Hitomezashi On Denim 1 – October 29, 2022

Koginzashi on Denim 1

Hitomezashi On Denim 1

In Yesterday’s Reel, I mentioned about “How Easy it is to prepare the grid on fabric when the fabric is relatively small”. I hope you had a chance to register to receive this new series – “My Common Knowledge may be someone’s miracle solution”. I had sent the link to those who signed up yesterday. I hope it was something helpful.

Well, since I almost “declare” that it is “Easy” to do so, I decided to double check if it is that easy. Yes, it can be done in 5 min or so when the fabric is small. Even for this size, it doesn’t take much time, and you don’t need to spend any dime if you have a pen (a pencil), ruler, and a printer. This information will be part of the new “Online Class” I am working on as a supplemental class to the main one “Core & Essence”. For now, I offer the information for free to see how “uncommon” or “common” it is for many people.

When I prepare the Grid, of course I gotta stitch. I do not usually do Hitomezashi since it requires a bit of “concentration” – I enjoyed it for this much, yet I prefer my ordinary running stitch. I mean, I need to “concentrate” to stith in Hitomezashi, and I am not used to doing so – as you know that I mainly focus on talking while I do a Sashiko Stitching Live Streaming. Anyhow, it isn’t difficult AT ALL. This is called “Wisdom (that I have received from seniors as a normal thing”, right? Then, it lead me to Hitomezashi On Denim 1.



#Sashiko #Hitomezashi #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 #一目刺し


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