needles. Because of the choices, some of Sashiko Beginners may experience the difficulty in threading. “Threading” will be much easier by repeating it, so the simple answer is “Practice will make it easier”. However, there are some wisdom to make the threading easier as well. So here is a Help to Thread The Sashiko Needle.
*There is a section that I introduce how to thread the needle in the Sashiko Introductory Course On Domestika. Please learn the basic & introduction of Sashiko comprehensively there.
1 – Keep the Thread in a Good Shape for stitching
The Sashiko thread we recommend is relatively easy to “split”. In fact, I would day that the Sashiko Thread should split easily so that it will function as Sashiko Thread. The thread doesn’t split well isn’t the ideal for the Sashiko purpose over time. So, the first step is to learn how to keep the thread in a good shap
Keep the thread short. If the thread is longer than 1.5 meter, then thread will start spliting by itself. Please follow this video on how to keep the thread in a good shape (youtu.be/ekKoGmr2Ap0)
2 – Adjust Thread Tip.
It requires some practice to thread the needle with our needle & thimble as they are designed to follow the “Sashiko Purpose”. Please try to form the tip of thread to match the shape of needle eye (which is ractangle) by using your finger or nail. This will avoid spliting the thread when you try to insert.
3 – Use a Threader
The threader should have enough space to thread in most cases. Please check if we are on the same page for “how to use a threader” (youtu.be/hh4Psg4dMGg).
I hope that the difficulty in threading would be solved by trying (1)~(3), especially (2) and (3). However, if it doesn’t work, please try (4) below. I attach the photos. It will solve the problem – one issue is that it will add one extra step in your stitching.
4. Use a scotch tape to secure the thread from splitting.
*The Sample Photos here have “Splited Thread” to illustrate the solution
Use Scotch Tape (or masking tape) to secure the tip of the thread.
Wrap the tape to flatten the threads. Try to keep the width as simmilar to the thread width.
Then, cut the top of the tape diagnally. As the thread will not split, it should be easier to thread. Please make sure to cut off the tip (where the tape is) before you start stitching.
You may experience the “extremely splited thread” like 4~8 individal floss (the status of completely lost the twist). The more often we try to thread, the more significant the thread may split. When it happens, please cut off the tip of the “split” thread, and re-try with wisdom above.
I hope that (1)~(4) will fix the issue. Again, the thread is supposed to be this thick and should split. I do not recommend the thread without unique twist (which is easy to split) as “Sashiko Thread”. Also, we recommend the needle’s eye size for the purpose of Sashiko.
That being said, it is okay to use the thread & needle you prefer. From the perspective of Sashiko Artisans who would like to preserve the culture, I appreciate you trying to use the needle & thread we use & recommend instead of finding “easier” options. It is important to acknowledge the reasons & stories why we keep recommending it – and I hope you will get used to it soon with practicing it.
Please keep practicing it and you will have no problem to thread the needle without option (4).
More Story to Thread the Sashiko Needle (Domestika Course)
I’m thrilled to announce my new Sashiko Online Course, “Introduction to Japanese Sashiko Stitching“. This course is a bit different from what I have been offering online & In-Person. A team of professionals worked with me on Domestika, and the course has more clear, beautiful, and creative videos & photos. The Trailer is already so artistic (not my work – they are the professionals in film making!).
The main goal of this new Sashiko Online Course is to introduce the Sashiko we have been practicing. In a big trend of sustainable fashion & mending, the word “Sashiko” has now it own definition in English. As many “Sashiko Teachers” with no Japanese background offering classes, workshops, and publication, Sashiko in English is not the Sashiko I have received. I understand that the trend is so powerful. What they are teaching is NOT wrong – just insufficient to define the Sashiko as a Japanese Stichery.
It is very challenging to introduce a culture & its practice. It requires a series of Story-Telling & practicing it. However, I do not want to just let the word (Sashiko) go away without original Stories. The New Sashiko Online Course “Introduction to Japanese Sashiko” will teach you a sample of my Sashiko project, start from the beginning and application with sharing what is Sashiko for me, for Japanese, as “Japanese Sashiko”.
Some of you here may find this new Sashiko Online Course as “inconsistent” to what I have been saying on Instagram & Youtube. You may wonder why Domestika? How about a (self-published?) Book that I promised to work on? If I were you, I would have so many questions, too.
I do have the answers to your question, of couse. To be honest, this course wasn’t an easy decision. In fact, I was very difficult to many people in Domestika’s Great Team, and I feel bad for them for being so difficult.
In last 5~6 yeares, I have declined almost all offers I receive from publishers, either video or book. It is because I learned that their goal & my goal aren’t always the same. In most cases, the goal is quite different even if we agree on the basic things. I learned it in a pretty painful way, but well… I learned it.
Domestika broke through this fear by sending me many offers with their willingness to understand what I want. The person in charge read most of my Instagram Post, watched as many videos on Youtube, and understood the “limitation” I worry about. It was very different from the others who try to raise “loyalty” to convince me to take the offer. No, that kind of negotiation doesn’t do much to me (Of course, money is very important, but it isn’t the reason to decline): What I want is their willingness to understand what Sashiko is for me.
Again, I am aware that I was very difficult to manage as I kept mentioning this personal code. I know teaching “How-To” is the biggest demand in the trend, but I wanted to go over it, as much as I can. I really appreciate Domestika’s Team for being understanding of this.
So, I am still the same. I worry if this new Sashiko Online Course may impact me somehow… but my goal is still the same: to pass down (up/across) the Sashiko we have been practicing. I still take very careful steps for “teaching” the culture & its practice. As I feel the need for direct interaction & communication the Online Sashiko Class / In-Person Sashiko Workshop I offer is still the best way to get the “Core & Essence”.
At the same time, I wanted to speak up instead of being silent when the word “Sashiko” walks away from the Japanese Sashiko Artisans. So, with a great help with Domestika, this is the new Online Sashiko Course.
This is my answer to the most asked Question
One of the most frequend asked question I receive is: “What is your recommendation for books? Where should I start Learning Sashiko?“. Before I wrote a blog article about “I have no recommendation”, I received this question almost daily. Well. Unfortunately, my answer to the questions was: “There are no recommendation for books about Sashiko written in English. Therefore I share so many Stories on SNS. You can start watching the videos on Youtube.“
I understand this is not what they want to hear. They want to have a “package (a book or a course)” where they can start following without spending time in searching. “Searching” can waste our time, and we all do not like wasting time. Therefore, so many books & courses are available online, and they are quite popular even if an author or a teacher has very limited knowledge & experience in Sashiko.
By offering this New Online Sashiko Course, I can answer to the most frequent asked question: This is the place where you can start learning (Japanese) Sashiko we have been practicing.
10 years ago. Everything of my current Sashiko Journey started in 2013. My life was full of Sashiko even before 2013. However, the dedication, commitment, and passion I had were released at the end of the year. Ever since, I have not been back to Japan. There are several reasons that I have not done yet so… but in today’s society, it is kind of insane to not to go back to one’s own country for that long time. I am a bit scared… yet, I have a strong purpose in this visit. It is to share the “Sashiko Stories” of others from my own views. I will be visiting Japan from April 11th to 25th. This is a project of “Visiting Sashiko Japan 2023” – and I sincerely appreciate your support on this Journey. (As a return, I would like to offer the dedicated webpage for the “Visiting Sashiko Japan 2023”).
The main purpose of this Japan visit in 2023 is to fulfill the promise I made in 2020 – that I will take my Sashiko friends to Japan. There are many who trusted, supported, and encouraged me in the very difficult time in the Pandemic by waiting me to re-arrange the tour. So, I will take my Sashiko Friends to Japan, to enjoy the Sashiko I have been sharing to.
This main purpose is going to be fulfilled as I have already booked most of the things & planned a quite detailed itinerary. With paying attention to our health & safety, I consider it to be almost satisifed… now, I have another purpose crossing my mind. This is probably not a “Purpose” when I put it into the words. This can be more like my “wishes”, or even my “mission (responsibility)”. While visiting Sashiko Japan 2023, I would like to share “Someone’s Sashiko Story”. Almost every day, I share my own Sashiko Stories on SNS (such as Instagram). It is my own personal stories – yet there are probably millions of Japanese who have been (or have done) practicing Sashiko. I would like to, and I feel responsible, to share the stories of those Sashiko Artisans especially with decades (like 50+ years) of experience in Sashiko. Thanks to many support from Japanese friends, we are planning to see several Sashiko Artisans who aren’t well known, yet very experienced, in Japan. I will share some of the stories on the SNS. However, the SNS is a platform to share my own Sashiko Stories. Therefore, I prepare the dedicated webpage for this story. I really appreciate your support to sustain this by joining the Givebutter Funds Page Above.
*If you are already a supporter on Patreon, you will find a link on the Patreon Page at the beginning of April 2023.
*I prepared a dedicated postcard as a memento for your generous support. Please check the detail above.
Why can we find more “Sashiko Stories” in English?
I wrote my honest consideration about “Sashiko Stories”. Why is it so difficult to find someone who share their own Sashiko Stories in English? (If you know anyone sharing their Sashiko Stories – not the techhnique of “How to”, but more like their Stories to illustrate what Sashiko is for them).
One of the biggest barrier is language. The second possible obstacle is the Japanese Cultural “Expectation”. I will be overcoming both by being a “Japanese Sashiko Artisan” who actually stitch, instead of purchasing for trade, critiquing their culture, and researching for the history. I am 100% sure that there are millions of stories that I can listen to as an actual practitioner.
The purpose of Visiting Sashiko Japan 2023 has developed from just taking my friends to Japan, to share the Sashiko we love to everyone, including you.
For 2023, I can only take a very few Sashiko friends with me. It isn’t a commertialized tour, a simple friend trip to Japan. Therefore, although I have a list of Google Form Submition received, I feel bad that I cannot offer anything to them. As I always say it here and there, “Inclusion” is always my intention. Even the discussion of Cultural Appropriation is for the purpose of inclusion.
I have been thinking what I can do for those who wish to be in Japan, yet not being able to for many reasons. The answer is the dedicated website (a series of blog with photos & videos) for those who are interested & have been supporting our activities.
I won’t be able to take everyone with me, but I want them to be a part of this experience. I will share as many Sashiko Stories, including mine but more importantly “Other’s Sashiko Stories”.
I hope to see you there on the Dedicated Website (the detail is on the GiveButter platform above).
*If you would like to be on the Waitling List for the Future [Visiting Sashiko Japan], please fill out the Google Form below. Thank you!
This is an article from our Patreon (written on December, 2020), and intending to share more information about a style of Hari Kuyou – that I introduce on Instagram. I made this article public for limited time so that we can share the actual images of Harikuyou happening in Japan. It would be great if you could consider supporting us on Patreon for us keep sharing the stories (For those who already support me on Patreon, I really appreciate your understanding of sharing this article outside of the Patreon).
Feb.8th was the day of “Kotoyouka (事八日)”. “Harikuyou (針供養)” is one of the ceremony we have on Kotoyouka. The Harikuyou – a requiem ceremony for hard-working broken & bent needles, seems to inspire many non-Japanese people with the concept of “appreciating the spirit within a material”. I am very happy to share how important it is to be familiar with Animism in Japan. It is very ordinary for us to appreciate a “matter”.
I haven’t been back to Japan for more than 7 years. It was a pity to not be able to share the Harikuyou in Japan with photos. One of the followers on Instagram kindly shared some photos of her visit to one of the most famous Shinto shrines for Harikuyou – Osaka Tenmangu.
Harikuyou in Osaka Tenmangu – Report of Harikuyou
Each Shinto Shrine has their own “Spirit” to appreciate. The spirit can be a form of “God exists in Nature”, “Historical person with great achievement”, “An emperor in history”, and/or “someone who sacrifices their lives to the development of Japan”. It is very challenging to summarize this concept, and it requires a collection of books to explain the whole picture. In short rough summary, it may be easy to understand that each Shinto Shrine has a “theme” in their own form of Appreciation (*1).
*1 – As a famous example, please let me share Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. Yasukuni Shrine was founded by Emperor Meiji in June 1869 and commemorates those who died in service of Japanese Modernization. It includes the spirit who sacrificed their lives in World war II – and it means it includes those Kamikaze pilots. It has been a political issue to visit Yasukuni Shrine as a “politician” because it “could” validate the history of Japan going into war. It isn’t an easy discussion to conclude, but I hope this explains what I meant by “theme” in each Shrine.
In some of the big shinto shrines, they have many buildings. Each building often celebrates a different spirit even in the same Shinto Shrine (which is very confusing for many western people who believe in The (Absolute) God).
In Osaka Tenmangu, the Harikuyou is performed in Kibi Shrine (building) in which celebrate the spirit of Kibi no Makibi (吉備 真備) who is well-known for a one of the first “International Students to China in 717”. Those “International Students (we call it ‘Kentoushi – 遣唐使)” imported many techniques, skills, wisdom and culture from China. Since the group of Kibi no Makibi is known as the one who imported a variety of embroidery techniques to Japan, the ceremony for needles is held here.
I hope it makes sense – the relationship between who is appreciated in each shrine and how it is related to what they have accomplished.
Something Soft for the needles to rest
Harikuyou is a ceremony to show appreciation to the hard-working needles. Therefore, we stick the needles into something soft so that they can rest in it. In some places, they use “Tofu”. In this Shrine, they use “Konnyaku – こんにゃく” (a traditional Japanese food and is made from Konjac Yam).
As you can see, many kinds of needles are brought to the Harikuyou. A dressmaker’s pins, hand-sewing needles, and also Sashiko needles as well.
Harizuka (針塚) where needles rest forever
The needles in something soft will be serviced (purified) by a Shinto priest. Then, it will be buried in a mound – so called Harizuka (針塚) – Needle mound. The photo introduces that this Harizuka is made by contributions from 2 organizations deeply related to needle work in 1926. The 2 organizations are “Union of Merchant & Maker of Japanese Kimono in Osaka” & “A group of volunteers of Embroidery Artisans in Osaka”. It explains how deeply our ordinary is related to the Japanese history.
It doesn’t have to be this “Formal”
As much as I would like to visit a Shinto Shrine to perform the Harikuyou, possibly & hopefully with you one day, the ceremony doesn’t have to be that “formal” like these photos. The most important concept of Harikuyou is to acknowledge the spirit within the Needles and “appreciate” it. It can lead us to appreciate the environment, someone who makes the tools, and each stitcher like ourselves. This is the sustainability of “caring” and “mindfulness” that I would like to pass down. It is the ordinary of Japanese, which can be an inspirational custom for the world.
Interested in how we do Hari Kuyou?
Besides this Report of Harikuyou, the article about the detail of Hari-Kuyou is available on this website for limited time as well.
This is an article from our Patreon (written on December, 2020), and intending to share more information about a style of Hari Kuyou – that I introduce on Instagram. I made this article public for limited time so that anyone can share, learn, and appreciate the unique cultural perspective of Sashiko & related rituals in Japan. If you can affor $5.00 per month, your support will be a good help for me to keep writing/sharing this type of Story. (For those who already support me on Patreon, I really appreciate your understanding of sharing this article outside of the Patreon).
December 8th and February 8th is the day called “Koto Youka (事八日)”. For stitchers like us who use needles ordinarily, it is the day to appreciate the needles even more than usual. It is the day of Hari Kuyou – a requiem service for broken/unusable needles.
I once explained about the Hari Kuyou and Koto Youka in the Sashiko Journey #55 on Patreon. However, I didn’t break it down to a process “How to do Hari Kuyou” in our days. So, I would like to introduce how the Japanese would service the Hari Kuyou, and how I would honor the service outside of Japan.
Pray for the needle with appreciation
The most ordinary way to honor the Hari Kuyou Service is bringing the broken/unusable needles to the shrine. Many shrines, including the big famous one & local small one, shall offer the Hari Kuyou memorials on December 8th and/or February 8th. (It depends on where the shrine locates – In general, Feb.8th for the east part of Japan, and December 8th for the west part of Japan.)
When you visit the shrine on Hari Kuyou day, you will find a big “Tofu” with many broken needles on it. That’s how we farewell the needles. We pray for the needle with sincere appreciation for the hard work the needle had done for us. The needle will be buried to “mound” after a Shinto priest performs appropriate purification.
There is no strict style to follow. We visit the shrine, stick the needle on the Tofu, and pray with puting the palms together.
*For the photo of a big “Tofu” with needles sticked, lease search online with this Japanese character, “針供養”.
Let the needle Rest after all hard work
The whole point of the service is to let the needle rest after all of their hard work. The needle became unusable or broken because we used the needle heavily, intensively, and/or on the thick fabric. They worked so hard for us. At the end of the needle’s life, we stitch the needle to something very “soft” and pray for their rest in peace.
It seems like the “Tofu” is a common materials for the softness. However, it doesn’t have to be Tofu. In some regions, people used “Mochi (Sticky Rice Cake)” or “Konnyaku (konjac jelly?)”. Some think that using food is “wasting”, so they use a piece of “sponge” to honor the service.
I understand “what kind of soft materials we use for Hari Kuyou” is pretty flexible as long as the needle can rest in a soft material.
I have heard that we can find documents that the Japanese practiced this Hari Kuyou as early as the 9th century. It is more than 1,100 years ago. That’s how long we have been appreciating the needle. Stitching (not only Sashiko but also any kinds of stitching in Japan) was something more than just stitching for the Japanese people.
Not “Recycle” so much. More of “Reincarnation”
I understand that some understand this service as the “recycle custom” – how to recycle the needle instead of just throwing them away – because disposing the needle is kind of dangerous and unfriendly to the environment.
However, the service itself is not so much about “recycle” as we think today (environmentally). It is more like “Reincarnation” for the spirit within the needles.
The needles we bring to the shrine will be buried in the “Needle mount” designated in the shrine. How about the rest of us who don’t have the shrine that take care of it nearby?
In the past, the Japanese chose several ways to “farewell” the needle. It all depends on the regions but following the similar steps.
First, they all appreciate the needle and put them in something soft.
Second, if they have a Kamidana (a household Shinto altar) in their house, they would pray for the needle by putting the needles on something soft in front of Kamidana. With sharing the appreciation to the needle in front of “Gods”, it serves a purpose of purification.
Then, they chose a way to “say good-bye” by…
Bury it in the ground
Flow it in the river
Drop it in the sea
In today’s society, for environmental reasons, I do not know if we flow it in the river or drop it in the sea. They may bury it (needle & something soft) under the ground if it is their personal property. However, since we have much better transportation structure (like public transportation and our own cars), it is more popular to visit the shrine for the best service for Hari Kuyou.
How about in the U.S.?
How about those who lives outside of Japan, like Atsushi who lives in the U.S. then?
Well… I do not have a Kamidana in my house. There are no shrines in the driving distance. Therefore, I perform the service by myself.
I put the needles on a small piece of Tofu.
I tell the needle my appreciation for going into meditative status.
Then, I bury it wrapped with an old (yet white) cloth to the ground of my yard (where my daughter will not play with digging like our kitchen garden.
A style is important, of course.
However, here, the day (moment) of appreciating the needle is the most important part of this Hari Kuyou, I believe.
Needles work for us, to make it happen
We use needles every day without doubt. The needle enables us to talk to the fabric throughout stitching. Have you ever felt that the needle is kind of in a bad mood? The needle is an inorganic substance. However, we believe that a spirit existed in it, and the spirit often reflects who we are on that day. Isn’t it interesting? The more we think about it, the more I believe that there is actually “spirit” in all of the things.
Needles work for us a lot.
Without the needles, our work will not be achievable.
Therefore, we appreciate the people/spirit who makes the needle, who use the needle, and the needle themselves.
Some Japanese people do not hold the needle on the day of Hari Kuyou no matter how “busy” their schedules are. It is a day to appreciate the needle. Therefore, I keep sharing, Sashiko (thread, fabric, thimble, needle and many more) is much more than just words.
Thank you for your support.
Report on Hari Kuyou
I also share a report on Hari Kuyou from my friend. I hope this will help you to experience & learn What Hari Kuyou is for us.