Sashiko Workshop Schedule 2019

Sashiko Workshop Schedule 2019

Thanks to many participants who shared their great time with us in Sashiko workshops, the Sashiko workshop by Atsushi Futatsuya obtained good reviews. We intend to continue the Sashiko Workshops in NYC, and here is Sashiko Workshop Schedule 2019.

I have received many requests to come back to NYC to offer another workshop. As I mentioned in 2018, I plan to take it a bit slow in terms workshop so I can spend more time in creating Sashiko items. Although I will not be able to offer the Sashiko Workshops as much as I did in 2018, I hope you can find a spot for you.

A whole view of Sashiko Workshop Schedule 2019

You may register yourself on the Sashiko Workshop Store for your preferable workshop here.

As of now, we offer one workshop weekend in Spring, and one workshop weekend in Summer.

Please contact me if you are interested in taking the workshop in NYC, Manhattan Tribeca Area, yet your schedule doesn’t match for the available workshops in 2019. I will add you to the priority email list to let you know the availability before the regular newsletter sent out. The more people contact me, the more likely to offer them more.

Sashiko Stitching Workshop (Basic&Core)

The basic yet the core Sashiko Stitching Workshop. The well-organized, satisfying workshop is available anyone who can be in NYC for the workshop weekend. The only “fair” review is that it is a bit short (180 minutes and plus) workshop. However, you will get everything you need to enjoy Sashiko there & attentive follow-ups.

Open to Enrollment in 2019



We are still working on the scheduling the Sashiko Workshop for the Fall/Winter 2019. As of now, we are finalizing the date on Nov. 9th and 10th. It may be the weekend of Nov. 2nd and 3rd. Either weekend, the time slot would be (1) 10:00 am to 1:30 pm and (2) 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm. The location is in TriBeCa (near City Hall Station – R.W. line).

I added the option to pre-purchase the workshop so you will secure your spot. Please check the registration page.

Sashiko Stitching Workshop (Basic&Core and Plus)

The workshops below are specifically designed workshopes for the collaborators who support us to have the workshop. The participants will get everything from the Sashiko Stitching Workshop (Basic&Core), and in addition, the workshop participants will get more contents based on what I am collaborating to. The examples of extra contents are “How to transfer the pattern to the fabric” and/or “Sashiko Mending Basic”. 

@ Loop of the Loom | With enjoying other beautiful natural dye fabrics.

@ Purl Soho NYC | with small practice of preparing the pattern.

@ A Maker’s Circle | with applying the technique to the mending projects.

Enjoy Sashiko in Happy Holidays

Hitomezashi Sashiko Workshop (Advanced)

*Prerequisite: Sashiko Stitching Workshop (Basic&Core)

(Previous in 2018)

  • July 22nd, Sunday, 9:45 pm to 12:45 pm for 3 hours | Great success! Thank you.

(Open to Enrollment)

Please wait for the update.


Online Sashiko Workshop (In Progress)

For those who cannot travel to NYC, Online Sashiko Workshop is a possibility. Please fulfill the form to inform us about the preferences. The more preference we have, the easier it is to offer the Online Workshop.



QuiltCon 2020

I will be offering the Sashiko Workshop similar to Core & Basic one in QuiltCon 2020 in Austin, TX. Please check the detail in their website as well as the course catalogue.


Sashiko Stitching and more.

As you know, Sashiko has been a big part of my life. I was born in a Sashiko family, and I grew up surrounded by Sashiko artisans and their Sashiko.

Once, I thought Sashiko wouldn’t be necessary in 20XX. In my youth, the technology and innovation attracted me and Sashiko was merely a burden to me. After several years of focusing on mindfulness, I realize that I would like to pass down Sashiko to the next generation, to the day in 20XX.


Sashiko is a form of stitching developed in Japan. There are many reasons why the Japanese had developed this stitching customs, and the reasons illustrate what the Japanese culture is like pretty well. Therefore, I would like to share not only the stitching techniques but also the “mindset” behind the Sashiko culture. 

I believe, our Sashiko workshop (especially Sashiko Stitching Workshop – Core & Basic) is the best place to do so. The participant will receive a whole package of what we would like to pass down.


No more Judging.

My goal is to stop judging myself throughout Sashiko. I hope, so is yours.

Being good at Sashiko isn’t that difficult. Sashiko is a form of stitching after all. However, we believe Sashiko is more than just mere stitching. It is the wisdom (pride and courage) from the Japanese who survived in the severe winter. There is no such a thing as “right” or “wrong” in Sashiko. However, there is techniques we developed over time to make it more beautiful, easy, and after all enjoyable.


Most importantly, our goal for you is to share how fun & enjoyable Sashiko can be. Sometimes, Sashiko can be too addictive.

In 2017 and 2018, I have taught Sashiko to over 100 participants to the Sashiko Workshop. Although I always get nervous before the workshop, I have a confident that everyone can have the eye-opening experience in our Sashiko Workshops.


Please consider our workshop as an opportunity to enjoy Sashiko more.

If you don’t know anything about Sashiko, it is the great way to start. If you already know about Sashiko, then it is a great way to add the technique and knowledge to your art-work.


Sashiko Workshop Schedule 2019 | Help us to have more workshops in NYC.

Since the instructor Atsushi is located in the central PA, about 4 hours of driving away from NYC,  we cannot offer the workshops as often as we would like to do. In addition, Atsushi’s main role, continuously in 2019, is to be a homemaker father (cooking, cleaning and such).

Realistically speaking, offering Sashiko Workshops 3 ~ 4 times a year is a reasonable amount to plan the schedule.

However, we are willing to offer as many workshops as possible. Even more than 4 times per year if there is a need.

In order to do so, we need a certain amount of participant in the workshops. We would like to know how many people in the East Coast are willing to join the Sashiko Workshops. Please share your passion by posting comments here and/or registering yourself to our mailing list (from the top page) with checking “Yes” to the workshop notification.

You can also email me here to let me know you are very much interested. I have a separate email list to send out the workshop specific date before writing the main newsletter. 

We are looking forward to meeting you & hearing from you!

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