Thread The Sashiko Needle

Help to Thread the Sashiko Needle (For Difficulty in Threading)

In order to appreciate & respect the original purpose of Sashiko, we use specific threads & needles. Because of the choices, some of Sashiko Beginners may experience the difficulty in threading. “Threading” will be much easier by repeating it, so the simple answer is “Practice will make it easier”. However, there are some wisdom to make the threading easier as well. So here is a Help to Thread The Sashiko Needle.

*There is a section that I introduce how to thread the needle in the Sashiko Introductory Course On Domestika. Please learn the basic & introduction of Sashiko comprehensively there.

1 – Keep the Thread in a Good Shape for stitching

The Sashiko thread we recommend is relatively easy to “split”. In fact, I would day that the Sashiko Thread should split easily so that it will function as Sashiko Thread. The thread doesn’t split well isn’t the ideal for the Sashiko purpose over time. So, the first step is to learn how to keep the thread in a good shap

Keep the thread short. If the thread is longer than 1.5 meter, then thread will start spliting by itself. Please follow this video on how to keep the thread in a good shape (

2 – Adjust Thread Tip.

It requires some practice to thread the needle with our needle & thimble as they are designed to follow the “Sashiko Purpose”. Please try to form the tip of thread to match the shape of needle eye (which is ractangle) by using your finger or nail. This will avoid spliting the thread when you try to insert.

3 – Use a Threader

The threader should have enough space to thread in most cases. Please check if we are on the same page for “how to use a threader” (

I hope that the difficulty in threading would be solved by trying (1)~(3), especially (2) and (3). However, if it doesn’t work, please try (4) below. I attach the photos. It will solve the problem – one issue is that it will add one extra step in your stitching.

4. Use a scotch tape to secure the thread from splitting.

*The Sample Photos here have “Splited Thread” to illustrate the solution

Use Scotch Tape (or masking tape) to secure the tip of the thread.

Wrap the tape to flatten the threads. Try to keep the width as simmilar to the thread width.

Then, cut the top of the tape diagnally. As the thread will not split, it should be easier to thread. Please make sure to cut off the tip (where the tape is) before you start stitching.

You may experience the “extremely splited thread” like 4~8 individal floss (the status of completely lost the twist). The more often we try to thread, the more significant the thread may split. When it happens, please cut off the tip of the “split” thread, and re-try with wisdom above.

I hope that (1)~(4) will fix the issue. Again, the thread is supposed to be this thick and should split. I do not recommend the thread without unique twist (which is easy to split) as “Sashiko Thread”. Also, we recommend the needle’s eye size for the purpose of Sashiko.

That being said, it is okay to use the thread & needle you prefer. From the perspective of Sashiko Artisans who would like to preserve the culture, I appreciate you trying to use the needle & thread we use & recommend instead of finding “easier” options. It is important to acknowledge the reasons & stories why we keep recommending it – and I hope you will get used to it soon with practicing it.

Please keep practicing it and you will have no problem to thread the needle without option (4).

More Story to Thread the Sashiko Needle (Domestika Course)

August 28, 2023 at 07:16PM

What I share here isn’t something extraordinary. As I live with Sashiko, I talk about Sashiko with great concern. However, similar things are happening everywhere, probably around you as well. With agreeing the profound comments I received yesterday, “We“ tend to simplify Other’s Culture for “Our” purposes. Here, I can talk about only Sashiko & Boro – and I want to introduce the importance of “Acknowledgement of the Culture”, yet I am not alone in this.

I realize that the pain comes from “Over-Simplification” of the Culture. I want you and everyone to enjoy Sashiko – and I do also want to preserve the width/depth of this culture. For that, today’s Sashiko in English is over-simplified by those who think they know about Sashiko without proper engagement.

“Simplification” brings profit easily as it comes with “Speed”. Simplification happens when they prioritize convenience over culture itself. I don’t mind simplification when it is introduced as “simplified” version, like one saying [My Sashiko Teaching is a simplified version, so please learn the depth by other Japanese] is a fine phrase to copy what we do. The issue is the simplification with hiding the true intention. Have you seen the “answers” for Sashiko, or anyone saying “One-Stop for learning Sashiko”? There is no such a thing as the answer or “One-Stop for All” – They are signs of over-simplification

I don’t offer answers so easily because my answer can encourage simplification of the whole picture. I do not leave anyone who has been part of the Sashiko with investing their whole lives. It is “Us (We)” who can change it. Simplification itself isn’t bad – just please be mindful you may encounter simplification as an eraser of the heart of its culture.


#Sashiko #刺し子


August 27, 2023 at 09:08PM

When I speak up, I try my best to be “reasonable”. “Reasonable” here indicates being “logical” so that we can be on the same page in sharing stories regardless of the fundamental difference we have. Therefore, I ask here to read as many posts as possible here. The logic is a vehicle to deliver the message.

However, what motivates me to speak up is “Emotion”. I sometimes wish to be just emotional to “preserve” the Sashiko we practice. As I mentioned above, though, it won’t be “reasonable” because some “Emotions” may be too different from what is “normal” in English. Therefore, I let myself be more emotional in Japanese. In the very bottom of what I am trying to speak up, I want to let the world know this smile. The photo is of my mother, Keiko, who loves Sashiko & has devoted her entire life to Sashiko. I have/had so many Sashiko Artisans like her who were proud of their Sashiko. In today’s trend, the Sashiko we/they practice is NOT introduced well. The books, Website, Videos, Lectures, Classes offered by non-Japanese people… are not mentioning our/their Sashiko clearly. Their smile & Sashiko would have been buried in history if I weren’t speaking up. It is “their/our” choice to be buried in history, to be honest. However, now, as I say they wish to preserve their Sashiko, not mentioning the Sashiko we practice is an action of “eracing” the culture, not just being buried.

I have reasons to speak up – I stitch for many reasons. I call the reasons, “Sashiko Story”.

今週末の9/1~9/3の日程で、岐阜県の鵜飼で有名な河原町に恵子さんがお邪魔します。和歌山でご縁を頂いた、@kajiyamachi_blue (鍛冶屋町ブルー)様の企画の一つとして簡単な刺し子のワークショップを開催させて頂くことになりました。このアカウントで時にご紹介する刺し子の作品も持っていくとのことなので、実際の刺し子と、実際の恵子さんにお会いしに岐阜の河原町に足を運んで頂けたら嬉しいです。ワークショップの詳細やご予約は、画像のメールアドレスから直接恵子さんにご連絡下さいませ。


#Sashiko #刺し子


August 25, 2023 at 06:12PM

I am very much looking forward to the discussion with and @little_kotos_words tomorrow (Sat. August 26th at 8 pm EST). When I was in total confusion with the word [Cultural Appropriation] 5~6 years ago, I tried to read as many posts, articles, and books as possible, and they have been great educators to me. It is my first time listening to Emi-san’s talking, and I am sure it will be a good evening talk.

In this topic, there are many kinds of “opinions”. I believe you have seen the comment saying [Cultural Appropriation is Nonsense]. Wel, to be honest, when I was in Japan, I would have said the exact same thing: that it is nonsense to even think about “Culture being Appropriated”. Again, to be honest, I am still dragging the same mindset – and therefore I have my own statement about “Sashiko and Cultural Appropriation” – which pretty much state that “Don’t worry about it when you acknowledge the stories behind it”. In the ultimate summary, my message is “Don’t Worry about it if you are worried.

However, it doesn’t mean that the pain doesn’t exist. We cannot say there isn’t an issue from the side with privileges. Therefore, regardless of the belief we have, it is very important to listen to others. As it keeps coming up while I share Sashiko in English, please try to learn what they say as well. I will share my own thoughts & experiences when I talk in the same series.

*Before reacting here, please read/listen to what I write/say carefully instead of what you think I would write/say – I receive unnecessary “defense” from people who misunderstand me for accusing them of doing Sashiko… which I am not.


#Sashiko #刺し子


August 24, 2023 at 07:07PM

(From yesterdays’ post). According to their reply, they felt intimidated because of the gap (they feel) between what they can/cannot do & what they see. The amount of stitching we do didn’t encourage them to enjoy Sashiko as they defined it would be “impossible”.

Please be advised that this account was small back then. I wouldn’t get this kind of comment now. However, the point is NOT about “how influential this account is”. The point is that they didn’t know “Anyone can jump over the (small) gap and become like us” when they learn properly. 10~15 years ago, I was hopeless of the future of our Sashiko. After 10 years of struggling, I am now confident that I am hopeful of our Sashiko with numbers of (rising) Sashiko Artisans who learned Sashiko with/from me as. It is “us” who decide what Sashiko will be there 20~30 years later. By learning what we do & how we do, anyone can complete the amount of our stitching much faster – and our Sashiko will be simply a “goal” rather than something to be scared of. I am now confident to say this – Anyone can do it. All I need is “open-mindness” to something completely new to them.

The photo is by @sashiko.reisaian




写真は@sashiko.reisaian さんの作品です。

#Sashiko #刺し子


August 23, 2023 at 08:28PM

Before this account became this big, I used to receive quite a lot of “aggressive” comments here. I have one unforgettably confused comment saying “Your Stitching is intimidating”. It is NOT my words or replies that is intimidating. They said that the amount of our stitching is intimidating and aggressive. I received similar comments from several about 4~5 years ago. When one acknowledges the story of Sashiko, I encourage them to enjoy Sashiko as they wish. This comment, though, explained to me that there is a gap between the “Sashiko Trend” and the Sashiko we have been practicing.

“Experience” and “Time” is important to be able to stitch like we do – but it won’t take decades, or even years. They have to learn the “Form” of how to use the tool as if one would improve their cooking skill when they learn how to use the cooking tools. Unfortunately, this “Form” wasn’t well introduced for a long time – and it is now “you” who can choose the future of Sashiko – Do we want to have Sashiko Stitchers who can make this type/amount of Stitching? Or just put Sashiko as a quick hobby to make a small cloth (There is Nothing wrong with a quick hobby & making a small cloth. I am saying it is wrong to define based on only one aspect of the culture).

Culture “Changes”. However, there are so many who cannot stop themselves defending from something they imagine before learning. All I want is to preserve the Sashiko we practice. Unfortunately, Sashiko Teachers/Authors today in English probably won’t/don’t/can’t stitch this much… As a result, this ordinary stitching (for us) becomes intimidating to some of them. I sometimes feel my voice is way more “primitive (and simple)” than my understanding of Cultural Appropriation. It is disrespectful to define someone’s culture, pain, and “lives” without proper approach.

偶然か、あるいは流れに乗って下さっているのか、私が運針動画をあげると、他の方の運針動画も目に入ります。10年前は想像すらできなかった「運針が(家業の外に)広まること」を目の当たりにすることができて嬉しい限りです。相変わらず素敵な@na.na_45 さんの運針を是非ご覧ください。


#Sashiko #刺し子


August 23, 2023 at 08:28PM

Before this account became this big, I used to receive quite a lot of “aggressive” comments here. I have one unforgettably confused comment saying “Your Stitching is intimidating”. It is NOT my words or replies that is intimidating. They said that the amount of our stitching is intimidating and aggressive. I received similar comments from several about 4~5 years ago. When one acknowledges the story of Sashiko, I encourage them to enjoy Sashiko as they wish. This comment, though, explained to me that there is a gap between the “Sashiko Trend” and the Sashiko we have been practicing.

“Experience” and “Time” is important to be able to stitch like we do – but it won’t take decades, or even years. They have to learn the “Form” of how to use the tool as if one would improve their cooking skill when they learn how to use the cooking tools. Unfortunately, this “Form” wasn’t well introduced for a long time – and it is now “you” who can choose the future of Sashiko – Do we want to have Sashiko Stitchers who can make this type/amount of Stitching? Or just put Sashiko as a quick hobby to make a small cloth (There is Nothing wrong with a quick hobby & making a small cloth. I am saying it is wrong to define based on only one aspect of the culture).

Culture “Changes”. However, there are so many who cannot stop themselves defending from something they imagine before learning. All I want is to preserve the Sashiko we practice. Unfortunately, Sashiko Teachers/Authors today in English probably won’t/don’t/can’t stitch this much… As a result, this ordinary stitching (for us) becomes intimidating to some of them. I sometimes feel my voice is way more “primitive (and simple)” than my understanding of Cultural Appropriation. It is disrespectful to define someone’s culture, pain, and “lives” without proper approach.

偶然か、あるいは流れに乗って下さっているのか、私が運針動画をあげると、他の方の運針動画も目に入ります。10年前は想像すらできなかった「運針が(家業の外に)広まること」を目の当たりにすることができて嬉しい限りです。相変わらず素敵な@na.na_45 さんの運針を是非ご覧ください。


#Sashiko #刺し子


August 23, 2023 at 08:28PM

Before this account became this big, I used to receive quite a lot of “aggressive” comments here. I have one unforgettably confused comment saying “Your Stitching is intimidating”. It is NOT my words or replies that is intimidating. They said that the amount of our stitching is intimidating and aggressive. I received similar comments from several about 4~5 years ago. When one acknowledges the story of Sashiko, I encourage them to enjoy Sashiko as they wish. This comment, though, explained to me that there is a gap between the “Sashiko Trend” and the Sashiko we have been practicing.

“Experience” and “Time” is important to be able to stitch like we do – but it won’t take decades, or even years. They have to learn the “Form” of how to use the tool as if one would improve their cooking skill when they learn how to use the cooking tools. Unfortunately, this “Form” wasn’t well introduced for a long time – and it is now “you” who can choose the future of Sashiko – Do we want to have Sashiko Stitchers who can make this type/amount of Stitching? Or just put Sashiko as a quick hobby to make a small cloth (There is Nothing wrong with a quick hobby & making a small cloth. I am saying it is wrong to define based on only one aspect of the culture).

Culture “Changes”. However, there are so many who cannot stop themselves defending from something they imagine before learning. All I want is to preserve the Sashiko we practice. Unfortunately, Sashiko Teachers/Authors today in English probably won’t/don’t/can’t stitch this much… As a result, this ordinary stitching (for us) becomes intimidating to some of them. I sometimes feel my voice is way more “primitive (and simple)” than my understanding of Cultural Appropriation. It is disrespectful to define someone’s culture, pain, and “lives” without proper approach.

偶然か、あるいは流れに乗って下さっているのか、私が運針動画をあげると、他の方の運針動画も目に入ります。10年前は想像すらできなかった「運針が(家業の外に)広まること」を目の当たりにすることができて嬉しい限りです。相変わらず素敵な@na.na_45 さんの運針を是非ご覧ください。


#Sashiko #刺し子


August 21, 2023 at 08:31AM

Some misunderstand us for being “stubborn to the Change”. Some even “advise” me that I need to accept change in Sashiko. Well. Trust me. I am the one who tried the “changes” in Sashiko the most in this world. Color. Pattern. Application. Design – even mindset – I tried to change so that we can pass down this practice to the future. In fact, I have been trying.

“Change” is a process of making “it” different, or altering “it”. It means that there is a “form” before change toward a “form” after. Under this definition, I completely accept the change in Sashiko. When a person shouts for the “freedom of change” in Sashiko, I wonder how much of the “previous form” of Sashiko they is aware of. How can they “change” without even knowing what it was like before?

I am stubborn to identify the “upstream” of this culture – it doesn’t change itself. I am encouraging the world to change Sashiko (if they want to) by sharing Stories – Don’t be fooled by words of “traditional” and “changes”. Try to learn the upstream where it comes from, and you will find the “flow of the stories”.




#Sashiko #刺し子


August 17, 2023 at 08:10AM

I very much appreciate those who left positive reviews in Sashiko Workshops in the previous QuiltCons – thanks to them, I can offer it again. I also appreciate those who signed up for the coming-up workshop

It is an honor to revisit & offer Sashiko Workshop & Lecture at #QuiltCon2024. It looks like Sashiko Workshop (Core & Essence) are full for now (Thank you!), but please keep your name on the waiting list as the availability can change often in such a big event like QuiltCon. For 2023~2024, I decided to focus on my own stitching rather than teaching – so this is one of a few opportunities I teach in-Person. I hope to meet/see you there in Raleigh, NC.

I also received a fortune to offer a Lecture again. QuiltCon is a festival for Quilting & Quilters – and in relation to Sashiko, the most popular question is “What is the difference between Quilting and Sashiko”? I don’t think any Sashiko Teachers have come up with concrete answers to that as they aren’t really “different”. However, by studying what Sashiko is from a cultural perspective, there may be a big of “categorization” I can offer as “difference”. Acknowledging this difference will be a great bridge between Appropriation to Appreciation, and I hope that understanding another culture will enrich their Quilting Creation. Lecture is on Friday night… which may be the time for participants to “party”, but I hope to share an interesting hour there.

Big Thanks to @themqg for organizing this! I will start preparing workshop & lecture so that I can offer the “very best” for the moment.




#Sashiko #刺し子