I receive many requests and offer to tranlate our Sashiko Stories to other languages besides Japanese and English. Yes, it is my wishful goal to introduce Sashiko in other languages, many other languages. If you wish, please feel free to translate our stories into your language, enjoy it, or even share the translation on your platform. I am happy to mention your account in my Platform. Only thing I ask is a valid credit (link/tag/citation). Then, you may wonder, why can Atsushi find a translator who translates what he shares periodically if his goal is to share the Sashiko? Well… when it comes to a case of “I (Atsushi)” being in charge of the translation, including outsourcing it to a professional translater, it most likely will not happen soon as of now (Summer 2021). Here is why.
What I write in English is not a direct translation of what I would write in Japanese. With spending so much time, I try my best to encourage you to understand not only the information I share but also the Japanese culture and mindset. Therefore, I really would like to trust the person who translates what I write/say – since I cannot make sure if the translation is done properly – in the language I do not understand. Asking a professional translating firm is a simple & valid way to have the “great translation”, but as an artisan who shares the cultural matters, it seems very irresponsible to just “translate” without valid checking. I am proud of being valid because I am the first source of information. When I have a translated our Sashiko Story, I want my partner to be the first source as well instead of just my “translator”. So, please be patient a bit more. From those who learn our Sashiko, I hope I can find someone eventually.
Before 2018, I wouldn’t worry a process of translating my stories this much. However, after learning the current trend of Sashiko & insufficient information of Sashiko, I had to change my mind. Now, I am spending so much time and effort to “re-twist” the cultural filteration already done in English because the translation from Japanese to English in Sashiko filtered some core & essence of Sashiko. I wish I could just focus on “sharing”, but I also need to work on “uninstalling” some of the misunderstanding (including the sense of achievement).
Therefore, I have to be extra careful to translate our Sashiko in Other Language. To be honest, I can just translate it tomorrow with outsourcing it online, or even using free Google Translate, and make money. However, “communicating what it is” more important than “how popular I can get”. Once a word start walking by itself without proper guidance from the native, it will get almost impossible to bring them back.
Sashiko in Other Languages.

I haven’t given up. It is just very difficult to find a translater who is fluent in both language (Japanese and the language to be translated), live(d) in Japan, and have Japanese culture as their ordinary, with hopefully some hand-crafting experience. Otherwise, in this time, I may repeat the filtering that I am working so hard to fulfill.
Meanwhile, please translate what I share as your “interpretation” and “translation”. As long as it is NOT translated as my first message, it isn’t going to filter the cultural essence. In fact, it would be a great support. I would like to support you as a Sashiko practitioner in other Languages. I just cannot validate a post in another language I do not read (therefore I need the trust first).
*If you know anyone, or if you are the one who is willing to learn Sashiko from us & native in other languages, please contact me. This is a big project, and I will start a crowdfunding so that I can offer good compensation to the committment.
- A Japanese Native (lived in Japan) with fluent language skill besides Japanese & English (I will share as much information as possible with the translater in Japanese over Zoom Meeting)
- Anyone who is fluent in English or Japanese with other language skill, who takes Atsushi’s Class first.
Instagram Post about this translation Challenge
【Post on 11/19/2020】 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHxt2kKp2hn/
As of now, our contents are available in ENG and JPN. I receive many requests to translate my Sashiko Class & Articles to other languages. I really appreciate your interest. Please understand that translating cultural matters requires careful & time-consuming & skillful process. The result from “Machine Translation” sometimes loses its value. As I explain how ENG and JPN are different as language on my Patreon Page, the mis-translation can be critical. There are reasons I make a post in 2 languages here. It is so challenging to introduce Japanese culture in another language.
In order to make “translation” happen, I have to find a person with 2 core abilities. (1) Language knowledge (fluent or native) in both JPN and the language & (2) (Willingness to) Understand the Japanese & Sashiko Culture. If you know anyone who is willing to help us out, please let us know.
Please, Please do not get me wrong. I am very happy to have readers from all over the world. I wish I could express my message in all the language. It is perfectly fine to use Google Translate to read what I write here. I just want to remind you that you are reading a “message translated by machine – not human with the same knowledge” if it is not JPN/ENG. Once I find a partner I can trust & communicate in Japanese, I will start working on translation. Thank you very much for your interest in learning Sashiko. (Words on the photo are the languages I know the very basic).