April 14, 2024 at 08:45AM

It has been a great time in Bennington offering Sashiko Workshop to Artists, and learning Art from the Artists. [What is Art?] is a question we probably shouldn’t jump into on SNS – but it is so profound to meet actual Artists, and learn from their way of approaching & thinking. Sashiko has become something very different from what I know in non-Japanese language. On SNS (mainly on FB), people “appreciate” Sashiko the way they feel comfortable. For those, defining what they do as “Art” and “celebrating their creativity” is more important than the voice from the origin. It is probably one way to approach the Art. Instead of “What is Sashiko”, they celebrate “how it looks”

I sometimes feel very frustrated, or “Sad”, in observing a discussion on SNS focusing on only how it looks. A critique against the celebration of “beauty” may be a fundamental taboo in (western) Art… for that, I may be a glitch in a trend of Sashiko being Art. The fact I speak English is like an “accident” that the big flow didn’t expect. Sashiko would have been “Art” without Japanese philosophy to be preserved as “Art”, and again, I may be a stone to prevent its smooth transition.

It is NOT me who defines what Sashiko is. All I do is to share the perspective from the one who keeps stitching, and receives stories from those actually stitching. What is Art for you? Can/Shoul “Art” redefine someone’s identity?





#Sashiko #刺し子


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