Online Sashiko Workshop

Online Sashiko Workshop | Learn wherever you are

[Update for Online Sashiko Learning Opportunity]

After receiving so many emails regarding the Online Sashiko Workshop, I decided to offer the one officially.


To be honest, regardless how much I prepared for the online workshop, I am very worried if I can deliver the same experience and satisfaction to the online participants. After offering more than 10 workshops in NYC, I am pretty confident that I understand the participants’ expectation and my capacity to share the beauty of Sashiko. Over the camera, where I cannot reposition your hands and the visual information is limited to the screen, I wasn’t sure if I should even offer it.


Thanks to the encouragement from many friends and Sashiko Passionist (some who I haven’t even met), I am now offering the very first Online Sashiko Workshop.


Online Sashiko Workshop Schedule

Thanks to the participants for the first online Sashiko Workshop, I learned that the Online Sashiko Workshop can satisfy the participants. Although I still have worries and concerns, I decided to keep offering them.


The 2nd Online Sashiko Workshop, Option A

First Session:

  • July 24th (Tuesday) | 8:15 pm to 10:15 pm.

Second Session:

  • June 27th (Friday) | 8:15 pm to 10:15 pm.




To share what Sashiko is to the world


As I keep mentioning that Sashiko is not all about stitching, the stitching technique is very important to fully enjoy Sashiko stitching. There are many books available in the market. I even share some of the Sashiko stitching Tutorials on Youtube for free. I still believe that it is critical for me to take a look at the participants stitching so I can provide the instruction appropriately. Yes. “Appropriately” rather than “Correctly”.


Your understanding & support to my challenging project, to share what Sashiko is to the world, would be very much appreciated.



The detail of Online Sashiko Workshop


The Workshop goes through the Live Streaming via Google Hangouts. The participants need to be online at the scheduled time. All the time I mention on this page is in the US Eastern Time Zone (EST), New York Time.


  • Duration: 2 Workshops of 90 minutes each | Total of 3 hours
  • Price: 178.00 USD | For the limited time 100.00 USD with the agreement that this is sort of provisional online workshop.


  • Language: English, otherwise specifically mentioned.
  • Maximum participant: 4 Participants
  • Required skill: A basic needlework skill will be preferred. Please practice threading the needle before the workshop start.
  • Required environment: A device connected to the Internet. For maximizing workshop experience, the participants need to show me the posture of stitching and actual stitching. A tripod or a smartphone stand would be a good idea to have.
  • Web Software: Google hangout


A list of tools you need to prepare:

  • A Ruler
  • Scotch Tape
  • Fabric Scissors
  • Thread Clipper / Grip Scissors (If you have one. Substituted by regular scissors)
  • A Pin Cushion (If you have one)


Everything else you need for the workshop will be shipped to your address.





The Sashiko Store | Supplies for the Beautiful Sashiko



8 thoughts on “Online Sashiko Workshop | Learn wherever you are”

    1. Hi Nancy,

      We do not have the specific date for the workshop in NYC for 2019. I will update the web as soon as I confirm the date.

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