January 15, 2023 at 09:07AM

I will be in Japan this coming Spring after almost 10 years of not being able to go back home. I can finally go back to Japan for 2 weeks thanks to many people’s help & support. During my stay in Tokyo, Keiko will have a Sashiko Exhibition in the old town – Tsukishima (4/19 to 4/22). The exhibition isn’t so “Big” or “Stylish”, but I believe we can communicate the beauty & “warmth” of Sashiko. We will work on making a flier or so and will update the details for this matter. Keiko will be there for most of the time of exhibition, and I will stop by at some points with my friends that I plan to take to Japan with me.

All of these can happens thanks to the “En – 縁 (difficult to translate in English, but something like fortune to meet each other)” with many people I have met. I receive much appreciation for my work of sharing Sashiko – but it is also my appreciation to you for following & reading. As we continue Sashiko, our “En” will come across. The essence of Sashiko is this “En” – not only the pattern, result or technique. I keep stitching, and I can connect people, time, and “prayers”. Sashiko is more than a trend – and I am very happy that I can keep speaking up with good confidence. Photo: Keiko in Tsukishima old town.




#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子


January 12, 2023 at 08:52PM

I am not kind to those who look for someone who prepares “a meal” for them. Some even expect me to spoon-feed them… I am not here to offer instant & momentary gratification to satisfy a one-time need. In Long-Term, it isn’t sustainable from a cultural perspective. Instead, I share the recipes, how to cook from cleaning the vegetables to how to “season” it, and where & what to buy to have the same meals we are preparing for ourselves & our friends.

When one wants to try to enjoy “it” for one-time, they can enjoy it however they want. However, when one wants to “represent (teach it on behalf of)”, then spoon-feeding to someone in order to meet someone’s requests can filter the culture.

Anyone can practice Sashiko as we do. As “cooking” is like magic to those who do not cook at all, yet ordinary for someone who prepares the meals everyday for their family, Sashiko can be very ordinary to me. I am NOT a chef in a fancy restaurant. I am just a “grandmother” who welcomes you to offer her favorite recipes (whom you may have in your memories). I respect both the chef and “grandmother” – both are essential pieces to preserve the culture. Therefore, I keep saying, “Sashiko introduced in English is NOT wrong, but insufficient” – one good way to learn more is to join the Live Streaming on (almost) every Thursday at 9 pm ET.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


January 11, 2023 at 08:50AM

I wonder what would happen if I weren’t speaking up about Sashiko. My mother, Keiko, often mentions her pleasure to meet many people within Japan, and from all over the world. However, if I didn’t speak up, her Sashiko works wouldn’t be “known” to the world as she is quite introvert: She feels satisfied by just making “Sashiko” that makes her happy. Know her, find someone who knows her to connect with, hire a translator, visit Japan and arrange a meeting with her (all in Japanese) would be too much trouble. I can clear these troubles thanks to my English ability – and that’s the privilege I have. Keiko isn’t the only one. I believe (&I know) there are quite many “Sashiko Artisans” who do not have opportunities to share their works due to the troubles” in a society where we prefer “convenience”. I hope that I can continue sharing the stories of other Sashiko artisans – and my mother Keiko is a good place to start.

I arrange a meeting/Sashiko Class with her for those who learn “Unshin” from my class in English. We agree that we cannot make so many more Sashiko items as we age. Sashiko is much more than what is introduced in English – and I try my best to introduce “Another Story of Sashiko”.


「(日本の)刺し子を伝えるんだ」と大風呂敷を広げていますが、私が刺し子を続ける根本的な動機の一つが「海外に移住する息子が母にできる限られた親孝行」だということです。私に娘ができた今は「(日本人というアイデンティティに悩むかもしれない)娘に残したい父親の思い」という追加項目がありますが、元々の理由を辿ると刺し子好きな母親と世間様を繋げていくことが私の願いの一つです。恵子さんの刺し子はなかなか真似しようと思ってできるものではありません。ただ、恵子さん自身があまり外に意識が向かないというか、自己完結型というか、「私を見て!」という欲求が強くなく、寧ろ「素敵なものが作れたから嬉しい」というある意味では自己満足型なのかもしれません。下手すると誰にも接することなく刺し子を作り続けて完結してしまう母親の日々に、刺し子好きな方とのご縁を頂けたらとの息子としての願いが、私の[Sashi.Co]に対する願いです。刺し子好きが作るコミュニティ(Sashiko Community) の略字だったりもします。


#Sashiko #KeikoFutatsuya #刺し子 #二ツ谷恵子


January 07, 2023 at 07:36PM

This is a follow-up of the previous post just in case the “wordplay” didn’t reach your attention (please read yesterday’s post first). In contrast to Western “God” in Monotheism, Japanese believe(d) “Gods(spirits)” exist in every matter. Throughout the “wordplay”, we can learn how they would appreciate the existence of spirit within ourselves. A Mirror is “Kagami (鏡)” in Japanese – which is an item to reflect ourselves. I see myself in the Kagami. In Japanese, “Ga” can mean “myself (I or Self)”. When I take out my own self “Ga” from the person on the Mirror (Kagami), [KaGaMi minus Ga] – it becomes [Kami]. In Japanese, Kami means “God” or “spirit”. This wordplay tells us how we believe that the “spirit” – or something important with our belief, exists within ourselves when we take out our own “Self”. In today’s society, insisting on self (individualism) is the key to success, yet this wordplay teaches us the importance of letting “Self” go. I understand that Sashiko is introduced as “Technique” to control the needle as “Self” controls the “result”. It isn’t wrong, but the Sashiko I introduce is more than that. We all have our “answers” within – and all I share in my class is the way & mindset to meet your “Self” in stitching. Sashiko isn’t just a trend, design, technique, or even marketing term – for me, it is what defines me without someone’s definition.


博士過程や教授職のレベルで日本語を勉強・研究していらっしゃる 非日本人の知人のほとんどが、「勉強すればする程、足りないことがわかるね」と仰います。「うわばき」という、日本の小学校に行っていれば、あるいは小学生がいる過程で生活すれば当たり前に使う言葉が、日常を共にしないと研究をしているだけではわからないのです。良い悪いの話ではなく、「日常は習得(マスター)できるもんじゃない」ということです。


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


January 06, 2023 at 10:33AM

[I want you to find your own answers to Sashiko instead of the answer someone made for their convenience or profit]. This is my reply to a question, “What is the right answer for Sashiko”. Unfortunately, some people are not happy with this reply. They even accused me of being “stingy” for not sharing the answers. I am understanding why this type of issue happens – it is because of our “belief” – and therefore, it is extremely important to share the stories from Cultural perspective.

Japanese believe(d) that every matter has their own spirit in it (Kind of Animism). We called the spirits “Kami (Sama)” as translated to “God” in English. However, “Kami” in Japanese and “God” in English are not always the same. “God” in Western Culture usually exists outside of our body – to worship. In my understanding, “Kami” in Japanese exists within ourselves – as everyone of us has our own “God” within. A mirror (Kagami) is something to reflect on ourselves. In Japanese, “Ga” can mean “sense of myself”. When you take out “Ga” from myself in the mirror (Kagami) – what is left there…? This may be a simple wordplay, but as Japanese has its long history as the language, I think it has more meaning than just a play. Listen to your own story instead of looking for fabricated instant gratification. When you are ready to do so, my stories will sink in more easily & you will find many more answers in what I am sharing.

「本音と建前」という素晴らしい(?)文化が日本にはあって、この本音と建前という二層構造が社会的に存在できる要素の一つが、「自分の声を聞く」ことができる文化だからだと思っています。絶対的な答え(唯一神)が自分の外に存在する西洋と違い、私達はなんだかんだ言って答えは自分の中にあると思ってたりします。だから必要以上に争わないし、結果として「本音」と「建前」という暗黙の了解が言葉になっているのかなと。ちなみに英語圏の方が「建前」の重要性が高いです。基本的に英語圏の社交的な会話の中で本音は求められません。(How are you? の答えに本音で体調が悪いとか答えるのは基本的にNG)。


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


January 03, 2023 at 09:22PM

In our Sashiko, most of the time we stitch from the “back (wrong/hiding)” side of the fabric. One of the core reasons for stitching from the back side is strongly associated with how Sashiko was developed – it was a stitching practice in the ordinary… which means “Not everyone wanted to do Sashiko”. So, finding the way to be “lazy” is quite important in the principle of Sashiko – as you won’t use a washboard to clean your pants when you have a washing machine hooked to cable & pipes.

Now, as we have so many choices, we can “choose” to enjoy Sashiko, and I am so happy that we can do so. However, it is important to acknowledge these stories, and especially the “ordinary people” behind them. There is no “universal answer” for Sashiko as some prefer top-load over front-load (in washing machine), yet we have similarity of “using it to make our lives easier”. If you find a way to make your Sashiko easier, apply it. Don’t suffer from stitching one by one to celebrate imperfection – it is too romanticized, I feel. This principle explains many wondering you may have – like why we do not use an embroidery hoop. There is nothing wrong with being lazy, and I hope you learn “how to be more lazy in Sashiko” from our Sashiko Class – Trust me – it works & will speed up your stitching.




#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


January 01, 2023 at 10:15PM

Happy New Year! The first 3 days in the New Year are quite important in Japanese Culture. As I was raised surrounded by some “old-fashioned” artisans, I still carry some rituals. For example, it was not recommended to “stitch” until the end of Jan.3rd. Some even “prohibited” it. Instead, they spend time with “family” (which are both the ones alive & the ones passed away) – I imagine, they sit on patchworked rags like this to protect them from cold, and cover themselves with something “nicer” as a blanket. I value “Imagination” very much, and Sashiko is a good way to “imagine (remember)” it – rather than being creative/artistic, for me.

If you have Japanese in your family or friends, you probably have seen photos of “Osechi” by now. It is like a Bento box with many kinds of foods with layered boxes. We celebrate New Years with Osechi while eating them with family/friends. However, the whole purpose is NOT to offer fancy food – they are the food that “lasts long” for more than 3 days so that they don’t have to cook/clean after the meals. For Japanese, the first 3 days of New Year are days to invite “spirit(s)” in. Using water, cleaning, and many other practices weren’t recommended to respect the spirit’s existence. The Osechi was developed in this story & many other stories in different regions. “Eating Osechi” itself will be a good cultural practice – but knowing stories, learning “why” makes it more meaningful. Here, I share the stories. All of the elements of Sashiko have their stories – and that makes “it” Sashiko – not only pattern, not only technique, and not “who” stitch.


想像力。刺し子をする上で一番と言ってもいい大切なテーマとして、今年も沢山の刺し子とお話ができればいいなと思っています。継ぎ接ぎの布の上に座り、少しでも綺麗な布を膝にかける。こんな昔の風景 – あったんじゃないかなぁと想像しながら。本年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします!

#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


December 31, 2022 at 09:46PM

One last post before welcoming 2023 here. I really appreciate all of you here reading & listening to our voice. Because of the topic I use & the way of my writing, some misunderstand my message. Some claim that they do not understand what I am saying. However, my message is quite simple – it is just written the way they are not familiar with (or not expecting). The Story here is Sashiko as my life – not to please anyone specific. The year will be new, but I will be the same in 2023.

In 2023, I will elaborate the phrase “Protect the Upstream”, as this can explain a lot of aspects in my message. Anyone can enjoy a waterplay in the river, yet it is important to understand where the river comes especially if they teach about what they do in the river to others. As all rivers have an upstream, all culture has upstream. There is no such a thing as “Right River” and “Wrong River”, yet each river has its character: and in many cases, the name explains the river’s characteristics and stores. Same as Sashiko. I want EVERYONE to enjoy Sashiko – not just they or you or I – everyone in the past, present and in the future. I sincerely hope that the stories here will be the assistance to preserve the Sashiko we have developed (not only ours, but many others Sashiko) in Japan. Happy New Year!!



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


December 30, 2022 at 08:21AM

Indigo Dye… so called “Japanese Blue” is always my favorite in Natural Dye. When Keiko and I decided to “sell” her Natural Dye Sashiko Threads, we made one rule as our challenge – which is to keep “Continuously and Reproducibility”. As we dye by hand with Natural Ingredients, the colors are always “different” – they are all one of a kind by each dye-batch. However, I believe it is our responsibility to “try our best” to reproduce the similar color. For that purpose, for Indigo Dye, we have 2 shades, Dark (A-1) and Light (A-2).

However, as you may know, Indigo & Natural Dye are not so simple to distinguish into 2 colors. One story says that we have 48 names of shades for Indigo Dye. Each 48 shades has their own name! In 2022, Keiko tries to see how many shades she could reproduce – and the results are interesting & beautiful. I hope that I can bring some of them to the US in 2023… and introduce it as “Indigo Dye beyond our control”. Colors are so mesmerizing, and it is a very important part of my (our) creation.




#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


December 28, 2022 at 12:04PM

It is extremely important to understand & get familiar with the concept of “Justice” when an Asian man (who grew up in an old-fashioned way) tries to adapt to the Western Culture. In a society built on Monotheism (with Absolute God), the “Correct Answer” often exists. I am not talking about good or bad about this – I just need(ed) to “modify” myself when I immigrated here. I respect my religious friends, and I am learning it every single day (as I live in a Christian Community with a Jewish Spouse). When it comes to Sashiko, as Sashiko exist in Japanese culture, I want them to “adjust themselves” instead of “changing/filtering” the Sashiko Culture itself to fit their “mold/shape” comfortably. Unfortunately, it seems to happen a lot in many practices – A culture/practice is “changed” by someone with privilege for their profit/comfort. Culture changes, but that’s cannot be the excuse to be ignorant.

[What is the Right (Size) Stitch for Sashiko?] – I used to see this discussion a LOT. I don’t know about now as I stopped interacting with “them”, but this question makes me sad as they do not even realize their value-system in another “culture”. When “Right” exists, “Wrong” always exists in dualism. Sashiko is “life” for me, so when one defines one Sashiko as “Right”, will my life be defined as “Wrong”? We (as Japanese) NEVER had war in Sashiko arguing which Sashiko is right in our history. Now, in(from) Western Trend, I worry the “war” may happen (or even happening). I am here to include – not exclude, yet my words are probably not comfortable for those who wish for Instant Gratification or an easy answer. I teach how to find “Your Own Answer” – as I believe “You are valuable as you are” – don’t let anyone define what is right and wrong for you. Please.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子