If you find me recently, you may see me as “stubborn, clinging-tradition, and conservative.” If you follow me for a while, you may find me as “acceptant and progressive”. I have to accept that I am stubborn, but please understand that I have determined what is important to share. I accept the change in Sashiko (tradition). However, in order to change, the original form/mindset should be acknowledged. We may wrap anything with seaweed and call it Sushi. But if you put “it” into the piece of bread… It is a sandwich! Learning is the way to be progressive.
Almost 15 years ago, I mixed Sashiko-ish patchwork & Denim. I received many criticisms from my artisans/senior-stitchers. However, that’s my box of imagination. My creativity limits me to go outside of the box. Therefore, I say, I am the past, and you (who cares for what Sashiko really is) are the future of Sashiko.
I am just asking the world to “learn”. At least, acknowledge it. I understand my voice can be noisy and uncomfortable. Without learning the tradition/origin, a change for profit & convenience will hurt someone. I brought up the question that English translation of Sashiko, “Little stabs”, may not be correct. That’s how insufficient it is in the discussion & learning of Sashiko. Please be creative & artistic, but also, please learn some Japanese do not consider Sashiko as the Art.
#Sashiko #SashikoDenim #JapaneseBoro #SashikoStitching #刺し子 #刺し子デニム