Words Matter. It is so sad to see “Sashiko” and “Boro” become whatever: or whatever they make become Sashiko and/or Boro. There aren’t Right and Wrong in Sashiko Stitchery in terms of “what one should do”. However, “whatever with intentionally ignoring what they can be” is wrong from a cultural perspective.
“Not knowing itself” is okay. We all don’t know it when we start. We can all learn it every day, and I am here for that. All I fight back is “Intentional Ignorance” and “Indifference”: saying what I do is “inspired” work with saying “I know Sashiko & Boro”. How can one “Know” the cultural practice with so many years of history while being fluent in the language…? (No language needed to enjoy it, but claiming that they “know” it requires some commitment.)
“English as Language” is one privilege we have. Since Sashiko & Boro are Japanese words, and some people believe they can “fully understand” the culture in the privileged language, I need to go through huge emotional labor to protect my identity – every single day. It is unfortunate to say, but Sashiko & Boro in English has become something completely different from what I have received. Some intentionally twisted the culture, and the majority (who with language privilege) formed the filtered version of Sashiko & Boro. However, I haven’t lost hope yet. There are so many people who wish to re-learn. I am still a small stone in a big trend. I can only make a small whirlpool (time for them to think) in the big trend now. However, by speaking up, I believe I can have some of the mainstream to go back to the original scenery I have seen.
Care for others before Self-assertion. Acknowledge before Excuse. All I am writing here is based on the “Japanese mindset” in Sashiko I have received.
#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #JapaneseBoro #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子