This is a follow-up of the previous post just in case the “wordplay” didn’t reach your attention (please read yesterday’s post first). In contrast to Western “God” in Monotheism, Japanese believe(d) “Gods(spirits)” exist in every matter. Throughout the “wordplay”, we can learn how they would appreciate the existence of spirit within ourselves. A Mirror is “Kagami (鏡)” in Japanese – which is an item to reflect ourselves. I see myself in the Kagami. In Japanese, “Ga” can mean “myself (I or Self)”. When I take out my own self “Ga” from the person on the Mirror (Kagami), [KaGaMi minus Ga] – it becomes [Kami]. In Japanese, Kami means “God” or “spirit”. This wordplay tells us how we believe that the “spirit” – or something important with our belief, exists within ourselves when we take out our own “Self”. In today’s society, insisting on self (individualism) is the key to success, yet this wordplay teaches us the importance of letting “Self” go. I understand that Sashiko is introduced as “Technique” to control the needle as “Self” controls the “result”. It isn’t wrong, but the Sashiko I introduce is more than that. We all have our “answers” within – and all I share in my class is the way & mindset to meet your “Self” in stitching. Sashiko isn’t just a trend, design, technique, or even marketing term – for me, it is what defines me without someone’s definition.
博士過程や教授職のレベルで日本語を勉強・研究していらっしゃる 非日本人の知人のほとんどが、「勉強すればする程、足りないことがわかるね」と仰います。「うわばき」という、日本の小学校に行っていれば、あるいは小学生がいる過程で生活すれば当たり前に使う言葉が、日常を共にしないと研究をしているだけではわからないのです。良い悪いの話ではなく、「日常は習得(マスター)できるもんじゃない」ということです。
#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子