When we get a new cloth (garment), it is the start of a relationship between us and the cloth. Well… it should, right? Generally speaking, the purpose of getting the jacket is to wear, not to purchase. However, in this materialistic society, we occasionally “end” the relationship by just purchasing it. I like the Jacket, purchased it (the most exciting moment), and then put it in somewhere and forget. I have done that – and therefore, I decided to not to purchase any garment in 2017.
In fast & seasonal fashion trends, excitement (adrenaline) from purchasing items are inevitable. I don’t think it is a bad thing on some levels. Shopping is fun (which I don’t remember when was the last time – but I remember I was almost “addicted”). However, well therefore, I share Sashiko as a way to share mindfulness & appreciation. The time you get the jacket is the time you start a journey with the fabric – Good Cotton fabric with this much stitching with appropriate thread will last long – and I hope you learn how to “repair” it when it is needed. The thread – Indigo will fade – Kakishibu Gold will change color by sunlight. This is one of the essence of Sashiko – stories within the fabric. What kind of stories do you have in your Jacket?
昔の日本の農民(平民)は、1着の野良着を世代を超えて着続けたそうです。夏は日除けの役割として。 冬は防寒具として。季節ごとに流行が変わる現代の「衣文化」では想像が付かない程の時間と想い(念)が、当時の布には宿っていたんだと思うのです。感謝とか愛とかっていう美しい念だけではありません。きっと喜怒哀楽のすべてを布は受け止めて、だからこそ、現代に残る襤褸という布には、「畏れ」を抱くのだと思うのです。
#Sashiko #SashikoJacket #KeikoFutatsuya #JapaneseSashiko #Indigo #Kakishibu #刺し子 #日本人の刺し子 #藍染 #柿渋