When someone say Sashiko is easy, when “a Sashiko master” define the answer to Sashiko, when some publish/advertise their Sashiko as “Ultimate” or “Comprehensive”, I find a big empty space… the Sashiko I received, the Sashiko my family & friends had spent so much time on, do not exists in the Sashiko described/introduced in English. “Answers” are easy to follow, but when “Answers” are made by “foreigners (here, people who do not share the same language & culture)”, the practice itself will be limited, and worse, will be lost. I imagine it isn’t only about Sashiko – it is happening everywhere.
In 14 days of my Japan Stay, I carefully & purposefully chose whom to visit. I wanted to learn from someone who isn’t known (or who isn’t willing to be known) in Sashiko. It is my dream to visit everyone who practices Sashiko in Japan. However, with limited time & money, the priority is those who do not have “voices” yet – the Sashiko that exist, yet not introduced in English.
The language is a “power”. English is so strong that they can change the culture. I benefit from it, and I want to use this power to include everyone – unfortunately, the trend in Sashiko is so fast that it’s leaving someone very important behind. My mission as “Sashiko Story” is no longer about me or my mother Keiko only. It has become more than my personal record. The Sashiko you know in English is NOT wrong, but very much insufficient. I am here to fill in the empty space as much as I can by introducing “unknown”.
#Sashiko #刺し子