Online Sashiko Class Video Library

Here is a list of Online Sashiko Class Videos (Online Sashiko Class Video Library). In order to participate in the Online Sashiko Class, please check the Registration Page. It is our goal to share all the technique & information to be able to stitch in the rhtym & find your own Sashiko stitching.

[Last Update: January, 2024]

Start Here – Learn Sashiko from Us

Please start your Sashiko Online Class by following the videos below after receiving the password in the welcome email from Atsushi. You will receive a class material pacakge soon after the welcome email. Please follow the sections from (1) to (3). You may need to watch the section.2 many times to get the “rhythm” I would like to pass down. Please keep trying & enjoy the section.3 with actual Sashiko stitching.

It is very normal to feel uncomfortable for the first few hours. In fact, I worry if you do not feel uncomfortable in learning the posture. Since the new posture requires the new muscle memory, it will take a few hours… or a few days of stitching to feel comfortable.

Please join the Live Session after a few hours of practicing regardless how you feel about the rhythm. I will be over the screen to offer the personalized advise to make your “rhythm” better.

*I received a notification for misdelivery of the “Official Email”. Once you place the order for the Online Class, within 48 hours, I send you the email to greet & notify the following shipment. Please check the spam mail box if you do not receive the email within 2 days. The email may be from “sashikoatsushi●”. Thank you.

[Update: June 1st, 2022]

We periodically make an update for the follow-up information. Please check the end of this article for more information.

  • In order to minimize the risk of “stiching in uncomfortableness” while learning the Sashiko, we made the printed pattern line (the darkness of lines) as subtle as possible. If you feel it is too soft (weak), please enhance it with the chalk pencil included in the package in advance.
  • In a hot & humid room where you may sweat in your hands, the pattern may get even weaken by the moist (since the pattern can be washed away by water). If you see start pattern getting weaker, please enhance it with the chalk pencil included in the package. Please do not pre-wash the fabric before completing Sashiko.
  • The Online Sashiko Class Completes with a participant joining the “Live Session”. I send out the invitation & request to schedule the Live Session once a month or so via Google Group Email. I will add you to the Google Group within a week to a month after the completion of material package delivery. If you do not (have not) received an email from the Google Group, please contact Atsushi via the email address you have received.

Welcome to Online Sashiko Class Video

[Main] Online Sashiko Class Video Section.1

There are many information translated/interpreted regarding Sashiko. There is no such a thing as “The (Only) Sashiko”. Please learn what kind of Sashiko you are about to learn.

Section.1 –
[Update 2024]
*Starting from 2024, to avoid increasing Class Fee, I no longer add the “Interfacing” to the Material Package. The Interfacing doesn’t have to be a specific one made in Japan. You won’t need the Interfacing when you do not need to make the bag sturdy. Please get the Interface from your local store or Amazon. Thank you for your understanding.

[Main] Online Sashiko Class Video Section.2 – Unshin

This section may give you an uncomfortable experience. Please do not give up, and keep praciticing the posture.

Section.2 –

[Main] Online Sashiko Class Video Section.3 – Feel The Rhythm

With the posture & needle movement you have learned in the Section.2, I would like you to try to feel the rhythm of Sashiko Stitching. Please do not focus on making the even stitches. In fact, please focus on only the rhythm, and do not focus on stitching. When you work on the pattern, depends on the season & the tempreture and humidity of your room, the pattern may get weaker by the sweat on hands. In that case, please use a chalk pencil included in the package to enhance the pattern lines to keep stitching. Thank you.

The Live Session review will be available during or after this section.

Section.3 –

[Supplimental] Online Sashiko Class – Full version of Asanoha Stitching

Double Speed (2x) of Atsushi Stitching the same pattern.
Full Speed of Atsushi Stitching the same pattern.

[Supplimental] Online Sashiko Class – Otsukare sama Desita

After the videos –

[Supplimental] Sashiko Video Log – Story for you.

Follow Up materials for your Sashiko

Please find the follow-up materials to enrich your Sashiko learning.

How to draw the Patterns on the Fabric

3. Hishi Seigaiha (菱青海波) – PDF / Sample Video

Please download the PDF to learn how to draw the Hishi Seigaiha pattern on the fabric. The password is the same to watch the Online Sashiko Class Video.

2. Shippou (七宝) – Youtube Video

1. Asanoha (麻の葉) – Youtube Video

In 2021, I made 2 videos as a “Substitute” for the Live Sessions with covering the almost same contents I usually talk in the Live Sessions. I also added a video explaining 3 common misunderstanding I find by checking the participants learning. Please use these videos as follow-up & supplimental materials for you.

I sincerely hope that you can join the Live Session. I will schedule one for you. Please reply to the monthly email inviting you for the Live Session. If you are ready before the monthly email, you can simply contact Atsushi for the availability. Please, please join the Live Session since the Online Sashiko Class won’t be completed without the Live Session.

Sashiko Webinar to share Sashiko Stories

In 2021, I started offering the Sashiko Webinars to deliver the messages that I would like to share in Sashiko Stories. Please check the following Link to see the Webinar Archives (preparing in October 2021). The password is available on your emails for Live Session (or on the welcome note). Thank you.

Sashiko Story Webinar 1~壱

5 thoughts to “Online Sashiko Class Video Library”

  1. Video Section Two is very clear and helpful, thank you. I have watched it twice, and for me, I will watch it another time before trying the techniques. Great information.

  2. Thanks so much for posting the Full version of Asanoha Stitching, which I find very helpful to watch and to refer to intermittently while stitching. And thanks so much for the Video Log! Using painter’s tape on the fabric edges is a great idea, and the caution about the little sharpeners attached to various pincushions is such important information.

    I would be interested to hear you talk more about the meaning of the different stitch patterns, when you have time. I am still working my way through reading all your articles on the website, so if you have already discussed pattern meanings, I will find them, of course.

    The class has already exceeded all my expectations. I am having great fun learning with your Sashiko techniques and learning about the history and your perspective. Thanks.

    1. Hi Kathy,

      Thank you for your comment. It is my pleasure to provide these materials as the support materials of Online Sashiko Class. I will talk about the meaning of the patterns (as much as I can). Thank you and see you soon.

  3. I’m two videos in and very excited and grateful. Thank you so much for taking the time to share the history of Sashiko. This is fascinating and says so much about the blend of practicality and creativity that went into creating this form of art. I can’t wait to move on to future videos and begin my own work.

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