August 08, 2023 at 10:37AM

The word “Acknowledge”. I use it very often as if this word will solve most of the issues. I even said in the video: [There is no Cultural Appropriation in Sashiko when one “acknowledges the stories behind”]. Not the word itself, but the concept of “acknowledgement” can really change someone’s life. At least, it did to me.

In my youth, I always wanted to “win”. The college degree in foreign country was one form of “winning” after layers of effort (It isn’t easy to get a degree in another language). Success. Accessory. Title… Everything was a subject to acquire, and I justify my hard work for “winning”. I even believe that “Happiness” is a subject to get after “winning”. As a result, I was always searching for “Happiness” and something to fulfill myself.

Now, I have a different approach in life. For me, “Happiness” is something to “acknowledge” around me. It doesn’t have to be in the dualism of “Win” or “Lose”. I probably consider myself as a “loser” from my previous criteria, yet I am happier than ever with my daughter & wife.

It is true that we sometimes “have to” work hard to “win”. Winning (Competition) is the foundation of development. However, it is also important to acknowledge something outside of the dualism they believe. Here, in Sashiko, the most important element exists outside of Western Value – and I am here to share it. Please acknowledge what you have & see – then, you will get closer to the answer I am trying to share.



#Sashiko #刺し子


August 06, 2023 at 05:18PM

About 6 years ago, I decided to “expose” our stitching on the Internet. Some friends advised me it would be a horrible idea to “show it” for free of charge. They tried to convince me that I should look for other ways to “preserve it” as the exposure would be consumed for entertainment, be copied everywhere, then they spread it as “free contents”, and it would lose the “value”. They are right. The reality goes exactly as they worried. However, I do not regret the huge decision. “Sashiko” isn’t already the stage of “trying to preserve” – it isn’t Sashiko Artisans who can preserve the culture by working hard. It is “decent people” in the world with “cares & respect” who can preserve it – I chose to depend on them instead of preserving it by ourselves.

Some warned me that I live in my idealism. Maybe so. However, most of the Sashiko I receive is structured by these “Decent Japanese People (not necessarily positive)” with “care & respect” for each other. After the big decision, the questions shifted from “what (to expose/hide)” to “how”. Sharing stories here is the answer to meet the “Decent People” who will be a part of the Future of our Sashiko.

Well. It is easy to say, but difficult to true to it all the time – I need to make my living with family to support. Yet, I am pretty hopeful about the future of Sashiko thanks to you here. We all have our capacity on what we can do. Someone’s culture shouldn’t be prioritized before you & your family. Yet, I am having another day today to share the Sashiko Story. This world isn’t so bad – the key is to “acknowledge” it – then we can “care” as, I believe, we are decent by nature.

英語圏では「本の出版を待ってるよ」とご期待の声を頂くこともあって、出版は一つの夢として抱いています。ただ、最初の一冊だけは「ハウツー本は作らない」と決めていて、刺し子に対する思いや日本の当たり前の素晴らしさを紹介できる「刺し子を介した」本にしたいのです。分野的には「読み物」、下手すると「思想&哲学」に入る出版なので、それを英語でするとなると…まぁ夢は夢のままだよなぁと。それでも自費出版という道はある訳で、それを望んで下さる人もいて、その一歩としての雛形の一枚を勇気を出して形にしました。日本語と英語を翻訳しても同じ文章にはならないけれど、伝わる事はなんとなく一緒。この5年ずーっと続けてきたことです。一つ一つまとめていけたらと思っています。この形を思いついたきっかけの@shi.mojirenn さんに感謝しつつ。

#Sashiko #刺し子


August 04, 2023 at 08:30AM

Besides Sashiko, I love reading books. I also like watching movies (although I don’t watch as much as I wish in limited time). The reason I prioritize “Sashiko Stories” more than many things is similar to reading books & watching movies. What I would like to deliver to you is “Experience”, not just “Information”.

We live in the Information Society. It is extremely important to be updated in Information for “success”. However, Information itself will not compose the culture. There is a gap between “Knowing” and “Doing” – and the core of Sashiko exists in “Doing”. Unfortunately, some Sashiko introduced in English lack the “Experience” part. They may teach something informative to be “Right” in Sashiko based on someone’s knowledge, but that’s not the whole. I hope my teaching goes further by experiencing “it”. In that level, there is no such a thing as “Right and Wrong”.

Reading a whole book often leaves me with an impression as if I experienced what happened in the book. A good movie can change your life by functioning as “(Simulated) Experience”. When the goal is just to “obtain Information”, the whole books/movies may be unnecessary. Someone’s summary may be enough – yet I want “you” to experience it. Unfortunately, today’s Sashiko introduced in English is someone’s summary. I want you to “experience” Sashiko, and therefore I share “Sashiko Stories” – not just information.


#Sashiko #刺し子


August 03, 2023 at 08:44AM

I’m glad that some can learn more than Sashiko from what I share/teach – some say they learned something about “life”. I say Sashiko is more than stitching, and others say they learn more than Sashiko. It sounds interesting? It is quite natural because what I am sharing as Sashiko is about someone’s life. I was raised by those who spent (almost) all of their lives in Sashiko. Not like one who rides on a trend for making a quick money. It is delightful that there are people who can read through it from what I share/teach. To me, being disrespectful to “Sashiko” is almost equal to disrespecting these “people”. Therefore, my voice sounds angry sometimes. If one disrespect your family member, would you smile & welcome the discussion?

It isn’t easy to explain what is “More” than stitching in Sashiko. My stories are one way to learn the “More” from a cultural & logical perspective. Another way to learn “More” is from “practice” – [Core & Essence] class I teach is a great start to feel the “More”. I have one In-Person class planned, and I made some spots available for Online Class. I hope to meet you individually to share the life-long Sashiko experience.

I appreciate so many taking the Domestika Course. Please understand that it is [introductory], and more personal/individual interaction is necessary to share [Core & Essence]. (Another reason I do not publish a Sashiko book of “How to do Sashiko”). Please consider the [Core & Essence] class to learn the “More” part.



#Sashiko #刺し子


August 01, 2023 at 09:27PM

I used to be (accidentally) “involved” in discussions about “What is Sashiko” in English. When discomfort happens, some often said: “My understanding of Sashiko is correct because I have so many Japanese friends”. Well… Where to start…? The number of friends does not define their understanding of the culture. A deep relationship such as marriage isn’t even enough (although it can help a lot in the long-run). I am married to a Jewish person, but I dare not to teach about Jewish culture. It is simply too irresponsible.

Even if I admit that the number of Japanese friends matter, many questions arise. ”Do their friends speak English fluently enough to explain the culture? When English is proficient, do they spend enough time speaking about the culture? Being Japanese itself does not make them an expert in Sashiko/Boro (it helps, but not always). If they had a professional translator, was they knowledgeable enough to translate the topics? More importantly, who paid for the translator? Did the translator have a freedom to translate what they were talking about – or what they were asked to translate?

As much as I want you to share my Sashiko stories to others, please do not engage in “their” discussion. They will not listen to you as they aren’t ready to listen to. I appreciate you speaking for me, but It is almost meaningless to discuss “What is Right in Sashiko” without involving someone Japanese. I do not want you to go through horrible experience by jumping into Western Value of “Discussions”.



#Sashiko #刺し子


July 30, 2023 at 10:10AM

I sometimes use the words “privilege” and “power”, which may be uncomfortable for you to read. They are new words to me. To be honest,I have never thought of “privilege” until I moved to the US (which clarifies that I was privileged in Japan). Understanding this “privilege” is important to bridge the appropriation to appreciation.

Please be advised that there are many ways to define the word “privilege”. What I write here is purely my understanding. That being said, for me, the “privilege” is “level or numbers of choices”. In a rough summary, the more one has choices, the more privileged they is. In the context of Sashiko, [English] as the language is one privilege as the experience in Sashiko is less significant than the proficiency of English when it comes to “teaching Sashiko”. As there are/were numbers of Japanese Sashiko Artisans buried in the trend, I keep saying Sashiko introduced in English is insufficient – when one defines it as “All You Need to Know”, it is because of language – not practice itself. It is not fair.

Privilege itself is not a matter of Good or Bad to me. There is nothing I can do to have or to avoid the privilege, yet why is the word “privilege” used as a word to be accused of…? I personally think the “privilege” is something I appreciate – but it becomes an issue when we do not “acknowledge” it. When one ignores their privilege they have, they may cause harmful situations. Power comes with Responsibility, and I hope that privilege with acknowledgement will help others with less choices. As I always say, this “acknowledgement” is the bridge between Appropriation and Appreciation (which will be the main topic I talk with – Again, this is purely my current understanding. I hope to learn & share more there.



#Sashiko #刺し子


July 28, 2023 at 09:42PM

Many say that what they like about Sashiko is the pattern & design. It is true that the pattern & design are very important aspects of Sashiko. However, Sashiko is more than “Pattern/Design” as I also say [Sashiko is more than just technique].

In one Live Stream, I complained that I had to pick the pattern for the next project. We got into an interesting discussion, and I concluded that the pattern doesn’t matter, in the extreme situation, as long as I can keep stitching. The form, and act of stitching, can be more important to me than outcome (Pattern/Design). I tried to elaborate on the extreme situation. The easiest way is to keep stitching parallel lines forever (like a “Free-Style” running stitch I have done before). At the same time, I wanted to show that one can keep stitching the same patterns almost forever – because, for me (back then), the act of stitching was more important than the pattern itself.

This is how [100 meter of Asanoha] started. It is as simple as it sounds. I will stitch the Asanoha pattern for 100 meters of fabric. The width of our favorite fabric is about 120 meters, so 84 pieces of fabric will do & I can connect them. To me, this may be my first ever “Art” piece as this contains my strong message [Design doesn’t have to be the primary reason for Sashiko]. I just wanted to show one can do this… so please don’t ask me what I would do with the 100 meter of Asanoha… This “Stitching for the purpose of stitching” is already a spin-off from the main frame of Sashiko – so, I share the stories & try to move Sashiko forward to “Art” somehow. Well. It was more tiring than I thought – so still I am half way. What do they look like? I brought them to Domestika, and we played with them. I hope this communicates what is “more” I often explain.

Photo © Domestika



#Sashiko #刺し子


July 27, 2023 at 09:41AM

I wonder how “an Artist” makes a living out of what they do. In today’s society, it is very difficult to make ends meet as a Sashiko Practitioner. To be honest, I feel it is “impossible” – not difficult. Well… it can be because of me as I have been failing from this “make a living” perspective. In fact, it is very difficult for many “craftsmen” to make ends meet. Therefore, I teach Sashiko. “Make Ends Meet by doing a Cultural Practice” significantly influences Cultural Sustainability. Therefore, I have an Online Store to keep them above the water (yet I am not so successful in this). Yes, it is true that there are many artists who make a living, too. Well, that’s another reason I do not consider myself as an Artist (which you may disagree based on our difference of definition of “Artist”).

After all, it is “Our” choice of what we value – more specifically, it is the matter of “What we want to have in the future”. I wish I can keep the “Japanese Sashiko” rather than just superficially commercialized Sashiko – and for that, I try to pay as much as I can for other Sashiko artisans & suppliers. I can do so thanks to many supporters on Patreon as well as my wife. Before 2011, I needed to carry this burden on my own – single – shoulder… and I failed myself (ourselves) in so many ways.

I, of course, blamed myself for the failure. It is true that I need to keep improving myself. However, at the same time, some of the failures were outside of my control – the trend itself pushed the local people off the stage. How many “Sashiko Supply Stores” understand what Sashiko really is? How many “Sashiko teachers” actually have done the Sashiko stitching we practice? How many “Sashiko Artists” acknowledge the long-lasting (yet vanishing/vanished) Sashiko suppliers? I wonder… What is the future for [Art and Craft]. It is us who define that for our future.


#Sashiko #刺し子


July 25, 2023 at 05:32PM

As much as I need to learn how to turn up the volume of my voice, I do not really think of myself as an “Authority” of Sashiko. I know many people consider me as a “Master”, “Artist”, and “Authority”, the idea of these do not sit naturally with me as the principle of Sashiko exists in the ordinary. There is no Authority in one’s ordinary when we think of the Culture as the Median of the ordinary. In the same context, I do not consider myself as “Authentic”, “Genuine”, “Ultimate”, “True”… because I don’t know what these words represent. However, I know what is NOT “authentic” – when one claims to be the Sashiko artist/artisan/teacher, they need to be stitching. [The one who likes Sashiko itself] and [The one who likes themselves who is doing Sashiko (or what Sashiko brings to them like money)]. In a big trend, unfortunately, these 2 kinds of people will be mixed in the same pot… and it is quite difficult to distinguish as they both say they like Sashiko. When it comes to “Teaching”, there is an easy way to distinguish them – their stitching itself will explain.

Therefore, I broadcast my stitching, unedited & unmodified, on Thursday on Youtube. For that, I share that I am the one who likes Sashiko itself. It is on Thursday night at 9 pm EST. Please come to see my stitching if you want to know what Sashiko actually is – Sashiko is more than technique for accurate stitches, Decorative Mending, and more I talk about here.




#Sashiko #刺し子


July 24, 2023 at 07:15AM

Do you have anything that you have spent time with all of your life? It doesn’t have to be something you liked, or you were passionate about. It can be something you didn’t actually do, but had to spend time with. It can be anything. It may be “books” if you were born in a novelist’s family. For me, Sashiko is the one. I hated it so much until 2011, then changed myself, which ended up with holding a strong commitment to “pass it down” somehow.

I often ask: “What do you like about Sashiko”? There is no Right or Wrong in answering this question. It is for me to understand why one calls “it” Sashiko. I used to ask “Why do you call it Sashiko” – but I learned it can sound aggressive as if I am accusing them of calling it Sashiko. I didn’t mean that, so I changed the question. As you know, I want everyone to enjoy Sashiko. I NEVER said that I do not like you (or anyone) enjoying Sashiko. I just want them to enjoy the Sashiko with some understanding of what it is. No need to fully master it. Then you may ask, what is the line between “Some understanding” and “Ignorance”? It is, for me, “acknowledgement”.

As I had spent so much time in Sashiko. Therefore, [Sashiko = Decorative/Visible Mending] is one concept I do not accept. Decorative/Visible Mending is a very important part of Sashiko, but Sashiko is NOT equal to mending practice appreciating the “fixing” itself. Some Japanese didn’t want to mend the fabric, and therefore they developed Sashiko. They stitched in a no-choice environment. Discussion on [Sashiko as Decorative Mending] ignores their voice in the history of Sashiko.

Sashiko is nothing special to me. Therefore, it is important to be angry when one decides to ignore. I received a good phrase: “Your Anger isn’t Negative. It is a Driving Force”. I hope you feel the same way. Well, I often include something more than “anger” even in the angry post. If one thinks this account is just a series of angry posts, they won’t understand what Sashiko is anyway. Do you have “it” that you will protect no matter what?


#Sashiko #刺し子