March 06, 2023 at 09:26PM

“Story” isn’t only for entertainment – it often comes with wisdom. Stories carry the reasons for what we continuously have today. In other words, something long-lasting always has a “Story” to share. I shared the importance of the needle on @UpcycleStitches . A story tells why I use our needles.

I saw a discussion of “Good Needle for Sashiko” saying “I like this needle because it has a large eye”. Sure, easiness can be one reason to pick, but I want them to think why then not all the needles have large eyes. Sashiko was a form of stitchery for survival – stitching in harsh conditions with limited resources. The Japanese stitched to make fabric stronger & more durable. This philosophy continues even when we have more “choice” – so our Sashiko is based on the idea of making fabric stronger. See? This short summary already tells the reason for our needle with extremely small eyes (almost the same thickness of the threads). A needle with a large eye “could” end up with damaging the fabric more instead of making the fabric stronger. Therefore, the needle has the eye size of the thickness of the thread & needle body. “Easiness” is an important aspect to keep culture. However, it doesn’t explain the whole. There is a huge difference between “Can’t” and “Don’t”. I want you (them) to have choices rather than limiting their choices by focusing on easiness.

Stories are important – and therefore, the name matters. There are people behind the words. Freedom of individual choice is very important. I agree. I just would like to ask, though. Is it really a choice among many stories behind the culture, or just the only choice we have? All I do is to offer “choices” so we do not need to suffer from “No more choices” in the future.


#Sashiko #刺し子 #Japanesesashiko #日本人の刺し子


March 04, 2023 at 10:55PM

Sashiko amplifies the significance of “current moment” – and therefore, Sashiko can represent who the stitcher is. One of my hopes in sharing Sashiko is to be like a “mirror”. Instead of offering (or even imposing) you the “Correct Answers”, I want them to face the “answers” they already have. In today’s society where we do not have to worry about “surviving for tomorrow” much, “choices” are the key to find who we are.

Well. A choice is challenging as we all look for the “Right Choice”. When we worry about the “future”, we simultaneously make the past with satisfaction or regret. Again, in today’s society, it is quite difficult to focus on the moment we have now – but Sashiko often enables us to do so.

We all have our value: If you are reading this in English, you probably have “Western Value” or have an ability to understand it. In my teaching, “I” learned how different Sashiko can be from Western values. I am very happy that I can offer something different – so please keep learning. One day, you will find a mirror for yourself.

長年私達のアカウントをフォロー下さっている方であれば、この投稿をみて、「ん?」と思われたかもしれません。そう、ななさん (@na.na_45) の刺し子です。結構前に頂いた写真です。ななさんのReelをみながら、昔を思い出して実際に針目をみて楽しんでいました。手仕事だから当たり前のことなのかもしれませんが、刺し子は「刺す人」によって全く違う表情を見せてくれます。もっと言うと、刺している人の深層心理というか、鏡というか、自分でも気がつかないことを気がつかせてくれたり、はたまた刺し子の時間の本音の部分を引き出してくれたり…と、なかなかに面白いのです。



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


March 03, 2023 at 03:43PM

The lecture in Quiltcon 2023 was one big challenge for me. You could probably tell my challenge from the title: [Japanese Sashiko Today as Cultural Sustainability]. One possible way of composing the lecture is based on “Show & Tell”. I believe it would have been one good lecture as well. However, I decided to focus on “Delivering the message via Sashiko” on top of sharing the basic information of what Sashiko is. I hope that the message was somewhat delivered – and I will keep offering the similar lecture online & whenever I am asked to do so.

At the end of the lecture, I hinted at my recent idea for the difference between “Quilting” and “Sashiko”. From a stitchery point of view, there aren’t many differences – however, I found one significant difference from a cultural (and historial) perspective. I shared my tentative idea toward the end of the lecture, and I will do so on the Youtube Live Streaming next week (March.10th at 9 pm EST).

It is quite interesting that the message I wanted to deliver & the idea toward the difference between Quilting and Sashiko correspond to each other. The fundamental difference may be rooted in our belief, philosophy, or even “religions” that I try not to talk about here, yet influence can be significant. Therefore, I would like (need) to keep sharing the stories besides those who share instant & easy answers that sounds so comfortable to anyone regardless of the differences – I love Sushi without raw-fish in States, but the culture of Sushi won’t be whole when one ignore the stories of raw-fish – if one titles them as specialist (in Sushi), they need to eat it even if it makes them uncomfortable.

Well. Enough with analogy. I hope this will become “mind food” for you to enjoy “thinking”. I will try to talk about it in the next Live Streaming.


#Sashiko #Quilt #刺し子 #キルト


March 02, 2023 at 11:11AM

As you may know, I set a limit on the number of workshops I offer every year. It is my sincere pleasure to be invited to many places & I wish I could go… but I prioritize being a “Sashiko Practitioner” rather than being a “Sashiko Teacher”. There are tons of things I learn from teaching, but again, my teaching will not be valid when I do not stitch in my ordinary… Well, more honestly speaking, I just want my time to stitch for myself. I like Sashiko after all.

For the year of 2023, I have 2 more workshops planned as of now. One in Stuart, FL, in April (Apr. 1-3) with @ayafiberstudio , and another in Auburn, NY (Oct. 6-8) with @schweinfurthart . Our Sashiko workshops are often fully booked in advance, but I learned that there are a few seats available for the one in Florida. For the workshop registration in FL, please visit Aya Fiber Studio ( & read the details. It is about a month from now.

After challenging years in Covid with developing the Online Sashiko Class to keep sharing the Sashiko we practice, I am now confident that I can offer the same experience both In-Person & Online. One of the things I cannot do in Online, unfortunately, is the opportunity for them to touch what we make. Our Sashiko “talks” – and many feel “something” in it. I know it is just a piece of fabric & garment… but I am very proud of what we make via sharing the stories & “something” in it.

When we have a chance, I invite Online Sashiko Class students to meet, either in my city (Lewisburg), or anywhere I go. They are always available for them. So, you/they will not miss anything by taking the Online Sashiko Class. I offer throughout support (and therefore I also set a limit on the numbers of participants). I just find the experience of sharing “something” together is one big treat for In-Person Workshop. I am looking forward to meeting you in FL, in NY, and also somewhere at some points via Online. Thank you.


#Sashiko #刺し子 #SashikoWorkshop #刺し子ワークショップ


March 01, 2023 at 08:34AM

I understand “Culture” as “A Big River” nearby us. Everyone nearby gets benefits from the River to maintain their ordinary. No one owns the River, but the River is for the people & community nearby. It is up to them to think for others, especially those who use the Same River in DownStream. SDGs may be explained as taking care of our River for the people in DownStream.

It is important to be mindful about the River nearby. Also, it is very important to acknowledge where the River Comes from. No matter how we take care of the River nearby, when the upstream is ruined, the whole River can be contaminated. I believe this analogy with River is easy to imagine. The Culture is the same – when we ignore the upstream, the culture nearby, and the culture our children receive will be something different. In culture, it is very important to acknowledge “whom” staking their lives as upstream.

When you learn, please be mindful of whom you are learning from – a good teacher “always” shares their upstream. Even a ‘Self taught’ teacher has upstream they used as resources. It is learners’ responsibility to ask. If you are a Sashiko teacher here, specify the upstream you learned Sashiko from. From the Internet? Youtube? That’s fine. Just clarify what. If you learned Sashiko from our Youtube, then teaching Sashiko & making money, no need to change. Just clarify the upstream. I will NOT ask to pay or stop teaching- my priority is to share the upstream – not control the River nearby. The worst case scenario is the ignorance to the upstream… and it is happening & I can speak up because of “English” by luck.

Our life exists in a flow – past, present and future. It is connected, and I am speaking out on the importance of the “past” so that we can enjoy the “present”, and you can be the “future”.


#Sashiko #刺し子


February 26, 2023 at 11:15AM

After the lecture, I got a very good question: [What is your dream in Sashiko?]. Is it to be famous in the textile field? Having Fancy Studio & Production? Making Good Money? Publications? Recognition as an Artist? Fame? I had to think about this for a bit – and I said my goal is that I can keep the Same Sashiko 10 years, and 30 years from now in the way I enjoy today. Everything else I mentioned above (like money & fame) are all means to make my dream come true. Even a small dream of having my own studio (or a space) for Sashiko is a vehicle – my dream is that I can do the exact same thing in the future – therefore, I want to share the Stories.

A “Craft” culture doesn’t end when a craftsman or an artisan decides to quit their activities. Here, in the same logic, Sashiko Culture does NOT end when I (or we) decide to quit Sashiko. However, I can say for sure that the Sashiko Culture I practice will end when the artisans who indirectly support me become the Sashiko Artisan (like makers of threads, needles, thimble, and fabric who are also the artisans). To support them back somehow is the indirect dream to make my direct dream (of keeping my Sashiko as is) for the long-going future.

One may say they don’t need a thimble. It is a true statement for them. However, for me, keeping the stories & technique how significant “the thimble” is will support the artisans & the Sashiko in my future. I guess I am pretty self-centered and I am very particular in what I want. I just want to keep stitching the way I do today – and I would like to have the same tools, supplies and mindset that I have today. Unfortunately, the Sashiko introduced in English is optimized for Western Teaching & Audience. They aren’t wrong, but not enough. I will keep sharing the Stories as well as our Sashiko so that we can have the same “Addictive Fun” in 10 years & 100 years.


#Sashiko #刺し子


February 25, 2023 at 12:11PM

Until the year of 2011, I wanted to “end” the Sashiko I was with. For me, it was a chain of negativity back then. After 12 years, I had an honor to present the Sashiko I have received – as the culture I am so proud of. I really appreciate the kind & warm audience today. I was so nervous that I don’t remember what I said in the lecture (The script I prepared & practiced was kind of meaningless…). However, I hope I could communicate the significance of “Acceptance” in Japanese culture & Sashiko. I plan to offer the same(?) lecture online in May. Please wait for an update for this.

The title of the lecture was [Cultural Sustainability] – I specifically used this word. I asked if anyone thought of the [Cultural Appropriation] by finding this title. A majority of people raised their hand… yet they came to listen to my lecture. It is the biggest pleasure that they care although it could be something uncomfortable to hear for non-Japanese.

Long-story short. You know my summary when you follow this account long enough. I “encourage” you to call your stitching Sashiko (only if you want) under one condition – “acknowledgement (of the stories behind the word of Sashiko)”. I sincerely hope that we can keep communicating to find out “our” – “my” – and “your” Sashiko together.

I studied so much to come to the States to college – the motivation was to “evacuate” from Sashiko. Now, in order to preserve the Sashiko we practice, I am using English. English itself is a great power – if I weren’t speaking English, this lecture wouldn’t be happening. It may look like a big detour – but it is true that there is nothing “waste” in our lives – the importance of acceptance. DM me or tag me if you had changce to say hello after the lecture – As much as this is “Instagram”, I would like to be connected & would like to keep in touch!

Big thanks to my family for allowing me to do this – and using them in some jokes. Next time, (I hope) I will not reuse the same jokes!!


#Sashiko #刺し子 #quiltcon2023


February 24, 2023 at 06:02AM

I get nervous when I have a workshop/lecture. It doesn’t matter the size, duration, to whom, and even Online or In-person. Everytime I face people who are eager to learn, I get so nervous that I cannot eat anything while (and before) teaching. One cause of this nervousness is “fear to fail”. I am afraid of failing it – here, I guess it is to meet their expectation.

Many encourage me that I will do well. I appreciate that. As I have been teaching Sashiko for 5 years to almost 1K people, I know what I am doing, but I get nervous. For me, a workshop/a lecture may be one of many opportunities to share the Sashiko – however, for the person there, it can be “the opportunity”. I always ask them to keep in touch, wishing & encouraging them to keep Sashiko. However, when I fail to communicate, then the workshop may be their last (for that, their only one) opportunity to stitch. Unfortunately, I don’t know other Japanese Sashiko teachers teaching in a conference setting in English – so, I cannot say that someone will cover for my lousy job (I am wishing someone from my workshops to be a teacher, too). So, I get one shot to make my hope come true. That’s why I get nervous, and I think it is a good thing. I feel the strong responsibility in sharing the Sashiko.

Sashiko has become something “different” in English. It is too late to share what Sashiko is without any discomfort. I write/tell something uncomfortable for those who think they know about Sashiko already. However, it is never too late to share. I really appreciate the number of organizations that arrange a workshop/lecture for me. I limit myself to offer 4~7 in-person workshops per year (The next one is in FL, 4/1 to 4/3). Today another Workshop. Tomorrow, the very first Lecture, in #QuiltCon2023.

Until tomorrow, I am extremely intense for the reasons above. I may look inaccessible… so, if you see me in the afternoon tomorrow on QuiltShow, please say hi to me! I maybe braindead by that, but I am happy to meet new “stitching crazy” friends!


#Sashiko #刺し子 #quiltcon


February 22, 2023 at 12:32PM

Ever since Sashiko became my “ordinary”, traveling hasn’t been a boring time. We cannot bring a pair of scissors in the airplane. However, it seems it is okay to have a needle, thimble, and fabric. Japanese stitched Sashiko in their own ordinary to make their life somewhat better. They would probably have found something “meaningful” in their simple, mediocre, yet important time. 

Ever since I decided to “teach” Sashiko, the biggest joy I receive is a sense of community. In my childhood, I always felt lonely as if I was the only one (child) who (had to) stitch. It was the same when I was responsible for Sashiko Business in my youth. About 20 years ago, the society I was looking at was so small that I made it kind of hostile – I felt as if “the society” is telling me that the world no longer needed Sashiko – what my family did with staking their entire lives.

It wasn’t true, fortunately. I have met & will meet so many people who enjoy what I can share. However, I didn’t realize it until very recently – I thought what I received was so boring & mediocre. An event like #QuiltCon is a great opportunity for me to “try”. Believe it or not, I am an introvert. I try my best to be as “difficult” as possible here to preserve my messages & stories – but I believe many who have met me in-person find it quite different – and strange. I don’t talk this much in my “real” self. 

Very fortunately & honor to be part of the great community again where “Fabric/Textile Enthusiasts” are going to be in the same place. I feel that they are all my friends – as we all share the craziness that someone does not understand well (like my wife says “How can you keep stitching so long hours…)”. Again, I will do my best to share the Sashiko we have been practicing for our lives.




#Sashiko #刺し子 #quiltcon2023


February 20, 2023 at 09:15PM

In 2017, I decided to Stop buying new clothes. Instead of purchasing a new one, I decided to “fix (mend)” it. More importantly, in order to avoid the mending (which isn’t the best joy to me), I am trying to add Sashiko stitching everywhere I can feel. Many say that I am doing a good thing for the environment & SDGs. Yes, probably so, but to be honest, Materialistic Sustainability (Care to Environment) is secondary. The primary reason is to see if Sashiko really makes the fabric strong – I knew it before as many Sashiko Artisans around me proved it to me, yet I just wanted to do it by myself, with my own stitching, throughout my entire life.

That’s the reason I wear almost the same clothes in events. In last 6 years, in most of the events like #QuiltCon, I have been wearing the same Denim shirt & Pants – the difference is the “weight” as I added quite a lot of stitching & mending. I wash them as “regular cloth” (not ideally but I put it in the washing machine… and even tumble dry… with detergent – which does NOT do so with Natural Dye). So, it shouldn’t be dirty at all! I am happy to share(?), let them touch the fabric itself as the Sashiko Stitched Fabric has a very unique texture. I will keep wearing them with more stitching & patches… oh, by the way, you know the word when I keep doing it & wear them in 20XX? It can be called “Boro” – or for sure “Boro Boro” as it is kind of the status at this moment. We can make an authentic Boro – Boro isn’t only from the past – we can make it for the future when we learn what we are doing.



#Sashiko #​刺し子 #quiltcon2023