March 24, 2024 at 08:11AM

If you are a long-time follower, you may have seen this Jacket. The “Unshinkai Jacket” is one of the biggest achievements of my teaching Sashiko. It isn’t my work. Keiko is a designer/producer of this Jacket, but Sashiko itself isn’t done by Keiko. The Jacket is composed of 18 Japanese Sashiko Artisans who learned Sashiko via our teaching (named “Unshinkai”, equivalent to [Core & Essence] in English).

It is my pleasure to announce that this Jacket is now exhibited in @morrisgallery (William Morris Gallery) in London as a part of their exhibition: Mingei – Art Without Heroes. It is an honor that our Sashiko Jacket is acknowledged as one contemporary interpretation/inheritance of the deep & rich philosophy of Mingei. This Jacket is indeed a piece without Specific Heroes. It is another reason I (we) do not consider Sashiko as the “Art”. Well. In order to explain Mingei, I need more time & space to write.

I am very impressed with the title of this exhibition: “Art Without Heroes”. This explains a lot of my messages in Sashiko. There are so many self-titled Heroes in Sashiko (in English) without acknowledging the Heroes who have been preserving Sashiko. “Mingei” itself has a lot of philosophical wisdom to enrich our life today. It is quite interesting to see the William Morris Gallery focused on Mingei in English. I am so excited to learn how Mingei is interpreted in English via their exhibition. Their acknowledgement to “Unknown Heroes” will help us to preserve the Sashiko we practice.

運針をお伝えする中で、私の夢を形にし続けてくれている「運針会プロジェクト」。運針をお伝えして現在も刺し子を続けている有志の方々と一緒に刺し子作品を作り上げる、私の刺し子への信念が詰まった作品です。18人の方と一緒に作ったこの運針会ジャケットが、イギリスのウイリアムモリスギャラリーにて、「民藝 – 主人公なき芸術」の展示会の一作品として展示頂いております。本当に光栄なことです。



#Sashiko #刺し子 #Unshinkai


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