July 21, 2023 at 05:49PM

When it comes to “Culture”, translation is very challenging. If the purpose of translation is just to communicate, we don’t have to pay attention too much. However, like Sashiko, or any creations with any stories, it is important to have a translator who understands the culture itself as well (both language & its practice). A phrase of [I understand what Sashiko is] can be a sign of ignoring this “something lost in translation”.

In the movie Princess Mononoke, Ashitaka introduces himself by saying [I am Ashitaka (or My name is Ashitaka)]. In Japanese, he says [我が名はアシタカ], and translating live above can lose something, unfortunately. The Japanese have more than 50 variations of saying [I]… and each word has its nuance. It isn’t a matter of which language is better, or what is right or wrong – all I am saying is that it “can be” different because of the fundamental difference.

Sashiko introduced in English isn’t wrong, but insufficient. If anyone has an issue with what I am sharing, admitting the “insufficiency” would be the first step to do so (or learn Japanese…).


主人公(?)のアシタカが、もののけ姫のサンと、その育ての親のモロに会った際、「我が名はアシタカ……」と自己紹介するのですが、これを英訳すると「My name is Ashitaka」もしくは「I am Ashitaka」となるわけです。(どっちかは忘れた)。間違ってはいないのですが、何か大切なものが抜けてしまったような感じをして、家族でもののけ姫を見ていたのに、一気に興醒めしてしまった記憶があります。この自分を名乗る場合の第一人称は、思いつくだけでも両手では数え切れません。私、僕、我、俺、小生、わい、わし…様々な自己紹介の表現があるなかで、このシーンは「我が名は」以外は、物語を壊してしまいます。「僕はアシタカ…」って紹介したら、違う作品になっちゃう。


#Sashiko #刺し子


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