Difference doesn’t mean antagonistic. It is our perspective who interpret “difference” as the “hostile”. We can be friends even with the biggest difference, and this is one message I would like to share throughout Sashiko.
A day before the Koginzashi Workshop, I visited a master to greet in-person. I was planning to make a quick visit to respect her time, and end up staying there for 3~4 hours. If I weren’t suffering from Jet-lag, I may have stayed more. What I do is considered as Sashiko. What she does is also considered as Sashiko (also has a name of Koginzashi). We both agree that there is a quiet “difference” between what we do – from technique, supply, mindset, and even “approach” to Sashiko. Did we fight to prove which is more accurate? Of course, not. She and her students asked me a bunch of questions, and I had 10 times more questions for them to learn. I am very happy that I can bring my friends to this new approach from what they have learned already.
When one defines our Sashiko as the answer, unfortunately their Sashiko may not be a part of “answer”. It goes vice versa. It is so precious to be proud of what we do – but we can learn the difference. I truly feel that I am now carrying someone’s Sashiko Story. I am sure I will learn something new from her again today while stitching on their own fabric with their own thread & needle (everything is different but thimble).
#Sashiko #Kogin #刺し子 #こぎん刺し #木曜会