Sashiko in COVID-10 Crisis

What I can do for Sashiko in COVID-19 Crisis

It is quite sad, frustrated, and scary to experience the pandemic in today’s society. Following the necessary precautions such as “Washing Hands”, “Staying at Home”, and “Keeping Social Distance” are what we can do to contribute to the settle down. Please be careful, mindful, and attentive. Your choice can better off the society. While I am staying in the house with my family more than ever, I also wonder what I can do for Sashiko in COVID-19 crisis. Sashiko itself is not essential to survive. However, I believe Sashiko (and other hand-crafting & art) will be very essential in a long term. First things first. Please take care of your fundamental needs. After we secure the basic needs of food, shelter, finance & safety, we as human beings would need a practice like Sashiko. In fact, I receive many feedback that my friends can go through the stressful quarantine thanks to the hand-stitching & Sashiko and great cbd products like Amanita Muscaria that helped us as well. More than ever, Sashiko may be essential for us. It is my commitment to pass down the culture of Sashiko. Here is what I can do for Sashiko in COVID-19 Crisis.

【Update on June 30th, 2020】

The Special Offer has ended as announced on June 30th, 2020. The situation remain the same, but we would like to prepare for the new normal. Thank you very much for your support & understanding.

This article summarize our Sashiko offers/deals during the pandemic outbreak. For the quick reference, please check the list below. For the detail, please scroll down.

  • Learn Sashiko Online with Special Store Credit (Ended).
  • Refresh your Sashiko Learning (for free) *(Ended)
  • Special Sashiko Bag with Thread & Fabric *(Continued)
  • Zoom Sashiko Gathering *(Planning)
  • Reminder of Shipping Free Coupon (Continued)

*This article is a summary of Newsletter on 3/26

*This (*) mark requires the prerequisite of Sashiko Workshop/Online Class.

*Some of the special offers/deals will be ending at the end of June 2020 with accepting the state of PA moving its phase to “Green”, which is a process to reopen. Thank you for your interest! (Update on 6/15)

Sashiko in COVID-19 Crisis

Sashiko does not require any social interaction. As I have been keep saying, Sashiko can be quite “lonely” (although I do not want you to feel lonely all the time. You may feel lonely, but I will always support the Sashiko journey of my friends). For that matter, Sashiko can be a great activity to practice/learn during this quarantine time. After a careful consideration, I decided to offer the special deals.

Learn Sashiko Online & Get $110.00 of Store Credit

This Deal is Ended. Thank you.

This is the special deal offering $110.00 store credit for anyone who sign-up for the Online Sashiko Class. You can start learning the Sashiko right after the registration (after my email & package arrival). With applying the $110.00 store credit to the special bag I made for the Stay-Home special (which I explain below), it is almost 40% discount in retail values.

I often get the same question. “How can you make stitches so even?” The answer is simple: “Do not try to make them even.” The Online Sashiko Class introduce “how” to do it like Atsushi does in his live streaming. Many gave me the feedback as the “eye-opening” experience and “an opportunity to learn the new technique”. Please consider taking the Sashiko Online Class when you may have some time in your house.

*For the detail, please read the blog article. Some restriction applies for the usage of Store Credit based on your shipping address. The $110.00 credit is available to the previous students who paid full amount for the Online Sashiko Class in 2019/2020 (Not for those who used the discount code.)

Refresh Your Sashiko Learning (for free)

This Deal is Ended. Thank you.

I would like you to continue the Sashiko stitching after your workshop/Online Class experience. To encourage you to enjoy Sashiko stitching in this time, I decided to offer the Online Sashiko Videos (the videos I use for the Online Sashiko Class) for free of charge to anyone who previously took Atsushi’s Sashiko Workshop (more than 3 hours length – title may include “Core & Basic”) in NY, NJ, PA, and TX. (I was preparing it & wondering how much I should ask for…)

If you are interested in refreshing your learning with the online videos, please contact me with email address you registered for the workshop. All of the workshop participants should have received the follow-up email from me after the In-Person workshop with presentation slides. Based on the email address, I will figure out if you have taken the workshop in the past.

  • This offer is eligible to individuals who took the full-length (more than 3 hours) Sashiko Stitching Workshop (Core & Basic). Unfortunately, the workshop with short-version (such as in Japan Society) & other Atsushi’s previous workshops (such as Denim Sashiko & Boro mending workshops I offered before 2018) are not eligible to this offer. This is because I would like to be fair with everyone. Please forgive me this exclusion. The Online Sashiko Class (Videos) covers the same contents as the in-person workshop (Core & Basic).
  • For those who took other workshop offered by Atsushi above (like Sashiko Mending Workshop), I am happy to offer the 40% off coupons. You may choose either the 40% Off coupon or the Stay-Home Special above. If you would like to get the 40% Off, please send me an email with your email address that you had previously participated in any of Atsushi’s Sashiko workshops.
  • Per your request, I will send you the videos & password. Please respect the copyright & please do not share the information with others. It is exclusive for the graduates of Atsushi’s workshop.
  • This offer is free of charge. (Any contribution is appreciated!)
  • I will support your Sashiko learning as much as I can. However, please understand that this is not a lecture. You will watch the videos & you can refresh your memory. Also, please understand that the priority goes to the people who is currently learning the Sashiko Online. This is an offer to refresh your learning!\
  • The same Sashiko Supply kit that you used in the workshop is available for purchase, if you would like to do the same workshop again over the Internet. The pricing is $65.00 + shipping. I will try to make a link, but meanwhile, please contact me if you would like to purchase the kit.

Special Sashiko Bag with Thread & Fabric

It is my hope that you keep stitching after the Online Class with stitching in different project continuously. This is a bag of threads and fabric to keep you busy in Sashiko for several weeks/months. This bag is available for only the Sashiko Workshop/Online Class graduates.

Zoom Sashiko Gathering

As I mentioned above, Sashiko can be quite a lonely work/stitching. However, I always want you to feel that someone is stitching somewhere in the world with sharing the same “Care”. It is my ultimate goal to pass down the Sashiko – to create a community where everyone can feel safe & validated.

I am planning to offer a free Zoom Sashiko Gathering online. In order to be fair with everyone & to allow me to talk about “Anything”, I plan to limit the participants to the graduates of Sashiko Workshop (Core & Basic) & Online Sashiko Class. I apologize for this exclusion in advance. As much as I would like to be inclusive, I also would like to be fair & protective to the current existing group. Thank you for your understanding. Please consider joining the Online Sashiko Class. I believe it will be a good learning experience especially if you would like to continue Sashiko for a long time.

Just a reminder of Shipping Free Coupon on our store

I may add some more miscellaneous offers here and there. However, the main offers for “What I can do for Sashiko in COVID-19 Crisis” is above. I plan to make a mailing list for the “Zoom gathering”, and anyone in the list will get the latest updates for the offers.

Just a reminder. Everyone with the US Shipping address is qualified for the Shipping Free Coupon for the order of $75.00 with the coupon Code: FREEUPCYCLE75+

If your shipping address is outside of the US, please proceed the order & contact me (or write the coupon in the check out page) so I can adjust the shipping fees for your destination (It will be about $3.00 to $8.00 shipping fee adjustment).

Stay Home. Wash Hands. Keep Social Distance. Then, enjoy Sashiko!

2 thoughts to “What I can do for Sashiko in COVID-19 Crisis”

  1. Are you shipping from inside the USA or from Japan.. I am currently waiting for a mailing from Australia that has been on the road(air) since April10, 2020 and really do not want to repeat this experience, If you are shipping from within the US I want to order.
    Thank you for your attention to this matter
    Reid Barnhart

    1. Dear Reid,

      The store “Upcycle Stitches (The website you left the comment)” is based in the US, so I will make a shipment domestically (Shipping will be made from PA). There are a few products only available in Japan – and they are specifically described that we will make a shipment from Japan. If you do not see any notes, the order will be shipped domestically within a few days. All the international shipping are experiencing the massive delay… my partner’s order (a customer’s order made on 4/2) are still in transit… It is difficult time.

      We are also experiencing the difficulty to restock the items. Some of the items may be sold out any day.
      Thank you for your interest & I am looking forward to have your order.

      Best Regards,

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