February 11, 2022 at 03:20PM

If one is willing to learn Sashiko, there are a LOT of materials on my platforms (Youtube & Website) for learning Sashiko. If one is expecting a simplified filtered answer for Sashiko, then what I share is “too much”. I do not plan to change what I do to offer instant gratification for profit. Instead, I am willing to share the whole picture of Sashiko: That’s my identity.

I offer a lot of learning materials for free on Youtube & websites. Of course, I do not offer “everything” there. One reason is because I need to make ends meet somehow. However, there is another criteria I deeply consider if I should offer the learning materials for free or not. It is: “Do I contribute to maintaining or destroying Cultural Sustainability?”.

“Cheap” is good. “Free” is even better. On the Internet, like many big businesses, “Offering free (first) to get the market” is a good strategy. Some say “no publicity is bad publicity”. If my goal is just money, I should follow how the successful big business does. However, what I care about is “how this culture can be sustainable”. I always spend big time considering the boundaries of sharing it for free, and keeping them for those who come to us to learn. Interestingly, the “Core” is okay to share for free, yet other small elements to be part of the whole picture often affect the cultural sustainability. In short, if someone in the culture gets a “negative outcome” by me sharing something for free, I shouldn’t. I cannot pass down Sashiko by myself. I need to, and would like to, do so with many other Japanese people. What I do is very slow since I take careful steps. However, I am getting confident that this is “the” way I can appreciate what I have received. Please keep learning from our platform. You will find your own answer one day.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


Suitable Fabric for Sashiko Main Cover

Suitable Fabric for Sashiko

Sashiko is getting its popularity as “Sustainable Fashion” or “Stitching for Recycling the fabric”. Sashiko is indeed for sustainability, and we reuse the fabric a lot. However, it is important to understand why we have specific tools & supply for Sashiko. The Japanese who practiced Sashiko accumurated their expertise in the tools & supply, and I would like to be mindful in “Cultural Sustainability” as well. I keep speaking up the importance of Sashiko Thread. Sashiko Threads DO Matter (Link: Youtube Video explaining why Sashiko Thread). How about Fabric? This is a brief explanation of the suitable Fabric for Sashiko.

Imagine what “would” be Suitable Fabric for Sashiko

First, I would like you to imagine what would be the suitable fabric for the Japanese people who practiced Sashiko. With imagining their situation, to be honest, fabric can vary based on our situation & preference. Threads DO Matter in Sashiko, but the choice of fabric can be based on our preference.

However, it doesn’t mean that “Any Fabric” is good. There are good/preferable fabric that the Japanese artisans have been engaging in. It is my wish for you to enjoy the communication with the fabric you have. That being said, I would like to introduce the best fabric for Sashiko Stitching.

*The fabric you would practice Sashiko in the Online Sashiko Class and/or In-Person Sashiko Workshop (Core & Essence) is the one above. It is important to start learning the Sashiko with the most appropriate fabric. We use this fabric to most of our Sashiko Production.

For Stitching & Mending

In 2021, I decided to offer another workshop after “Core & Essence”. The new one is “Application & Practice”, and we apply the Sashiko we share in Core & Essence with learning many format of Sashiko culture. It is like one learns how to use the knife, cutting board, and how to cut the ingredience in “Core & Essence”, and then I will share the [recipes] in “Application & Practice” Class. All of my teaching complete in the Core & Essence workshop (Online Sashiko Class). Therefore, the following workshop is NOT the advanced version. It is my intention to share how we can expand our understanding of Sashiko to other fun part of Sashiko.

In the New “Application & Practice” workshop, I ask participants to bring their own garments or fabric with them so that we can apply our Sashiko to their own future Sashiko practice. I would like to share what is the Suitable Fabric for Sashiko in the workshop.

Suitable Fabric for Sashiko

  • Cotton Fabric (Both Western woven or Japanese Woven. I will mention the difference).
  • Denim Fabric
  • Hemp or Linen Fabric

Non Suitable Fabric for Sashiko

  • Stretchy Fabric including Strethy Denim
  • Sweather or Thick Fabric for Winter such as Fleece
  • Socks
  • T-Shirt

*If you have any concerns or questions about the fabric you would bring to the “Application & Practice” Class, please contact me via the email you have received for the registration.

*I am working on the Online Version of “Application & Practice”. I appreciate your support. I will make it happen.

Communicating to the Fabric

Suitable Fabric for Sashiko Main

In conclusion, choice of fabric is not as significant as the importance of choosing the right Sashiko thread. However, we have our preference such as the Cotton 100% Japanese woven fabric like above, and non-strechy fabric. You may use the fabric you have. It is one important aspect of Sashiko: to appreciate the fabric you already have. Since you will spend a lot of time in the specific garment (or fabric), please choose the right thread & Tools to compensate to your great effort & time.

When you learn how to use the thimble, and stitching in the rhythm, you will start feeling the “communication to the fabric”. The fabric itself will tell us what is the “most suitable way” to enjoy Sashiko Stitching.

It is my goal to share the method of how to communicate to the fabric better rather than how to make even stitches. Even stitches happen when we communicate well to the fabric.

Hari Kuyou and Sashiko Cover

Hari Kuyou and Sashiko (SNS Archives)

Tomorrow is Feb.8th in the US (It is Today in Japan). If you follow this account long enough, you may know what Feb.8th is for Stitchers in Japan. Yes, it is a day of “Hari-Kuyou” – a Farewell Ceremony for broken/bent needles.

“Culture” isn’t something extraordinary. It is developed (preserved or changed) over many years by the people who belong to the culture. Therefore, “Culture” often comes with many stories. In other words, the “Stories” make culture. In Sashiko’s discussion (teaching) on Internet platforms, I occasionally hear the word “Just Because” or “Simply”. There isn’t such a thing as “Just Because”: there are always stories, which often give us the reason for why. Why this thread? Why this needle? Why Sashiko isn’t only about technique? All of my sharing & teaching offer the stories for why.

If one is a part of culture, saying “Just Because” is fine because they just doesn’t “connect” the story & fact. Once they think enough, they can find reasoning. “Just Because” or “Simply” without a good understanding of the culture is quite dangerous because it can be just an excuse to not to learn more. We have a ceremony for the broken needle, and we have reasons why. We believe a spirit in the needle, and we have stories for it. I appreciate you following this account and keep reading. I wish they were to teach not only “How to make perfect stitches” but also “The stories behind the culture”: Well, that’s why I am here to share more stories on the other side of teaching saying “Just because”.



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #Harikuyou #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


Hari Kuyou and Sashiko

This is an archive for our SNS account – about Hari Kuyou and Sashiko. For other Stories, please check the links below.

Official Web: https://upcyclestitches.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UpcycleStitches/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sashikostory/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/sashico

February 06, 2022 at 09:26AM

Words Matter. It is so sad to see “Sashiko” and “Boro” become whatever: or whatever they make become Sashiko and/or Boro. There aren’t Right and Wrong in Sashiko Stitchery in terms of “what one should do”. However, “whatever with intentionally ignoring what they can be” is wrong from a cultural perspective.

“Not knowing itself” is okay. We all don’t know it when we start. We can all learn it every day, and I am here for that. All I fight back is “Intentional Ignorance” and “Indifference”: saying what I do is “inspired” work with saying “I know Sashiko & Boro”. How can one “Know” the cultural practice with so many years of history while being fluent in the language…? (No language needed to enjoy it, but claiming that they “know” it requires some commitment.)

“English as Language” is one privilege we have. Since Sashiko & Boro are Japanese words, and some people believe they can “fully understand” the culture in the privileged language, I need to go through huge emotional labor to protect my identity – every single day. It is unfortunate to say, but Sashiko & Boro in English has become something completely different from what I have received. Some intentionally twisted the culture, and the majority (who with language privilege) formed the filtered version of Sashiko & Boro. However, I haven’t lost hope yet. There are so many people who wish to re-learn. I am still a small stone in a big trend. I can only make a small whirlpool (time for them to think) in the big trend now. However, by speaking up, I believe I can have some of the mainstream to go back to the original scenery I have seen.

Care for others before Self-assertion. Acknowledge before Excuse. All I am writing here is based on the “Japanese mindset” in Sashiko I have received.



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #JapaneseBoro #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


February 05, 2022 at 07:37AM

Boro is always a result, but never definite. The discussion of exchanging “answers” about Sashiko and Boro in English isn’t wrong, but unbalanced. The result (outcome/design) can be westernized, but when “mindset (ordinary expectation)” gets unreasonably westernized, it is no longer Sashiko no matter how it looks.

In my workshop, I almost never sit down. I do not have a meal during the workshop – probably just a piece of candy & water. Everyone has a slightly different “point” to understand the core of Sashiko, as their own Sashiko. It is my responsibility to catch that point and encourage them to keep pursuing: in a limited amount of hours in In-person workshop & over the camera for Online Class. I am confident that I can. All I ask for them is to not give up on me, or even on themselves.

We are always measured by a result, but I hope it will never be definite. We are always stitching Sashiko, but I can only talk about the Sashiko I know. Things change, and I accept. I am speaking up so that “ignorance” will prevent someone from learning. I am putting my own life in Sashiko. Don’t let others define the “answers” for you. Don’t let anyone define your value: the fabric tells all the stories to us.



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #JapaneseBoro #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


February 03, 2022 at 05:54AM

Almost 5 years ago, when I received the first request to offer the Sashiko Workshop, I had no idea what I could teach. Ever since, “teaching” became the main focus of my challenges. As I always say, teaching comes with big responsibility – because students there need to somewhat trust what the teachers say. No need to agree with everything, but the learning becomes agonizing when a student keeps wondering in their mind. I believe all teaching has to come with stories behind it. We call it logic or reasoning. I wouldn’t like a teacher saying “Just because” or “Just memorize it”.

The goal of my teaching is to, of course, pass down the Sashiko we have been practicing. I will share how I stitch after the brief explanation of our Sashiko. A majority of students have happy & worrisome faces when they see me stitching: expectation of possibility and fear of failure. My role is to take all the fear away, and leave them with more expectation for their future Sashiko. I know what I teach now after sharing this with 500+ people. I like the significant change at the end of the workshop: from “Oh, I cannot because ____” to “Well, it isn’t so difficult (Atsushi’s stitching seems to be easy)”. I can make it happen in both Online & In-Person. Sashiko isn’t just about technique – when we share some philosophical understanding of Sashiko, then one can acquire the life-time stitching technique. I appreciate the great opportunity of 3-Day’s Workshop in beautiful place at Aya Fiber Studio with beautiful people.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


February 02, 2022 at 05:11AM

I am not a trained teacher. Therefore, everytime I teach, all of my energy goes into teaching as if I am splitting my life & sharing it. It is my pleasure to share a piece of my life so that one can learn something new in Sashiko. That’s my commitment to Sashiko & the responsibility as the one who talks about Sashiko. A whole day of 7 hours+ workshop, I cannot eat lunch. Ever since I started teaching, I put all of what I have into each teaching opportunity. As a result, I sometimes crash into the sofa right after the workshop, like last night (& got up very early in the morning).

I received encouraging feedback yesterday: “I think I now like Sashiko (much better)”. It implied that she didn’t like Sashiko before, so I asked how she perceived Sashiko before. She didn’t “hate” Sashiko, but Sashiko didn’t amuse her much. Often, skilled hand-sewer in any form of stitchery, embroidery, hand-quilting, tailoring… They have incredible skills (which I would like to learn from). When they encounter Sashiko, they may first feel, “oh, another word for another design or stitchery”. Therefore, some do not find Sashiko something amusing. That’s the scary part of “insufficiency” of information available in non-Japanese language. “How to” is only one part of Sashiko. When they “feel” and “do” Sashiko, then something new kicks in – no matter how experienced they are, I am confident that I am offering something eye-opening in my teaching, both in Online & In-Person.

Honest feedback makes my day, and I have one more day to spend all of my energy there. Sashiko is more than just making beautiful stitches.

2日目の後、電池が切れて折角のホテル住まいなのにソファで力尽きてしまいました(笑)。この写真を撮って投稿しようとした直前に。今日頂いた感想にとても嬉しいものがありました。「なんか、刺し子が好きになってきた」。 この言葉、ワークショップ前は刺し子がそんなに好きじゃなかったということを意味します。実際にそう仰ってました。運針を学んで頂く中で新しい楽しみ方を感じて好きになって頂ける。これぞ教えることの醍醐味であり、僕が刺し子を教え続ける一番の理由です。刺し子沼(運針沼)に沢山の人を押し落としているので、結構沼にハマらせる自信はあるのですよ(笑)

#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #刺し子


January 31, 2022 at 10:01PM

It isn’t easy to speak up honestly in a big trend – sometimes, an honest voice can be perceived as negativity or even arrogance. It is always easier to get along the flow, but there are reasons I share the honest Sashiko Stories. It requires will-power to keep doing so.

I can keep sharing Sashiko Stories thanks to those who come to listen to what I teach & share. Live Session via Online Sashiko Class & In-person Workshops are the precious opportunity for me to thank directly to those who support what we do. This week is one of those. Feedback from new friends who took my workshop saying: “So much fun. Thank you for coming (offering the workshop)” override all of the difficult challenges I face. After so many years of Sashiko stitching & several years of  teaching, I am confident in what I can do & teach. It is my pleasure to share not only the techniques & design, but also the “Core & Essence” of Sashiko with them. ☆



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #刺し子


January 30, 2022 at 08:34PM

“What do you like about Sashiko?”. I convinced myself to ask this question to the public in 2022. I was scared of facing reality. I am still in fear of unknown changes within Sashiko. However, it is my time to speak up – if it isn’t too late.

What do you like about Sashiko? I believe the answers can be roughly categorized into 2 big points of view: (1) Design/How it Looks, and (2) Meditative/Relaxing function. Of course, everyone has their own answer to the questions. So I am not generalizing “you”, but I believe when they use the word “inspired”, it is either “simplified-design” or “hand-stitching” part.

Both outcome (design) and process (stitching) are incredibly important in Sashiko. However, it doesn’t explain the whole. Understanding the expectation that the ordinary Japanese would have is important. “Sashiko” is a Japanese word. Therefore, we call it “Sashiko”. Without “willingness” to learn what isn’t obvious, it can be any other name, and I believe each culture has its name for stitching.

Please do not get me wrong. I am NOT asking anyone to stop using the word “Sashiko”. Use it for your stitching project. However, please keep learning. It has at least 100 years of established practice. They say it is 400 years, or could be more. I cannot simplify the significance, and therefore, I am teaching & sharing Sashiko as a Japanese who was born in Japanese Sashiko.


#Sashiko #SashikoWorkshop #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子


January 29, 2022 at 09:49PM

Fabric carries Stories. Some call it fabric’s memory. Others may call it the history of fabric. I sometimes call it “Spirit” in Fabric. Cloth/Fabric separate us (human beings) from other mammals, and therefore, it is important to be mindful.

Sashiko/Boro is just a Japanese word. However, words also carry Stories. It is understandable to use the word to get attention, or even better profit, in this society. I am NOT sharing stories to prevent them using the word. I am just asking, if they want to use the word, use it “appropriately” instead of filtering the possible stories because they may be inconvenient to them. I am NOT asking them to spend years of time learning, or thousands of dollars to get a degree (like higher education). If they want to learn what Sashiko is (especially for us), I am here to share. If they do not care for learning – even worse, keep ignoring the voice from Japanese, then they need to stop using the word: Because fabric and words both carry the stories: the stories identify who I am today. Sashiko is more than stitching. Boro isn’t a word for mending technique.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoClass #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子