In recent posts, I have been sharing the significance of the Japanese Ordinary – in which we tend to forget about Westernization, but we all had it before when we “had to” stitch. I say it “Japanese Ordinary” because I can only talk on behalf of Japanese culture. However, when we imagine, it can happen to anyone in any culture – not in today’s value system, though.
“Imagination” is more important than “answers” because there is no such a thing as “Right or Wrong”. “Dialogue” without specific purpose is more Sashiko-Like than “Discussion” to find the specific answers. Therefore, I share stories. Therefore, I do not jump into discussions in English where they are discussing what is “Right” Sashiko or not. As long as they look for the answers… I don’t think they can reach the Core anyway. In the post on 6/25, I share a photo of Furoshiki with Shippou Pattern with Square. Today, I share a whole picture of this Furoshiki. My mother Keiko received this Furoshiki from her friend who “found” this in her old drawer. She has applied some mending with other vintage fabric swatches. I want you to wonder why there are no stitches in the square. This is where “Imagination” kicks in, and the point where fabric starts talking – carrying memories, and we add stories by stitching. There is no answer for this question – why is it empty in the square – just stitching around the edges. Interestingly, Keiko and I came up with the same story. It is because we share similar values, expectations & common sense. How about you? Can you receive any stories from this Furoshiki? (I may talk about it in Live Streaming tomorrow & updated on Patreon).
#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoFuroshiki #JapaneseBoro #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子