Another episode of my continuous challenge: “What is Boro, anyway?”. I will have a Thursday Youtube Live Streaming today (1/20) at 9 pm EST. Bring your own stitching project, and join via the comment section. Boro in English is interestingly transformed into something else. The culture changes, but the change should be done mindfully – not by someone who takes it for their profit in their privilege. The words aren’t someone’s marketing tools.
One of MANY surprises I had in the US is that many American people think that Sushi is a healthy choice. Yes, in comparison to fried chicken, Sushi is probably healthier even if it is topped with deep fried items. However, personally, I have never met any Japanese who “choose” Sushi as a healthy option for their dietly. In fact, some consider Sushi as a “non-healthy” choice because of the salt amount from soy sauce and rice (too much carbs). Well… it is a completely different food culture in the US because they also “soak” Sushi into soy sauce. I love Sushi in the US, don’t get me wrong. However, it has become something completely different.
This is how we only look at what we want to. In other words, the power of marketing. If one chooses the word “Sashiko” or “Boro” to market their items/services innocently, it is unfortunate for everyone on the stage: so therefore I share. Sometimes, innocence won’t justify what they do. If one intentionally “changes” the expectation the word carries, then it isn’t fair activity: especially in a privileged language like English. If they know that the Japanese wouldn’t speak up, and then re-writing the culture, it is… umm… give me the word to explain this feeling. Disgusting?
So, Boro is more than what is introduced in English now. Please learn from someone who knows what they don’t know: instead of someone who offers the “instant answers”.
#Sashiko #JapaneseBoro #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子 #襤褸 #ぼろ