Sashiko is NOT the word for “Mending Technique”. “Mending” is an important aspect of Sashiko as practice, but not the word for it. The simplified explanation about Sashiko in English is greatly misleading toward something different from Sashiko developed in Japan.
When we have a headache, we take a painkiller. Many people misunderstand Sashiko as a painkiller. It can ease the pain, but the whole purpose of this “non-medicine” is to establish the health to decrease the possibility of headache. No matter how hard we try, we will have headaches. So, the painkiller itself is good. However, as the “non-medicine pill” here (Sashiko) isn’t a painkiller itself, so a proper explanation has to be presented. For that, in English, there are only a few proper pharmacists who can explain the whole description.
As a proper explanation isn’t presented, one may do harm to themselves to cause the headache so that they can take the painkiller. This sounds wrong to me. [As Sashiko is “Mending Technique”, I will damage the fabric & enjoy Sashiko to mend] – I see some cases of this reverse Causal relationship, and it is happening due to a lack of information.
「頭痛がして痛み止めを飲む」ような単純な因果関係で完結していて嫌なのです。頭痛が頻繁に起こるのであれば、その原因を探り、「頭痛そのものを減らす」ことの方が私としては自然です。痛み止めが悪いのではありません。ただ、快楽を求めるあまり痛み止めに頼り過ぎている感じがして嫌なのです。下手すると、「痛み止めを服薬したいが為に頭痛を起こす」という逆流の因果を起こす危険性すらあります。因果を不自然に逆にするのはとても危ないことで、破壊要因にすらなります – 新品の布にヤスリで穴を開け、そこに補修をして刺し子&襤褸を誇るなんていうのは、日本語がわかり刺し子や襤褸をある程度理解した上でアートとしてそれを行っていない限り、刺し子への冒涜にすらなると思っているのです。
#Sashiko #刺し子