Remember the “Free-Hand Sashiko Stitching” Furoshiki (Wrapping Cloth) I introduced last month? It is a Sashiko project I started without preparing any patterns, lines and even the “outcome” of Sashiko. I let the needle run as I wished for hours and days. After taking the photo on 4/21, I received some “images” and I hesitated to add more free lines. The outcome gave many different impressions: It looked like many different things based on who, when and how they looked. The more I looked at, one image stuck to my brain for a long.
“That Image” reminded me of the significance of “Shippou Pattern”. The frame & vision is settled. Pattern is decided. Now, the “Color”. I will enjoy this piece for a while, and I hope this will be one piece to reconsider Sashiko as the “Art” – with my own definition of Art. I have done & will work on this piece in the Sashiko Live Streaming. Please come & join, or enjoy the archives, with your questions & comments there. I hope my message of “Sashiko is more than stitching” will spread via my words, our stories, and also via what we make.
「自由刺し」 なんて書くとお洒落な感じがしますが、要は「運針だけ楽しみたいので、柄も模様も何もかも気にせずにただ針を進める」という刺し子です。直線を刺しているつもりが途中で曲がったりするので、その曲がった線に寄り添いつつ、ひたすら運針のリズムだけを楽しんでました。その経過は配信等でご紹介しています。
#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoArt #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子