April 06, 2023 at 08:27PM

Starting this weekend, this account will be a bit “busy” in terms of “Stories” and posts as I will be in Japan for the first time in the last 10 years. It is scary that I feel scared to go back to my own country… I will still try to share our Sashiko Stories with photos from Japan. The difference would be the amount & contents of the writing. As I often wish you to think through or contemplate in reading my stories, I write to encourage you to read between the lines. For the coming 2 weeks, it will be more direct, and I will focus on narrating the stories.

I set up a “GiveButter” funding site for those who had offered (or wish to offer) some financial support for this Japan Tour. In there, I will share as many photos/videos as possible as we go through our special itinerary. For the link, please check the “Story Highlight” of Japan Tour.

Tomorrow (April 7th) is the last day that I can prepare the order for Sashiko supplies via @Upcyclestitches. If you wish to receive the Sashiko Thread in April, please place the order before tomorrow’s sunset. I really appreciate your support & understanding!

今週末から2週間ほど、このアカウントが少し忙しくなる予定です。日々不安と恐怖が増していく自分の生まれ育った国への一時帰国が、もう目の前です。8時間ぶっ通しで超絶緊張下にあるワークショップと違い、比較的時間にも心にも余裕があると思いますので、できるだけ沢山の写真をここで紹介できればなと思っています(一番の詳細は英語で、PatreonやGiveButterと行った作家支援サイト経由でご紹介する予定です。興味がある方は英語版のJapan Tour Story のハイライトをご覧ください)


#Sashiko #刺し子 #刺し子展示会


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