August 07, 2021 at 06:29PM

While enjoying the Live Streaming, I realized 3 ways to refer to myself. In English, I only know one way to say “I am Atsushi”. I may say “My name is Atsushi”, but the word to refer to “first person” is limited. It helps us to communicate by limiting the pronoun so that we from all over the different cultures can communicate in one language – English.

In contrast, in Japanese, I can think of about 20 ways to refer to myself as “first person”. In the movie “Princess Mononoke”, Ashitaka introduces himself saying “I am Ashitaka”. It isn’t a wrong translation, but I feel a bit of incompleteness. In the movie, in limited time, there is no way to communicate the cultural & language difference. In Sashiko, we have a lot of time. I hope stitchers can enjoy the difference, instead of filtering them to focus on the “result” of stitching.



もののけ姫の一節、「我が名はアシタカ」という言葉を英語にすると、「I am (my name is) Ashitaka」。少し何かが違います。良い悪いじゃなく、なんか違う。同時に、ここでの投稿が「”小生”の書く物語」と「”あたい”が書く物語」だと、読む前から心構えが違ってきます。そんな日本語と一緒に育まれてきた刺し子だからこそ、空気感も大切にしたいんですよね。”拙者”がする刺し子なのか、または”ウチ”がする刺し子なのか。あるいは……吾輩が……。

#Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子


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