October 07, 2023 at 06:49PM

When it comes to culture, there are some stories to explain what/how/why it is. Therefore, I find it very important to share the stories about Sashiko. Here on SNS, I only can read the comments and imagine your reaction. In-Person Workshop & Live Session via Online Sashiko Class, I can see how our Sashiko Story resonates with the stories they carry. It is easy to offer an answer if the goal is to just offer an answer. I can imagine what the audience wants to hear. However, it isn’t how “we” pass down the culture. A series of stories will compose History, and then we build culture on the structure of History. It is all connected – I hope I can speak up about the importance of “carrying the unknown”. It is okay to not have the answer. Don’t let others define your answers based on their convenience.☆2nd Day of the Sashiko Workshop. The 1st Day was the [Core & Essence] – the most important element in Sashiko. From today, we apply that to our ordinary. Sashiko is not a word for mending itself, but we apply Sashiko to mending. There are no “Correct Answers” that I can (should) provide. It is all within themselves – after all, Sashiko may be a practice to listen to their inner voice. Please learn what Sashiko/Boro is before defining it so easily.☆—☆対面のワークショップをしていて、講師冥利に尽きるなぁと思うのが、生徒さんの表情が変わっていく過程を拝見できることです。自分に対する「こんなのできるの?」という疑問と不安。実際にやってみて、思うようにいかない苛立ち。続ける中で、「あれ?できてきてる?」という実感と共にくる安堵。そして、実際にリズムに乗れるようになると、肩の力がふっと抜けて笑顔とも真剣とも思える顔になる。4~5時間でなんとかなると思いながら教えていますが、やっぱりこの過程を実際に拝見できるのは嬉しい限りです。☆型をお伝えした後は、ご自身で練習をしてもらいながら、私なりの刺し子への思いを物語にしてお話しします。その話にも共感だったり賛同だったりを頂けて、どんどんと「刺し子ってそういうことなのかもね」という一文では定義できない何かが共通認識として形取っていくことが、「刺し子を教え続ける」理由です。残り2日。初日が一番大変なので、少しは余裕が出てくるかな…・☆#Sashiko #刺し子 #Boro #Mending #日本人の刺し子


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