Indigo Dyed – dark blue fabric and white thread; it is the most popular fabric-thread combination for a long time. Even in modern society, Sashiko with the dark blue fabric and white thread is unique and beautiful. We have two kinds of Sashiko white thread; Original White (Ecru White) and Bright White (Bleached White).

Comparison in Sashiko White Thread
The thread #10 Original White has an ecru color. In comparison, it is more like the cream color. The thread #12 Bright White is the snow-white color, and it is the white we think of when we say, white. #12 is the brighter white than #10. I named #10 Original White because #12 is dyed (bleached) to make the pure white color.
Both of them are the perfect thread for Sashiko stitching. The color you may choose is up to your preference. Here is a sample Sashiko fabric that I use both #10 and #12 on Indigo Dye Fabric. Interestingly, when you stitch the 2 Sashiko White Thread on the Indigo fabric, #10 looks also pure-white. We choose the thread color AFTER we find the fabric because the stitching on the fabric will decide which thread will result in the color we are imagining.
*This is the reason Sashi.Co & Keiko Futatsuya dye the thread by hands: to create the color we would like to have on top of 22 color selection.

Even we aren’t so sure how color of stitching come out
Keiko has almost 35 years of experience in Sashiko. She always says, “We can imagine how the color of stitching will come out. However, it isn’t certain and we cannot promise the color result when we try something new.”
When we start a new project, we often make a small stitching sample to make sure if the fabric and stitching match as we imagine. It is another reason of difficulty in accepting a custom order over the Internet. Although we want to achieve the result is as the customer imagined, the combination sometimes results in difference to the image based on the color chart. We accept an order from the people who understand this difficulty of finding the right thread.
Well, in fact, this difficulty is actually what makes Sashiko more interesting.
We never know what’s gonna happen until we actually start stitching. Isn’t it like a life?
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