In the QuiltCon Lecture, I received an important question. [What is the line (boundary) between appropriation & appreciation (respect)?]. My answer was “acknowledgement (of the Stories behind)” as always. At the same time, after the lecture, I realized I could add one more word. If you follow this account for a while, you know what I am going to write – it is the importance of protecting the “upstream”.
I share pretty much everything on the Internet both the technical perspective of Sashiko & the cultural Story of Sashiko. I don’t hide/modify any of my stitching as I believe it is somewhat a public domain. I ask for the fee for workshops & Online Class when one needs my personal attention (and it can help to accelerate the learning) – but it isn’t necessary as the materials to learn Sashiko are already there for free of charge.
However, “Free” doesn’t mean “Non-Important” or “Non-significant”. One may learn Sashiko by watching my videos online and teaching themselves. It is perfectly fine to enjoy “self-taught” Sashiko, but even the “self-taught” has the materials to learn from – here, the photo/videos on Youtube. I never ask for compensation for saying that one learned Sashiko from me. Again, I share everything deliberately, and I even say “Copy it”. So, if you are about to learn Sashiko, please identify where you get that information – please acknowledge the “upstream” even when they say “self-taught”. If one ignores the upstream, and then pretends that they “invented” it, then it will lead their activity to Cultural Appropriation (as it may cause the Profit over sacrificing the upstream). So, to follow-up the great question, I would ask to acknowledge the story AND the “upstream” of where the story comes from. Thank you for learning Sashiko from us.
#Sashiko #刺し子
Category: SNS Post
November 03, 2023 at 08:26PM
In many years of our practice in Sashiko, we very rarely have worked for a fashion brand. KUON – @kuon_tokyo_official is one of them, and they shared incredible news that the legendary Comedian in Japan wore the Jacket we contributed to (as Sashiko Artisans) for his book cover photo.
The team Kuon, with very talented members, has been applying their understanding & interpretation of Sashiko & Boro to their definition of “Fashion”. As you know, we are simply “Artisans” – Fashion itself is not our strength, or even the priority. Therefore, we often end up declining the offer from other brands – we need to have a mutual understanding first on what we can/wish to do. I am very happy that this Jacket has been like their “signature” – and yes, I would say, this is the best, most fashionable, and the coolest Sashiko Jacket I can imagine. Our Sashiko – Their Design – and I believe it is one form of the future of Sashiko.
We know what we can do – and We also know what we “cannot” do. Sharing Stories here is my priority, yet creating the future (with new Fashion) is also an important action. It was (and hopefully “is”) an honor to work for/with Kuon.
Photo Styled by @kanemitru
私が今のように刺し子と真剣に向き合い始めた初期のお話です。当時から恵子さんは今と何も変わっていなくて、当時の刺し子職人さんと一緒にご協力させて頂いたプロジェクトがあります。大槌刺し子と一緒に仕事をする中でご縁を頂いたブランド「KUON – @kuon_tokyo_official
もう来週までなのですが、伊勢丹新宿店 メンズ館2階にてポップアップストアを開催されているようです。是非KUONの作品を見に足を運んで頂ければ。刺し子と襤褸の解釈としての未来の一つがそこにはあります。
#Sashiko #KUON #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子
November 02, 2023 at 05:13PM
(From the previous post) One of the core approach of “Morita Therapy” is “あるがまま (Aru-ga-mama)” which can be translated to “as is / acceptance”. In my learning of psychology, this was an eye-opening moment.
When we (West) experience illness, we try to remove it from our body as if it is the “enemy”. Yes, it can be harmful to our “comfort level”, but also it is part of us. In Morita’s theory, one goal is to learn how to “accept it to be as is”. Let’s say, instead of trying to “fix” the manic (or panic or depression), we accept it is part of us like a problematic family member. A patient go through 4 stages to reach the goal of “Aru-ga-mama”.
The core concept of Sashiko isn’t really “あるがまま” – but acceptance is very fundamental philosophy of Sashiko. Some say “Embrace Imperfection in Sashiko” as if Imperfect isn’t complete – in theory, in Japanese Sashiko, we don’t even have to embrace it because it is “as is”. Why do we have to always fight for the “Correct Answer”? What I teach in Sashiko is completely different from what is taught in English – Our Sashiko Starts when they find their own rhythm to accept their stitches. Therefore, we can have so many beautiful & large Sashiko pieces repeatedly.
Don’t let others define who you are. Don’t allow others to control what is “right” for you. You have already “yourself” within – which can be rough or uncomfortable, but it is a part of you. I hope Sashiko helps you to accept who you really are instead of “trying to be someone else” by following rules & someone’s ideas.
(I am not a medical/psychological professional. Please do not take any radical action without talking to them) & Live Streaming Tonight.
#Sashiko #刺し子
November 01, 2023 at 05:03PM
As Sashiko becomes the trend, some exaggerate the word itself. By just looking up the word online, we can find so many “words & concepts” related to Sashiko – like, Recycle, Upcycle, Sustainability, Appreciation (to what we have), Mindfulness, Meditation… you name it. Unfortunately, some of the concepts are misleading about what Sashiko is for someone’s profit. However, at the same time, some of them are very true yet not “verbalized (introduced)” well in a process of Sashiko’s development. One example is the psychological benefit we can get from Sashiko (putting aside that Sashiko “was” a form of stitching for survival).
My wife is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with Ph.D. She regularly encouraged me to go to the Graduate Program to be Licensed saying I am very talented in Counseling. Interestingly, what I share as my “ordinary” is somewhat eye-opening information to her. I say [don’t consider Sashiko as the “heroic medicine”] – it will not “cure” the issue. However,Sashiko may have something to keep us healthy like how Japanese diets may improve our health. I hope that my stories here become like “Japanese Food” for your healthy diet (although I may not be realizing it).
As I want to support her, I try to learn “psychology“ as much as I can. Then, I found “Morita Therapy” as a treatment for mental illness in Japan. Its approach resonates with my understanding of Japanese, and I am actively learning the practice & mindset there. Sashiko is NOT a form of treatment or medicine – but I find a lot of similarities in Morita Therapy & Sashiko from the perspective of appreciating Japanese culture. If you are interested, I can elaborate on this story more later on. One principle is to stop “judging” if the illness itself is “bad”. So is Sashiko – your Sashiko will be there when you stop judging your stitches, and what I teach is how NOT to judge the outcome.
#Sashiko #刺し子
October 31, 2023 at 07:52AM
In the previous Sashiko Live Streaming on 10/26, I received one question: [What is your goal in Sashiko?]. It was in the line of the analogy of climbing the mountain – and it is natural to have this type of question as I said [Money isn’t the goal. It is simply a vehicle to get to the goal]. Some may imagine a huge ambition I have, like creating a big empire of Sashiko. No, I am not interested in any structure to make it big (either empire or a company). Again, the structure/organization is also a vehicle to reach the goal – not the goal itself. So, the goal is pretty simple – to pass down the Sashiko (Stories). More articulately, involving my personal selfish hope, my goal is to leave the Sashiko Story to my daughter, when she may face to her own identity.
The family I have here in the US is a nuclear family. It concludes with 3 of us, yet we have 3 cultures within: American, Jewish, and Japanese. As our relatives aren’t in the U.S. at all, my wife and I were always in charge of my daughter. As much as it was difficult, I wanted it as my childhood was the opposite – I didn’t have a sense of “family” (which I see on TV often) until I made one here. Not many people have dozens of elderly people whom I considered as “grandma”.
Again, it wasn’t the best childhood. However, I also realize how privileged (fortunate) I am to receive all of the “Stories” from so many Grandmas. Ideally, as a father, I want my daughter to have something I had. For me, that is the Sashiko Story here. I hope some of you here would be her “Grandma” when she needs a Story to inspire her. Until then, I hope I can be your grandma through this account. That is my goal in Sashiko.
#Sashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子
October 28, 2023 at 09:09AM
Since my childhood, I haven’t considered my Sashiko as “masterpiece” or even “proficient Sashiko”. There are reasons behind my perception of why, but I won’t explain it here as it will be long. Therefore, I call myself Sashiko Story-Teller instead of Sashiko Master. I wasn’t “allowed” to teach Sashiko until 2017, and my whole world is changing in Sashiko. I was okay not to be the “best” in Sashiko, but I may be able to be the best teacher in Sashiko.
Well, it is difficult to define the “best” in many cases, and so is Sashiko. However, look at this Sashiko done by @na.na_45 – She is one of my very first students, and she has reached this level already. And, she isn’t the only one – I have so many rising Sashiko artisans I would like to support – who surpass me (as a teacher) already.
Sashiko is still alive – we are trying our best to bring the “Sustainable Sashiko” back. It is true that we can do any “Sashiko” – but please acknowledge the Sashiko in Japan, done by someone who learned Sashiko by the Japanese, and possibly support them & their tools & supplies. I just received the package from Japan with some supplies (finally!), and her Sashiko made my day!
運針会を通して気がついたこと。それは「私達の刺し子は再現可能だ」ということ。昔、大きな荷物を背負っていた時、挑戦すらせずに諦めていたことを、全てを失った後に気がつくという皮肉なお話ではあるのですが、それでも子供時代の記憶にある刺し子に近いものに触れられることが嬉しくて、沢山ある好きな刺し子を集めています。こちらは@na.na_45 さんの三つ箱つなぎの刺し子です。「収集して引き出しに入れておくのが刺し子ではない!!」っともう一人の自分からお叱りの声が自分に届きそうですが、でもね、収集して眺めて、そしていつか展示会という場でお披露目したいなぁと思うのです。
#Sashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子
October 26, 2023 at 09:44AM
Not so often, but I try to “sell” items we make. All hand-stitched with Sashiko, using long-established tools & supplies, and appreciating the fabric we occasionally find in History. As much as I say I wrote honest posts (about Commercial Interest with Sashiko) in the last few days, my intention for this account is to share the Stories – because, unfortunately, there are so many untold (or being Told but not yet being listened) Stories about Sashiko in English. I have another account @upcyclestitches for the financial sustainability (business aspect) of Sashiko.
Every Sashiko Item we share on this account is “something we stitched”. We occasionally share some photos of Boro – but in 99.9% cases, unless it is noted that we take a photo of someone’s piece, we add stitching somewhere. We stitch, and these stitches carry stories. Sashiko isn’t History, yet. It is an ongoing practice, and therefore it is so important to acknowledge the people behind the words – not someone who uses the word “Sashiko” for their convenience. Sashiko has its own long History, but Sashiko is NOT in the past. Some introduce Sashiko as “Ancient Japanese Stitching Technique”… It isn’t really Ancient, as it is still on-going. Therefore, I share Sashiko “Stories” rather than Sashiko “History”. History is very important to learn what it is – but the whole purpose of learning History is to enrich our “today” – so please be mindful when you learn what Sashiko is from someone who mentions about the “past” of Sashiko.
You may wonder if I were to have a “hint” to distinguish who is acknowledging the stories or not. Well, unfortunately, there isn’t the easy answer for this, but one thing I can say is that “Sashiko is Stitching Practice” – so I wouldn’t trust anyone who is NOT stitching – yet pretending they know about Sashiko.
英語での刺し子は「Ancient Technique」と紹介されることがあります。受験英語出身の私はAncientと聞くと「古代の」と翻訳してしまい、勝手にそんなに古くするなよと抵抗感を抱いてしまうのです。別の意味では「古くからの」という継続の意味もあるっぽいので、用法そのものは間違っていないとは思うのですが、ただ、「刺し子は過去ではない」ことはこれからも主張していくべきだと思っています。刺し子において過去から学ぶことは沢山あります。ただ、過去だけに集中すると、今後という未来を担う現代の刺し子を蔑ろにすることに繋がりかねません。まだ、刺し子は歴史として完結するものではないのですよ。配信、沢山お話しすることがあります。忘れないようにメモして頑張りますー!
#Sashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子
October 24, 2023 at 10:33AM
One of the strong wishes I have in sharing Stories here is to remind of the power of imagination. “Reading between lines” is critical to understanding Japanese culture. Imagination helps us to read between lines. So, try to read what is not “written”, instead of reacting to what you think it should be written.
I often receive criticism about me “selling items in Sashiko” when I talk about “Making Profit in Sashiko”. They say, [You Sell Japanese Culture, too!] as if they found a critical discrepancy… Yes, I proudly sell items! That’s one way to preserve the culture. I have never said it is wrong/bad to make money. In fact, I even encourage others (including non-Japanese) to do so when they acknowledge the culture behind. Money is important – the issue is to “change culture itself” for the profit.
Back to Mountain Analogy. I never say it is wrong to have a shop on a trail. The issue is that some “mislead” to the one trail saying “This is the only way to get to the top”. I never say items in a shop are wrong. It is a “Simplified Guide” that I consider as an issue. I always recommend my students to try other trails. I never say it is wrong to pursue commercial interest in Sashiko – in fact, I encourage them to do so. In order to taste the clear water & see beautiful flowers in the trail I recommend, one needs to have very specific equipment. That’s what I have in my shop. Some may practice using the tools by themselves to have similar experience, but others would need assistance in learning the way we use. That’s what I teach – so that “everyone” can experience what I love the most on the trail.
I don’t know why some have an allergic reaction to “Making Money” shouting [You Sell Japanese Culture, too!]. Of course I try. I want to support all artisans who are a part of the Sashiko we practice. Money is a very important vehicle to reach the goal. Please read behind the other’s writing, too. Mindfood: Is Money(Shop) a vehicle (tool) to get to the top/goal? Or, is Money(Shop) itself a goal and “mentioning the trails” is a marketing strategy? You should be able to tell the difference.
#Sashiko #刺し子
October 23, 2023 at 11:40AM
Another Analogy of what I am trying to say in Sashiko & Climbing Mountains. Thanks to @nathan_plavnick who reminded me of this analogy I once introduced in Japanese.
People who stand on top of a mountain rarely want to tell others coming up that there’s only one trail. They may show others the trails they enjoyed, but they are just excited that others also want to climb the mountain. Although I think I am standing in the middle of the mountain, I feel very similar to Sashiko. In Sashiko, unfortunately, the people who claim they stand at the top of the mountain tell newcomers which trails are the “answer” to climb up the mountains. There are no “right” trails to go up a mountain. There may be a level of challenge, risk and comfort… but It is one’s preference. Why do they define the right trail for others to follow? It is because the trail they define is convenient to them – there may be shops they own along the trails, and they will lose their money when the people decide to go other trails.
I share my own favorite trails to others because of many spots I enjoyed. I want you to taste the crystal clear water after the steep climb. I want you to find beautiful wild flowers on the way. Standing on the top of a mountain is one goal, but there are also beautiful places to stop by. Don’t get me wrong. I never say the other rails are wrong. They are probably good things there, too. I am just saying that it is so sad to not experience the clear water & beautiful flowers by following someone’s right trail, which you don’t know if they really are standing at the top of mountains either.
My teaching of Sashiko is just a beginning. If one claims to be an expert on the mountain, I want them to climb up many times with different routes. I am just a climber who enjoys the process of being on the top, who received training from those standing on the top.
#Sashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子
October 22, 2023 at 10:33AM
In 2014, Keiko & I stood up from the sad reality we experienced. In 2017, after the first invitation to teach in NYC & after being a stay at home father for 2+ years, we launched this “Sashiko Story”. As similar to other accounts, this account had single digit numbers followers. Now, we have this many – I share “honest“ stories while trying to be as “difficult” as possible to deliver the message. Therefore, some consider me an Angry person. Sometimes, I receive quite hateful saying/actions. However, as you can read (when you read several posts carefully), the accounts I have are full of my gratitude to you. I will not share any stories if this account brings us only despair. We share everything, yes “Everything” including technique & ideas, for anyone who wishes to learn Sashiko. I even say “Copy It” with no strings attached. It is Because we are hopeful for the future of Sashiko. Many unfollowed this account because they felt uncomfortable. However, I still have so many people who listen to us – we call it hope.
In 2016, when I uploaded Sashiko videos on Youtube for the first time, there weren’t so many videos about Sashiko on the Internet. Now, we can find quite many videos, and many use similar tools with similar movements I share – this is one outcome of “Sharing Everything”. Not many state the source of their learning, but I believe the impact on our videos are quite huge. Back in 2016, some friends who cared for me very much advised me not to share everything – as I would lose an important source of our future income. Well, maybe I lost it. However, I gained & am gaining more important things – 80K followers & (future) Sashiko Friends here who are the part of the hopeful Sashiko feature.
When I lost my father, my goal shifted to “preserve Sashiko” rather than “protect family“. I believe that’s what he tried to do, too. Thank you for being here – and I will never stop sharing as it is my life mission.
#Sashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子