June 01, 2022 at 10:39PM

A treasure has arrived! It is my sincere honor to contribute to the Pom Pom Publishing (@pompommag), big thanks to Ainur (@mamasteddybear) for including me, interviewing me, listening to me, and editing the voice from a Japanese Sashiko Artisan. The encouragement I received was very powerful. I wouldn’t have been able to write like this, for a few pages, because of the risks I fear. I write honestly here because it is my platform (my zone). When I know I will be in public, I would take a safe route. I sincerely respect their decision & team with caring & understanding. I try to learn about them – and they mean what they state. It is a great summary of my voice about Sashiko, including the sensitive topics of Cultural Appropriation & why I felt pain. It is a great Magazine & publisher!

The bigger this account grows, the more often I receive a request to write for the media. I don’t really believe the idea of “Any publicity is good publicity”, and therefore I try my best to be careful. I only work with/for the media which is willing to listen to me, instead of asking me to be part of their “already-written” article. Interestingly, those media always respect my time by offering compensation… rather than saying “Oh, some would pay to be interviewed”… We live in such a “diverse” society. Your choice creates our future. I mean it. “Your ordinary choice” is the foundation of tomorrow. I respect the media for their rules in society, and we know that media is one form of interpretation – not the answer. I hope that we can choose & support the media which knows what they are doing. Now, while reading the article, I am quite timid with my own writing. However, the article is my honest feeling, and it is what I was encouraged with. Sashiko is more than stitching – and please be mindful who you are learning Sashiko from.

英国の雑誌(Pom Pom Magazine)に寄せた文章が出版されました。とても丁寧な編集の方が私達のことを知ってくれていて、質疑応答形式で私が書いた文章に手を加え、また時には「もっと正直に書いちゃいなよ!」と背中を押して下さったりして、読み手が読みたいだろうと予測し期待される文章じゃなく、しっかりと伝える文章になっていると思います。編集して下さったからの力ですが(笑)それでも、英語で雑誌に寄稿することが続くのは、本当に不思議な気持ちです。いや、マジで高校2年まで英語嫌いだったんです。

#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #PomPomMag #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


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