December 31, 2021 at 10:03AM

Last day of 2021. So many Sashiko Stories so far, and toward the future.

There are (of course) reasons why I keep “writing stories” instead of switching everything to Reel or Youtube. I understand Short Videos are strong to deliver the message. However, what I ultimately need to do is NOT message delivery: Delivering the message is just a vehicle. The Destination is to pass down the Sashiko we practice.

Reading (Stories) is Good. Can you guess Why (many answers)? For me, it is good because reading can tell us what our own “expectations (form of thinking)” are like. In reading, we usually encounter the moment of “YES!!”, “Ah-ha”, “W-T-F”, “No Way”, “Never thought of that” and so on. Reading is not only for acquiring new knowledge. Reading can visualize who we really are & who we want to be. I would like to share the opportunities for us to “be mindful about our choice” by going through those “moving moments” in sharing stories.

It requires us to “move our hands” and “chew” to see what we are eating. Unfortunately, what is popular in Sashiko now is something “spoon-fed” and “smashed” already. When it is brought by someone’s hand & pureed, it is difficult to understand to see the full picture of what we are intaking. It is okay to be spoon-fed the pureed food, but they need to trust the one who helps them. Do they even know who is spoon-feeding them? That’s where my fear comes from (issue with innocent ignorance and intentional indifference).

I won’t change my style no matter what happens. My life became much easier when I realized my fate, although what I have now is much less than before. I want you to enjoy Sashiko – the Sashiko you will find, not modified or filtered by someone based on their convenience. I hope you have a great New Year Day!



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #日本人の刺し子 #刺し子


December 30, 2021 at 01:43PM

I often receive a request to share my idea for Cultural Appropriation (C/A). I am still learning about C/A, and nowhere close to the “expert”. However, as the one who experiences it now, I am sharing my honest feelings. The simplest point is “Acknowledgement”, not right or wrong, while many talk about the “Fairness” in C/A.

We can probably summarize one part of the issue of C/A like this: “One [appropriating] the culture that they do not belong to for their profit”. Some think that “applying the cultural perspective itself is the issue”, but I do not think like that: therefore, I say, anyone can(should) enjoy Sashiko regardless, as long as they acknowledge the stories behind it. How about profit? Many think it is the issue to make money by using foreign culture. To be honest, I am okay with that. Even if one decides to make money out of Sashiko/Boro with no connection to Japan, I won’t be in pain so much, “AS LONG AS THEY ACKNOWLEDGE the stories behind it”. We all have to make ends meet, and it is important to think about the profit if one wants to spend that much time in one practice.

“Innocent Ignorance” is one issue in C/A. However, there are much worse cases: It is “Intentional Indifference”. If you learn Sashiko from non-Japanese sources (in English), please doubt what they teach. They aren’t wrong, but insufficient (filtered with their own understanding & limited source). Usually, Japanese will not say that they know the whole thing – the more they know about the topic, the less they feel confident. When one says they know it enough, that can be “Intentional Indifference”.

“The Stories behind the Culture” aren’t only about the past. It can be happening right now. One “Appropriate” Culture in privilege (Ability of Speaking English is one privilege) can harm someone in the Culture. I have seen that, and I do not want it to be repeated. I guess that’s why I am spending so much energy on this.

Sashiko Live in English is scheduled tonight. I may talk about it more there.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


December 28, 2021 at 09:24PM

While I see photos of people going on vacation, I stay at home & stitch (My wife needs to work on-call so we cannot travel at these times). Stitch & Read. Think & Learn. As much as I would like to take my daughter to “theme park & beach” in winter, I want her to see what her father does. I am making a book-mark with fabric scrap and clipped thread. We need to work to our ends meet, and I believe it is a good thing to be “wanted” in this crazy world.

Sashiko in English, unfortunately, the main focus is “How they look (as a result)”. Therefore, they care for the rules and how good they can stitch. Traditional vs modern patterns are their concerns. However, the core of Sashiko is more than the technique & result. If their goal is to “mimic” how Sashiko looks, any information is good: however, they shouldn’t teach Sashiko as their speciality. If they are serious in learning enough to teach others, they need to learn more.

There aren’t many good books translated into English. More accurately, some books are translated but I feel something is “missing” or “filtered”. One book, however, “The Unknown Craftsman” by Yanagi is very well written by a great artist/potter, Bernard Leach. It isn’t about Sashiko specifically, but it is more educational than any other books talking about “how to”. If you are looking for a book for this winter, this is my recommendation.

はぎれとあまり糸で簡単な栞を作るようにしています。少し溜まってきたのでご紹介を兼ねて本棚に目を走らせて、ふと、柳宗悦氏の本の英語版「The Unknown Craftsman」が目に入ったので、少し読み返してみました。



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


December 27, 2021 at 08:08AM

All I am doing is to be “the someone” I wanted to have when I was a child.

Everyone has their own challenges. In this society, sometimes, “What one has” doesn’t define happiness, and so was my childhood. “How much we have” is important to dodge unfortunate events, but they are all relative to the ongoing situation and “others”. In Sashiko, I am privileged, but I never “wanted” to learn Sashiko. I had to learn to survive. It came with consequences, and I often suffer from it, too, yet I feel the (unwanted) responsibility.

“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”. Spiderman – A quote I learned in English in my youth. I do have great responsibility in Sashiko. In this society, “English” as a language is one form of Great Power. If one speaks English, the wall of the culture surviving globally gets lower. If not, the culture may be buried, or worse, it may be repainted to a completely different color. Therefore, I speak up as a Japanese person who practices Sashiko today. Please keep learning. I am not the one who gives you candy (comfort), but I can be the one who gives you the wisdom (answer) you may be looking for (subconsciously). Stop trying to find a comfortable place with words by saying “inspired” or “style”. It doesn’t excuse one from Cultural Appropriation unless they try to understand the Essence. It means, though, when they try to learn the essence, it can avoid Cultural Appropriation. Doubt your “expectation”. Sashiko is a simple & easy form of stitching, but it is much more than that.

When one (you) wishes to learn, I am here. When they try to learn, they don’t have to say “Style” or “Inspired”. It is Sashiko, and it can be Boro.



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


December 24, 2021 at 11:02AM


For the “Fukubukuro (Lucky Bag)”, due to the difficulty in both finance & logistics, I have not prepared any store page in English. I will see what I can do after the busy season.

For the Online Sashiko Class, please check the link from our Instagram Profile. You should find a link to check the details of our Online Sashiko Class. The Online Sashiko Class is in English, and it will teach you the “Core & Essence” of Sashiko, which is unfortunately not shared in English outside of this Online Class. The opportunities for the In-person workshop are available, but very limited. There may be a spot open for 3-Days Sashiko workshop in FL. Please contact Aya Fiber Studio (@aya_fiber_studio). The classes in QuiltCon 2022 seem to be sold out, but please contact MQG for the waitlist. I remember there was a lot of movement at last minutes in QuiltCon.

Since my weekly Live Streaming in Japanese is doing good, I plan to offer the Sashiko Live in English periodically as well. I plan to offer it on every Thursday at 9 pm EST (I had to cancel it due to my headache last night, sorry). Soon, I will ask the poll for the preference on Youtube. If you have not checked our Youtube Channel, please find it from our link or just direct URL here (

I will keep sharing the Sashiko Stories even during the Holidays. The store is also available since we do not have any plans to travel. It would be great if you could support our business to enjoy your Sashiko over the winter. Thank you!!




#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


December 22, 2021 at 07:41PM

December is kind of a “busy” month in Japan as well. Many types of “preparation” to many rituals. They say, it is the month when a “master (who usually is very calm)” would run around for the errands. It is quite important to introduce the stories around/behind these rituals, because the rituals are the practice based on the (historical) culture.

One of the rituals we followed until last year is the “Fukubukuro” – a wishing lucky bag to welcome the new year. I prepared it last year in the US as well, but I am sorry that I won’t be able to do so this year due to the current condition. Keiko will prepare it in Japan, and I may be able to introduce the same package when we have enough time to do so: around the time we can enjoy the Cherry Blossom. It would be great if you could wait for the update in English. It is still challenging to do “business” in Sashiko: with limited logistics and steep inflation. Well, I gotta do what I can do :D.

少しずつ小出しにしていた「刺し子な福袋」なのですが、やっと全てのページを準備することができました。(1). 福袋の詳細、(2). 福袋への思い (3). 販売ページ……と、伝えたいこと&恵子さんが描くことを丁寧に文章にしていたら、大変な時間がかかってしまいました。日本時間の12/26(土)9pmの販売開始予定です(とはいえ、早いもの勝ちになるのはお届け順にできるように準備します。27日迄に頂いたご注文は、お時間を頂くかもしれませんが、必ずお届けします)。



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子 #福袋


December 20, 2021 at 10:18PM

I am sharing a series of Sashiko Stories here in my second language because of unfortunate misunderstandings of Sashiko in English. The misinterpretation happens because of the difference in our “Common Sense (Expectation to others)”. Therefore, please read what is written here instead of what you think I would write. I occasionally encounter a comment with significant twists of my words.

I welcome anyone regardless of who they are: both Japanese & non-Japanese. I NEVER EVER said that one needs to learn the Japanese language, or visit Japan, to “practice” Sashiko. Of course, the language & experience in Japan would be a good addition, but that will NOT define the Sashiko they practice. If your goal is to enjoy Sashiko, just try to keep learning, ideally from those who understand Japanese & with experience in Japan. If you only read in English, you are already reading someone’s translation after their filtration. So, doubt what you learn & keep learning. That’s all I ask.

One exception, though. I think that one has to be “fluent” in Japanese when they plan to teach Sashiko. Without talking to Japanese Sashiko Artisans in Japan, how would they be able to “teach”? It is fine if they specify “which Sashiko” they are teaching, but it is too violent to teach the “whole picture of Sashiko” without proper understanding of Language, and therefore, Culture. Would you trust a professor in “American Political Science” who doesn’t understand English…?

There are 2 kinds of teaching – (1) navigating and (2) training. When one teaches a specific topic (like Sashiko here), the teacher has to be a master of what they are teaching. School Teachers, who I cannot thank enough as a father, are great navigators, and I know there are good navigators in textile sharing Sashiko as well. Don’t mix 2 together. Teaching a specific topic as “a specific teacher” comes with huge & significant responsibility.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


December 19, 2021 at 09:49PM

The more I teach Sashiko in English, the more I realize the significant difference in Japanese Sashiko I practice & Sashiko introduced in English today. In Western Culture, “Being in Control” is quite an important concept. Many think that “In order to make even stitches, I need to control the needle”. This isn’t wrong, but what I teach is different. I teach how to minimize the control of the needle in Online Class and In-person Workshop.

One can make beautiful stitches by focusing & controlling the needle with great skill & precision. However, it isn’t the core of Sashiko, especially considering how Sashiko was practiced in Japan for many years ago. This story may ring some of your bells if you know any other Japanese cultural practices – many Japanese teachings are based on “relaxing” and “releasing the handle”. If one calls Sashiko “Zen”, then they need to understand the concept of “Kuu (empty)”. Therefore, I keep saying, Sashiko in English is NOT wrong, but insufficient. And I am here to share (teach) what is missing. It would be great if you can take my class. If it isn’t a good time, please keep reading my stories & watching my Youtube Videos.

In-Person Workshop in FL at the beginning of Feb may have some spots available. Online Sashiko Class has a few spots available for the month of Dec. 2021. Check link from profile for the details.




#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


December 16, 2021 at 11:11AM

In 2015, before I truly faced my fate, I was all about the “desire for approval”. I wanted to be someone that I wasn’t. I was always looking for something to be “recognized”. After a year of talking to myself after tragedy, I learned how to be a friend of “desire for approval”, not a slave of “desire for approval”. Therefore, I can prioritize my stories over publication or publicity. It doesn’t matter if my work/voice is hugely approved or not because what I care is “who” is trying to listen.

You may wonder, “Isn’t teaching also for approval (recognition)?”. Maybe. If I decide to eliminate the desire for approval, stitching by myself for the purpose of creation may be more comprehensive. However, I decided to continue teaching. Why? Because I realize what I teach in Sashiko can help many people, especially those who suffer from being trapped in “desire for approval”. Unfortunately, some make money by clicking on the weak point of the raw desire. Society asks us to be “someone useful”, and we have to be “productive” to be successful. How do we measure it? By someone’s approval. I used to believe in this, but I no longer follow it. No one has to suffer from “not having or not being able to”. The major suffering comes from “comparison” and “unsatisfied expected desire”.

Japanese in the 18 century knew how to deal with their “desire” in such a limited society. At least, Sashiko & Boro taught me how they would have handled.Therefore, I really want everyone to learn Sashiko from us, instead of learning from someone who uses Sashiko/Boro as the way to get approval. Why do you hand-stitch? For approval, or for someone(something) who you care about?


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


December 14, 2021 at 03:15PM

One of the biggest misunderstandings about Sashiko & Boro exists in the difference of “Approach”. In English, they say, “Sashiko is Mending Technique” and “Boro is Salvage”. They aren’t wrong statements but it filters the core of its practice.

Sashiko isn’t a miracle drug to solve the current clothing culture in SDGs. Yes, a pill of Aleve is like a miracle when we have a headache. However, taking Aleve everyday, or expecting a headache to enjoy Aleve is out of the line. Unfortunately, without proper stories, Sashiko can be one twisted like a ill-person who damage their health for the purpose of taking pills.

Again, each definition in English about Sashiko & Boro aren’t so much “wrong”. They are just insufficient to represent the whole practice. Therefore, continuous learning is very important, and therefore I keep sharing stories so one day, we can all enjoy the full picture of Sashiko and Boro. If you are willing to learn, enjoy the rides. Hopefully, please start driving by yourself. If you think you know enough about Sashiko & Boro already without being fluent in Japanese language & culture, then please stop & doubt because it can innocently damage & filter the culture. Sashiko is simple stitching culture, but more than how it is introduced in English – because it carries many stories about “being ordinary Japanese” in its practice.

Sashiko is simple, fun and much richer than what is introduced now. By following this account & Youtube, I believe I am proving it.



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #日本人の刺し子 #刺し子