January 04, 2024 at 08:52PM

There are so many ways to appreciate (enjoy) Sashiko. It is sad to see someone “defining” an answer for Sashiko and limiting the possibility to enjoy more Sashiko. Until one finds “it”, I wish they try as many ways of enjoying Sashiko as possible. I sometimes feel they are missing the most delicious/enjoyable part of “it”… like not hugging Mickey Mouse in Disneyland.

What scares me the most is that some define the Sashiko based on what they “can” and “cannot”. A discussion about “Kasane” – either to make knots or not – is one of the scary experiences for me. It is perfectly fine to make knots, yet I want them to learn how to NOT make knots if they claim themselves as the Sashiko masters, or before defining the answer for Sashiko for someone else.

For me, stitching on the “Large piece of fabric” is a delicious part. I can & used to do stitching in small swatches, or even Hana-Fukin. It isn’t just my preference (for now) – instead, for fun, I stitch the large pieces like the Denim. Sashiko can be a form of mending, but it is more than that – and I just do not want to see Culture being limited by someone outside. Please come & join inside of this culture so that we can fully appreciate Sashiko in many ways!




#Sashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


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