You aren’t alone in this Sashiko – October 26, 2022

[You aren’t alone in this] – I am very thankful to many supportive, understanding & encouraging reactions to my message in “Cultural Appropriation/Sustainability (C/A)”. If you can learn something here, that’s great! If you feel pain in a similar situation, you aren’t alone. Of course, though, I get shitty reactions. It is the nature of the Internet – people only read what they want to read. For them, they look for answers to validate their beliefs, not to learn something new. I know what I see visually is tip of the iceberg of indifference (ignorance), but if I were to summarize it, they belabor my message as “over-reacting”.

Another extreme analogy. You know Japanese Sushi in general is NOT the same as “Sushi” we can get in the US. I have never seen “spicy tuna roll with colorful sauce” in a traditional Japanese Sushi bar. Some may consider it as “C/A”. The others don’t. I understand both sides, and I am still learning. What is happening in Sashiko isn’t even this… In both Sushi bars, the chef should know the difference of Sushi & the basic skill like fileting fish – the basic respect to Sushi as “professional”. You go to Sushi Class. You should learn how to prepare Sashimi with fileting along with other basics. Using “spicy sauce” is a choice after that basic skill. You cook for your family? Then, sure, no problem getting “fileted fish” by WholeFoods. However, when one teaches you how to purchase a prepared fish by store “without knowing how to filet”, and call themselves “master”, the Sushi “culture” becomes sadly different.

Unfortunately, that’s what I see in Sashiko introduced in English. Sashiko isn’t someone’s property, it is more like identity – and it has been changed by a lot of “ignorance” and “indifference” – and it is very painful to me (and others). That’s the reason to speak up. I don’t think it is over-reacting in any means.


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Sashiko from a student – October 24, 2022 at 11:19AM

Without learning “Unshin” as a form of rhythmical stitching, this amount of stitches would be quite challenging to make, especially if they stitch “one by one”. This is a “Blanket (Futon)” made by @humuhumu345 – yes, it is NOT our work. It is the work done by my friend who took our Sashiko Class 2 years ago. I am so happy to see her achievement & it strongly encourages me to keep sharing & teaching. I sincerely believe that anyone can do this kind of Sashiko when they learn it appropriately.

I haven’t confirmed with her yet, but I believe it didn’t take as long time as you think to complete this Sashiko. Stitches made by Unshin explains how fast, how enjoyable, how mindful (with prayer) this project was. As you know, “fabric talks”. So do stitches. They represent who the stitcher is, how the stitcher was thinking, and what they were praying for. Since I decided to focus on my own stitching in 2022, I do not have more in-person workshops. In person workshops in 2023 are filling pretty quickly. Online Class is still available for Oct/Nov. I believe what I teach is “Life Long wisdom (& technique)”. It will help to understand more of what I am saying here. It is not “fast” spreading as the other company & its marketing – but I am very happy that I can pass “it” down to both Japanese & anyone in the world. Sashiko is more than stitching – but you will be able to stitch this much with fun by learning Sashiko (of course!!).

延々と続く刺し子の針目。これだけの量の刺し子を、これだけ揃えて形にするとなると、一目ずつ刺す方法ではなかなかに大変です。@humuhumu345 さんの最近の刺し子布団。写真をお借りして紹介しています。運針会を受講下さり、その後もご縁を頂いていて、こうして運針を楽しんで続けて下さっているのを拝見すると、心から運針をお伝えしていて良かったなぁと思うのです。



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Fall & Sashiko – Japanese Sashiko Archive 10/12

Once, in its history, Sashiko was very close to the Japanese Ordinary. For more than 300 years, Sashiko has been transforming its form by accepting the change. I have seen the change, and I may have caused the change. The reason I am speaking up now, (the case some consider me one resisting the change in Sashiko), is that I do not see much “Japaneseness” in today’s big change in Sashiko (and Boro). I accept change. I even encourage changes. However, I want the change done mindfully, or at least done with/by those who understand the cultural context behind the words. In short, I want the change to be “Serious” and “Long-Term Wisdom”, instead of “Just Convenient” for “Short Term Profit”. ☆ “Seasonal” is an interesting English word – it means “relating to or characteristic of a particular season of the year”. Sachiko’s main season would be “Winter” (for many stories), but Autumn is also an important season for me (and probably for others). In Japanese, especially in Haiku, we have a variety of specific words to indicate (describe) each season. Sashiko isn’t in this category (季語), but for me it is very much associated to specific seasons, with many stories. The ordinary to the Art: I am learning of the possibility of Sashiko – and therefore, I want them to learn the “stories” behind the word Sashiko before defining the word so easily.


☆ – – – ☆

去年の秋の写真です。冬の真っ白な雪の中の藍染に白糸の刺し子も素敵ですが、紅葉の中に紛れる古布との刺し子も個人的には好きな風景の一つです。移りゆく四季の中で、その季節それぞれのもの、つまりは旬のものを楽しむ。変化に抗っても仕方ないと受け入れ、その時々で一番いいとされるものを感性を以って楽しむ。当たり前に聞こえるかもしれませんが、結構珍しいことで、四季がない国では違う風流がありますし、「旬を楽しむ」という概念が日本ほど強くない国では、変化に抗うことも正義とされるかもしれません。 ☆ 英語圏で刺し子をお伝えする中で、日本的な刺し子を理解する為に必要な要素が目に入るようになりました。前々から知ってたはずですが、意識すらしなかったことです。一番伝えたいことは「受け入れること」です。言い方を変えれば抗わないこと。現代的&西洋的な考え方では、「コントロールできること(支配下におくこと)」が力の定義です。現代日本でもそれは一緒なのかもしれませんが、刺し子が実際に行われていた当時の日本を省みると、どうなのだろうと思いを馳せてしまいます。「受け入れることの大切さを伝えるために、流れに抗う」という矛盾を含んだ道を選んでいますが、一方的に押し付けられるのだけは駄目だろうと、これからも声を挙げ続けたいと思うのです。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #Hitomezashi #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子 #一目刺し


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Japanese Sashiko Archive 10/11/2022

As much as I say I do not consider Sashiko as the Art (Sashiko “can be” Art), we are here continuing Sashiko thanks to those who consider our items as “Art” and invest in us a lot. Once she called our item “Wearable Art”. She told us it is her honor to “own” our Sashiko. We really appreciated this great opportunity to freely explore & involve some Sashiko Artisans in Japan. If Sashiko is in Art Form, it is “Wearable Art” as she defines: the True beauty of Sashiko shines when they wear (use) it outside. Of course, it is beautiful & important to have them in the exhibitions… but I want to keep saying that the Sashiko is based on “The beauty in Usage (用即美)”.

My goal is to pass down Sashiko to the next generation. For that, I share many Sashiko Stories on top of teaching the Core & Essence of Sashiko. My “Job (mission)” is to support some rising Sashiko Artisans in Japan. I do not think a person can make a living by just stitching Sashiko (all-hand stitching). It simply doesn’t function in this capitalistic world. However, I would like to try my best to support the Artisans who actually keep stitching – who can make this Jacket happen again today, in 2022. This may sound like one arrogant phrase, but allow me to say it. If the world considers Sashiko as the Art, please help us (Sashiko Artisans in Japan) to be the Artist. I am not sure what I can do for that, but I will keep thinking, challenging, and of course stitching as one Sashiko Artisan (Or Artist) to pass down the Sashiko not fully introduced in English yet.



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QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshops

QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshop & Lecture Announcement

It is my sincere pleasure to announce that I will be attending again the QuiltCon as a faculty. Sashiko Workshop “Core & Essence” and Sashiko Lecture about “Cultural Sustainabiulity” will be offered as a part of QuiltCon 2023 in Atlanta, Geogia between February 23th to 26th (

It has been my dream to offer a lecture about the Sashiko we have been practice. This will be my first time to speak in front of a big audience in a lecture format. All of the lectures I have done is in either small group (like classroom sized) or online. I am very much excited to share the Sashiko we are so passionate about.

Thanks to many positive feedbacks from the previous Quiltcons, I received the fortunate to continue offering the “Core & Essence” workshop. In this blog, I will explain what is the contents for the workshop & lecture in QuiltCon 2023. Sashiko Workshop “Application & Practice”, which I had offered in QuiltCon 2022, will not be offered in QuiltCon 2023 because of a complicated requirement to take (some prerequisite to fully enjoy the workshop). I am developing the Online Version of this workshop, so please wait for an update.

*The Registration for the Quilcton 2023 opened for MQG members on August 16, 2022. For General Registration, the registration will be opened on September 9th. To get detail information & description about the workshop on interactive catalogue, please search the class by my name “Atsushi” or “Sashiko“. I do not offer Boro workshop or lecture.

*I learned that the workshop has been SOLD OUT on the day of opening the registrartion (Thank you!!). From my previous experience in QuiltCon, many people change their plans from August to the actual QuiltCon in Feb. Please do not give up & keep your name in the Waitlist just in case it may open for you. Unfortunately, I do not have any control on the registration process. Please join the Waitlist & contact QuiltCon Administration if you have any specific questions & request.

*Lecture should be available without worrying about the case of “SOLD OUT”. However, the early registration would be very much appreciated for the estaimation.

*Please check our [Special Webpage] for those who registered the Core & Essence Workshop. You can find all the information you need to know to maximize the Sashiko Workshop.

QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshop and Lecture

Sashiko Workshop: Core and Essence

In 6 hours of the workshop, I want you to learn the Core & Essence of Sashiko Stitching. I will go over a history, terminology, and the technique of how to use unique tools with one of the core essences of Sashiko – Unshin (運針).

This is a learning opportunity rather than a “Let’s enjoy sashiko together” workshop. Therefore, participants may go through some challenging process to learn something new. In 6 hours of intensive stitching practice, you will be able to achieve the Unshin that you may have seen on Youtube.

Sashiko isn’t about making one perfect stitch. It isn’t also about embracing the inperfection. It is about communicating to the fabric by moving your needle at your own “rhythm”. This is the workshop of Sashiko’s Core & Essence.

While your practice, I will share many Sashiko Stories. Sashiko is more than just a technique (I will of course teach you techniques to make stitches even & beautiful).

With following some of my SNS Sashiko Stories and Youtube, this will be a memorable & eye-opening experience for you.

This workshop is the must workshop to continue learning from Atsushi & Upcycle Stitches. It is mostly the same contents to the other In-person Workshops (6 hours length) as well as the Online Sashiko Class. If you have taken the other In-person Workshops or Online Sashiko Class, you do NOT need to take this class again. Of course, it is your choice to repeat the same class & enjoy In-person experience, but please be advised that the contents will be very similar. If you would like to have the refresh of the workshop to take other workshops, please contact Atsushi with the email address you have taken the first class. I can offer some support.

Sashiko Lecture: Cultural Sustainablity

This is my first time to offer a Lecture in a conference room setting. I have been sharing many Sashiko Stories on Instagram. You can find my actual voice & message on Youtube. The long & private stories are availalble on Patreon. I have done several Sashiko “Webinars” online. Yes, I have many messages to share: and it is an honor to be able to present my message in the QuiltCon 2023.

The title of the Lecture is “Cultural Sustainability”. This may sounds a bit scary, or even intimidating to some of those who are actively enjoying Sashiko now. You/They may wonder if Atsushi may criticize those who are enjoying Sashiko now from cultural perspective especially because Atsushi has been saying [Sashiko introduced in English is NOT wrong, but insufficient] in 2022.

As I keep sharing the story, this “insufficient” is simply “not enough”. I do not use the word “insufficient” as “wrong” or “doing something wrong”. Since not many “Native Japanese” have shared the stories of Sashiko, it is of course not sufficiently explained. Unfortunately, when the stories are not shared from the cultural origin, the culture may be “repainted” – changed to completely different color. That is what I would like to stop. Since they are some who try to change the culture intentionally for their profit and convenience, I would like to ask the active members of Quilting Culture to help us to preserve the Sashiko Culture – by simply “acknowleding” it.

I promise I will NOT criticize the Online Sashiko Trend. I just would like to explain the situation objectively so that I can try to preserve “the Japanese Sashiko Culture” – not only my own Sashiko practice.

*I share my own Sashiko Practice in the “Core & Essence” Workshop.

I will bring some samles to share on Stage: and if time allows, you can touch them as well. I hope you can make time to visit me for the Lecture.

*The lecture will be prepared for QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshops & lectures. However, Some of the Stories may (and should) overrap the stories I share in The Core & Essence Workshop.

I will see you there in Atlanta.

I have workshops from morning to the evening on Thursday & Friday. I have a morning lecture on Saturday. After the workshop & lecture, each day, I plan to enjoy the Quilt Exhibition in the main area. You may be surprized… but I am quite shy. So if you see me walking & enjoying the quilts, please say “Hi” to me. Unless I am running to the workshop/lecture, I will be happy to share our Sashiko with you there.

QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshop Details

It is my pleasure to join the QuiltCon 2023 as a Faculty. It has been difficult years, and with all the effort of many kind & passionate people in Modern Quilt Guild (MQG), I am very happy that I can be part of this great event. This page is for those who plan to attend QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshop, “Core & Essence”. Please find the details below to see what you can expect in QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshop.

*If you do not have a registration confirmation to join the QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshop, please contact MQG for the possible waiting list. In QuiltCon 2022, there were a few last minutes cancellation, and there may be a chance for you to join this year. Also, I offer Online Sashiko Class as well as a few In-person Workshops for 2022. Please check each articles for the details. Thank you.

In QuiltCon 2023, I offer 1 Sashiko Workshop “Core & Essence” and 1 Sashiko Lecture about “Cultural Sustainability”. In this page, I explain what you can expect to join the Core & Essence Sashiko Workshop in QuiltCon. There aren’t many preparation request. However, please read this article carefully to maximize your experience there.

QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshop: Core & Essence

In our tradition, Sashiko is NOT about making perfect (or Inperfect) stitches. It is all about moving (trusting) a needle comfortably while communicating the fabric. Unfortunately, the current trend of Sashiko is missing the most important part of Sashiko. In this “Core & Essence” workshop, I will teach you the core technique of our Sashiko so that you can start focusing on communication rather than judging each stitches you make.

It is extremely important to take this workshop before jumping in to any of the workshops I & Upcycle Stitches offer. There are a few Japanese terms that the participants need to memorize (not so many & no exams or whatsoever, but knowing them is important).

On Instagram and Facebook, I often say: Sashiko is NOT ◯◯. This workshop “Core & Essence” will give you the answer what Sashiko is for you while you learning new techniques.

*This workshop is not a type of “Let’s Enjoy Sashiko Togeher” workshop. It is one-direction learning experience for you. The participants are required to stitch a lot. They may have to go through some “uncomfortable” stitching experience (due to new muscles they use). Sometimes, it may require some mindfulness in an eye-opening experience. Please do not be scared or worried, however. I will do everything to help you to “experience” and “start enjoying” the Sashiko we practice today.

*There is NO prerequisite for this workshop. No experience in Sashiko is necessary. If you have never touched the hand-stitching needle, please try to learn how to “thread” the needle, or how to use the threader (videos are available on my Youtube). On the other hands, if you think you already know about Sashiko, please try to be as open-mind as possible. What I teach in this workshop is probably different from what you already know. There is no such a thing as “Right and Wrong” in Sashiko: and I will add another perspective of Sashiko in this workshop.

Please purchase the special package for QuiltCon Sashiko: Core & Essence below.

It is extremely important that everyone has the exact same materials & tools to pass down the Core & Essence within 6~8 hours. Please purchase the special package below before the QuiltCon 2023.

What to bring to Sashiko: Core & Essence.

The Special Package above is all you need to enjoy the Sashiko: Core & Essence. If you choose to receive it to your home, please bring all of the contents inside.

The following list is something maybe helpful for you to bring & prepare:

  • Masking Tape or Bandage to protect the nail from scratching by needles.
  • It may a good idea to cut the nail on the dominant hand (the hand with the needle). One can learn Sashiko with long nails, but it may be an obstacles in the first trial.

How about another workshop, Application & Practice?

In QuiltCon 2022 (in Phoenix), I had offered the follow-up Sashiko Workshop “Application & Practice”. I believe it was a great success & I have received many positive feedback. However, in this QuiltCon, I will focus on the new challenge of offering the lecture. We do NOT offer “Application & Practice” workshop for this year.

“Application & Practice” has a prerequisite from any form of “Core & Essence” Sashiko Workshops I offer (Online & In-person). I believe it was a bit confusing to ask for “prerequisite” in such a big event. It doesn’t mean that the workshop itself wasn’t enjoyable. Due to many request, I am working on the Online Version of “Application & Practice” workshop. It still require the “Core & Essence” as prerequisite. Please consider taking the Online Version of Application & Practice when it is ready! (or you can ask QuiltCon to have me for that as well!). If you are interested, please find this webpage to learn the difference between “Core & Essence (C/E)” and “Application & Practice (A&P)”

*”A&P” is type of the workshop of “Let’s enjoy Sashiko Together” with following my specific guidance, including Hitomezashi and Mending Ideas.

*The Previous Knowlege of our Unshin (Core & Essence) is prerequisite for this Workshop. Any of Atsushi’s Full-Time (more than 3 hours) workshops graduates are qualified. If you have taken the In-person workshop with Atsushi before 2019, which was longer than 3 hours, you are most likely qualified. If you take the Sashiko Mastery Class in QuiltCon 2020 or taking the Sashiko: Core & Essence in QuiltCon 2022 & 2023, or have taken the Online Sashiko Class, you are qualified. If you aren’t sure, please contact me so that I can check the status. This prerequisite is extremely important to make this workshop enjoyable for you. I appreciate your understanding.

About Recommended Tools for our Sashiko

The Special Supply Package for the [Core & Essence] Workshop includes everything the participants need in the workshop. There is no need to prepare thread, needle, thimble or fabric for learning Sashiko in this workshop. In order to avoid unfortunate misunderstanding, I require everyone to use the exact same tools & supply.

That being said, there are a few recommended tools for Sashiko, which is NOT necessary yet very useful when you wish to continue Sashiko stitching. You can find another article here for Recommended Tools.

Thread Clipper

Threaders & Finger Cots

Bobbin Paper

Mylar Paper & Carbon Paper

General Information for the Recommended Tools & Supplies for Sashiko Stitching

I am here to Support

If you have any questions about QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshop “Core & Essence”, please contact Atsushi. I am happy to answer any questions or worries prior to the workshop. Your question may be someone’s question, and I will share the question and answers here on this website (of course, annonymously).

I am looking forward to meeting you in Atlanta, GA.

QuiltCon 2023 Sashiko Workshop

Q&A for the QuilCon 2023 Sashiko

Q: (Sample) What is Sashiko?

A: (Sample) You will find out in the workshop!

Monthly Sashiko Gathering Cover

Monthly Sashiko Gathering in English

My dream has come true! I am very happy to announce this trial of “Monthly Sashiko Gathering in English”, starting September 2022. One of my dream in sharing the Sashiko Stories is to create a “place” for anyone to feel “being belonged”: “Ibasho (居場所)” as I name it after Japanese word (which has more meaning than a place to be – but the closest one). Weekly Sashiko Live Streaming on Youtube has become a great Ibasho for me as well as many Sashiko friends across the world. However, the Live Streaming tend to be one-direction communication: I talk, the audience reply in the comment section. It is great, but the best place to make it “Place to be”. So, I tried to arrange occasional gathering here and there… but it has been very challenging to keep offering due to my financial & time restriction. After sharing our Sashiko to a Japanese who lives in San Francisco Bay Area, Maiko-san, we are finally offering this monthly Sashiko Gathering where anyone can join.

*Anyone can join for free of charge. However, there are some rules to make this place safe & comforatble. Please read the agreement carefully on the registration page.

Maiko’s Dream through Monthly Sashiko Gathering

Maiko has a dream to be a bridge of Japaneseculture and other cultures (in English). It isn’t really only about translating the voices: it is more like “sharing” the experience. In order to fully understand the Japanese culture, I believe the fluent Japanese language skill is necessary. However, it is not fair to ask everyone to be fluent in Japanese to “appreciate” the Japanese culture. So, Maiko’s dream and my dream met there. We sincerely hope that Sashiko will be a medium to encourage Japanese to learn English, and English speakers to talk to the Japanese people in sharing the same passion: Sashiko.

Maiko is in charge of the gathering. I will be just an assistant. Alghouth it has been challenging for us to set up the best comfortable time to join (especially those in Europe time-zone), I hope you can join one gathering at some point. We plan to offer 2 kinds of Sashiko Gathering. Please read the description carefully, and register it on Maiko’s website.

Monthly Sashiko Gathering (Stitch, Chat and Learn)

Register at

This is a monthly discussion group open to anyone who is INTERESTED IN JAPANESE CULTURE AND LOVES SASHIKO. Our discussion will revolve around the topic presented by the facilitator of the meeting.

In our online meeting, we will share thoughts and deepen our understanding of Japan and its culture while individually working on our own sashiko projects.

There is no fee to attend this meeting but registration is required.

  • The language used in this group is ENGLISH.
  • This is a friendly discussion group and NOT a place to learn sashiko skills OR do show-and-tell of your projects.
  • Atsushi may not be present in this gathering. Maiko will be always there to facilitate the gathering.


  • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022 at 10.30 pm (EDT)

Sashiko Idobatakai in English

Register at

This is a monthly, PRIVATE discussion group for Atsushi Futatsuya’s current and/or past students and his active Patreon supporters.

There is no fee to attend this meeting but registration is required.

It’s an online group to share thoughts and deepen our understanding of sashiko as well as Japan and its culture while doing sashiko (unshin) together.

  • The language used in this group is ENGLISH.
  • This is a friendly discussion group and NOT a place to learn sashiko skills OR do show-and-tell of your projects.
  • Atsushi will be there (I will do my best).
  • Please consider supporting Atsushi & Keiko in Patreon where we offer 150+ articles for you to read to understand what is Sashiko for us.
  • Please use the email address you sign-up for the Online Sashiko Class or other In-Person Sashiko Workshops. We will check the eligibility before the each session.
  • I you are looking for a class to learn how to do sashiko or improve your sashiko skills, please consider learning from Atsushi: A Summary of Links @sashikostory

Is really Sashiko introduced in English “insufficient”?

When I say the key phrase for 2022 regarding our Sashiko: “Sashiko introduced in English is NOT wrong, but insufficient”, I understand some feels offended. However, I do not mean to judge or criticize those who do not understand Japanese with insufficient understanding of Sashiko. In other words, how would one understand a culture fully without talking to those who lives in the culture (here, Japanese who live in Japan). I hope that this gathering will be an opportunity for anyone to feel how “Japanese Culture” is different from our (your) ordinary & expectation. It requires to read between lines, and we will try our best to facilitate as if it is happening in Japanese manner setting.

I hope to see/meet you there.

July 01, 2022 at 02:19PM

We now respect “Equality” in many aspects. I am learning every day, and I feel this is a great shift in our history. Social Equality is quite important. At the same time, however, we must acknowledge that there were many types of “Inequality” in our history – in fact, more or less, even today. In Japan, when the Japanese practiced Sashiko, Gender Inequality was quite significant. Men were more privileged (like other cultures, too). Historically, Sashiko was a work for women. My struggle kicks in here because I was a man who tried to receive the practice of traditionally done by women (there is nothing wrong with men to stitch Sashiko, I am talking about the “difference” in history, not the discrimination).

Instead of justifying myself & being defensive, I have been trying to “learn”. There are, of course, things that I cannot experience due to the gender difference. However, I can try & imagine. For that, what I do is a bit contradictory because sharing “stories” by talking/writing isn’t probably the primary way to describe what Sashiko is. An ability (permission) to talk was more for those with power, and women who practiced Sashiko probably didn’t have the choice to speak up freely. Instead, they put themselves into stitching THEREFORE, some Sashiko Jackets are so powerful.

Keiko isn’t a really good at explaining things. She loves to chat, but not a story-teller. I used to be pretty quiet because “silence” can sometimes be better in our culture. The more I learn about the Western Culture, some consider “silence” as “No Voice”, which may lead to the “Non existence”. Well, we exist. We can make this kind of Jacket even today. Sashiko isn’t only in the Past. We are here – and I will follow the Western Value to preserve the Japanese Value as well.



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子


June 29, 2022 at 11:54AM

In recent posts, I have been sharing the significance of the Japanese Ordinary – in which we tend to forget about Westernization, but we all had it before when we “had to” stitch. I say it “Japanese Ordinary” because I can only talk on behalf of Japanese culture. However, when we imagine, it can happen to anyone in any culture – not in today’s value system, though.

“Imagination” is more important than “answers” because there is no such a thing as “Right or Wrong”. “Dialogue” without specific purpose is more Sashiko-Like than “Discussion” to find the specific answers. Therefore, I share stories. Therefore, I do not jump into discussions in English where they are discussing what is “Right” Sashiko or not. As long as they look for the answers… I don’t think they can reach the Core anyway. In the post on 6/25, I share a photo of Furoshiki with Shippou Pattern with Square. Today, I share a whole picture of this Furoshiki. My mother Keiko received this Furoshiki from her friend who “found” this in her old drawer. She has applied some mending with other vintage fabric swatches. I want you to wonder why there are no stitches in the square. This is where “Imagination” kicks in, and the point where fabric starts talking – carrying memories, and we add stories by stitching. There is no answer for this question – why is it empty in the square – just stitching around the edges. Interestingly, Keiko and I came up with the same story. It is because we share similar values, expectations & common sense. How about you? Can you receive any stories from this Furoshiki? (I may talk about it in Live Streaming tomorrow & updated on Patreon).



#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoFuroshiki #JapaneseBoro #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


June 24, 2022 at 12:03PM

Well… it is indeed happening: a word starts walking by itself in its trend with leaving stories behind (言葉の一人歩き). The whole purpose of this account is to “share” so that I can fulfill something filtered out by those who make profit out of “Sashiko” & “Boro”. I received comments expressing their surprise at my previous post saying that [I didn’t know the Boro has a negative aspect]. As I have explained deeply in English Live Streaming on 6/23, the word “Boro” with positive meaning is a very recent phenomena. Calling someone “Oh your Boro looks Cool” can be extremely insulting in some cases – and trend with those cultural stories behind can be quite painful to someone like me – who try to pass it down.

The trend is ongoing: The bigger, and the faster I can handle. Some advised me that “Sashiko” and “Boro” was in #SewingBee Show. It has quite a big impact in terms of publicity… but I don’t know if it will be a good one or not. Since I haven’t watched the episode, I will not talk about it at this moment. However, “Boro” introduced in English is insufficient: it is missing a lot of important essences.Although it is not my intention to summarize the essence so superficially, I couldn’t keep silence to see “Boro” being something “fancy” without any cultural contexts. To question today’s trend, I made a video on Youtube. I hope you have time to watch that.

It is NOT me who can change this trend. We don’t need to “Stop” the trend because the trend itself is good stuff – we should “recycle” and “reuse” what we have. I just want the trend to be more mindful, especially because they are using Japanese words. It is YOU who can change this trend, and therefore I keep sharing stories here so that you can learn more. Please do NOT celebrate “Boro” with ignorance. Please appreciate Boro with proper knowledge & wisdom.


#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #JapaneseBoro #刺し子 #襤褸